Chicken Wing tips

Made some bomb ass wings but now i got the tips left

What should I do with them??? Don't really feel like making stock

speed fast in your car, past the local skid row and throw the refuse out of the car as fast as you can. never look back.

Pet food?

Chew on them raw until you get sick then vomit and shit yourself consecutively

should have known the cooking part of Veeky Forums would be full of autists

Your the one who doesn't wanna make stock bitch what do you want me say? They're useless like you feed them to your dog than kill you are self

your're re

guess ill make fucking stock then. i wanted to eat them like i do wings

Fry them until super crispy and eat them?

Why didn't you eat them? Fry them till crispy then start to carmelize a mix of fish sauce sugar garlic and Chiles in a pan until it becomes tacky and at the tips and toss until they're well coated.

i might oven bake them. thats how i did my wings anyways


You should definitely make stock.

Coat them with a nice jalapeno and garlic rub and then use them to tickle your prostate

ok but what do you add stock to usually?

Eat them then ya dingus
Or throw them in the trash and go buy a for me

Store bought stock to ensure the correct microorganisms are cultured accordingly.

Stock or fry them and toss in sauce and eat like the regular wings if that is what you wanted to do in the first place. How much are you into chewing skin and bone?

deep fry and eat them

there's meat on dem der bones

Soups and stews.

Why did you cut them off in the first place?

You add stock to food

you could probably add them to a sauce

>Veeky Forums
>not expecting autism

u wot m8