Things that make you go REEEEEEEEE Veeky Forums edition
Things that make you go REEEEEEEEE Veeky Forums edition
Fuck off normie.
You're not fitting in.
Normies who claim to LOVE food. Most of the normies I meet say they eat everything but they have never tried cashew based vegan cheese or they ate a stale apple and claim vegan food is bland.
Thankfully for you user I won't eat everything.... Cashew vegan cheese sounds like a rollercoaster of fun though
Ketchup on hot dogs
Sugar in tea or coffee
Not eating ice cream with a fork
>And for you and your family, our guide how to fit in Veeky Forums.
Keep autism in /pol/ faggot.
back to /pol/ you go
Anything vegan / vegetarian. Fuckin homos.
And pretentious food just gimme my food and let me eat I don't need a fucking leaf on top that I'm not gonna eat just so it looks good
>How do you fit in on Veeky Forums?
>It seems like one of the best communities so far