Is this the most powerful cereal?
Is this the most powerful cereal?
Never really got the praise. You can add ground cinnamon to any cereal you want, so it's a boring flavor.
nah golden grams are better.
I eat kashi go lean because it has 12 grams of insoluble fiber.
Can some knowledgeable Veeky Forums fag tell me if ground up fiber from a bunch of different grains somehow makes the fiber inferior?
French Toast Crunch is objectively better, bromingo.
Golden grams arer really good at first, but after they get soggy they can go fuck themselves. Corn Pops are the most powerful.
All other answers are factually incorrect
This is my holy trinity
My negro
Life is superior to CTC.
That being said, the most powerful cereal is the grape nut.
golden grahams all day
then honey smacks
coming through
hold on im retarded
Hot or cold?
>hot grape nuts
No, might as well make oatmeal. It has half the table-life of cold grape nuts, and that's saying something.
It's okay if you have sensitive teeth, though. That cold crunch can bother you sometimes.
I'm a fan either way. The trick with hot grape nuts is you have to stop heating them as soon as their milk is warm so they retain some of their texture, and don't get all oatmealy.
Grape nuts poured on top of applesauce is also amazing.
>paying more for name brand garbage
>not sticking it to the man
>enjoying anything that isn't good for you
wrong. old corn pops were the most powerful. then the beetus scare hit and they changed the recipe. now it's shit.
When did they change the recipe? I haven't eaten them in a long years. Moved to Texas and ditched cereal for a taco machacado con huevo a la mexicana. no ragrets
maybe 7-8 years ago. been a while. the coating is completely different now and the texture is different as well. not the same
I pity the fool who doesn't eat this cereal.
>eating kibble
I don't even feed my pets kibble.
I don't see how it could be.
You are a fucking 5 year old if you like this shit
I however have been a gentleman my whole life and never enjoyed this. Cinnamon is great tho