Stop bullying Jas. Townsend. He just wants to cook old ass food and shill his catalog.
Stop bullying Jas. Townsend. He just wants to cook old ass food and shill his catalog
Never heard of her
delet this
is it true though?
Did you just assume xyr gender?
This video was unsettling. I've legit never seen him mad before. I felt like a kid getting grounded by my dad for something extremely shameful, like stealing
Getting sick of this nigga acting like Youtube comments aren't just a vocal minority of attention whoring shitposters. Needs to chill.
My nigga is just a little old-fashioned.
Back in the old days, when somebody wrote you a letter, that was a big deal. They had to go buy stamps and shit just to tell you what they thought of your stupid ass. It took dedication.
>Trump gets elected
>immediately make a ORANGE FOOL video
>gusy it was coincidental why I ever, im so mad right now :((((( how could people ever connect those 2 things and MAKE THINGS POLITICAL
Hope he uses an antique weapon to shoot himself.
>8 months is "immediately"
he's a cuck
Lmfao stay mad broflake
Dude gets drunk and beats his wife every night but can't handle some Youtube comments? What a bitch.
I just don't understand why youtubers and other types who make their money on social media get so personal about it. They can argue in the comments section just like anons shit on each other on Veeky Forums. But in a video you can make a simple statement like "that video wasn't political, the comments and attention the video got are misguided," etc. without all the self pity and theatrics. Yeah the internet is tough, but so is everything.
Everything is politicized, and that is not a bad thing. If you want to insulate yourself from it, don't go pulling anonymous comments.
Can I get a quick rundown on why he's mad and what happened?
Are SJW's mad at him for dressing up as a colonial settler or something?
He made a video about a dessert called the "Orange Fool". A lot of people assumed it was about Trump. People praised him in the comments about his 'political liberalism' or some such. /pol/ jumped the other way on it.
It wasn't about Trump, the dude wanted to shill his catalog.
Oh. I can see how people would think it was about trump but if you google orange fool you get nothing but food so people shouldn't have taken it the wrong way
/pol/ didn't do anything though, there's nobody getting angry at him for being a Trump hater just people happy that he's trying to be apolitical.
Just people implying that he's insulting the President due to the desert name and him saying he wanting to keep his videos and comments clean and politics free.
That's it really.
All the cancer comments were removed before the title change and the comment removal it was like 65% tumblrtard /r/politics tier liberalism making drumphf jokes and calling him brave and 35% alt lite butthurt
what exactly constitutes as "immediately" to you, I'm curious
/pol/ spilled their garbage somewhere totally inappropriate again
>Look mom I made a second thread about it on 4chin's slowest board
You're the one who needs to stop m8
It was so irrelevant recipe that he didnt make a video about it in the 8 years hes been on youtube.
Brain damage
You do realize this video is 8 months past the election..fucking idiot. Why can pol stay on it's own board
And if he made a video titles "niggers pie" 8months after borock obama was elected people would go "oh im sure these things are completely unrelated to each other"
It most certainly is a bad thing. Politics belongs on the news, places of government, the occasional back porch conversation, and in the polls. Get that shit out of literally everything else and we'll all benefit from it.
Every action affects everyone else in some way. You can't be an island, but you can choose not to actively request outside news.
There is a difference between the fact that everything causes ripples and the fact that I have been unable to turn on the television or browse Veeky Forums without people shouting cuck at each other and posting our great orange leader.
Not everything has to be only political all the time.
in a shilling over poor cooking video contest, who would win... Jack or James?
Jack has more integrity than this cuck.
>Run youtube where you roleplay being a white slave owner in the 18th century
>Have literal nigger slave roleplayer do cooking videos for you
>Somehow /pol/ thinks a video about a dessert is left wing propaganda
Get out.
>watch BBQ bull fuck your wife
>everybody, please, let's keep comments relevant to the video, I am just a man living my life
>Veeky Forums's hate boner for pol compels them to take his side
Whew, the ride never ends
fucking this.
Yea but the tubby slave guy is a gay.
next thing you're going to tell me is he's a jew
And people wonder why there's always a shitstorm when this is literally the modern left's thought patterns.
They always have to be drama queens, it drives clicks. Look at that faggot WranglerStar when he sold out and posted a "my bad" video that was a shit.
This never goes well, he should have just ignored it
It's literally fucking YouTube, I have seen videos of puppies over comment sections debating the legitimacy of the holocaust because there was a german shephard or something probably. Dude needs to chill
the guy has had it too good for too long. That his comment section contains something either than "more nutmeg (/ >_
There's already a thread for this you retarded FAGGOT
his videos are comfy as fuck and i have even made some of the stuff.
He made a video about George Washington's favorite dessert and called it "The Orange Fool, a Presidential Treat".
This made people made because they don't understand context.
What's the fuck up with his nutmeg obsession