Al/ck/ anonymous

Here's to a weekend of sobriety!

I want to, but its so hard to face my annoying as fuck family while sober. Im living with extended family and its impossible to not drink. I had like 15 drinks last night.

This is my 69th weekend of sobriety

Does that mean we're going to be free of /r9k/ tier alky loser threads?

gj user, how long did it take before shit became easy? 1 month tomorrow for me.


You seem upset. Need a drink?

I stopped drinking during the week. But I need my beer during the weekend.

I don't drink personally.
Excessive alcohol consumption is degenerate.

Not long. I was ready to quit. To be honest, it was easy at that point. I flat out knew that I could not continue drinking or I was going to end up dead or in prison (cliche, but true). Don't get me wrong, I still think about it constantly, I just know exactly what will happen if I do it. It's an easy decision to make every day.

its a LOT easier when youre not alone. If you have a woman that doesnt drink with you, its easy at least for me. Now that im single again, I cant not drink. When you go out, people expect you to drink. People buy me drinks all the time and all I can do is accept. All I wanna do is have a qt girl to do stuff with and ditch all this degenerate shit.

Just finished a pretty decent breakfast. Unfortunately I have have to do 3 hours of dialysis today but just a cleanining and having fluids added. I'll make sure to drink lots of water and they'll give me a little pain pill

23 days sober, hopefully leaving the hospital soon

I hope he's just in the ER somewhere.

Gonna have to go to the store and sneak a beer to continue taper, just to be on the safe side, already had 1 beer about 5 hours ago but I don't think that will be enough

>blame other people for your drinking
>depending on a girl to keep you sober
Boy, I have news for you.....

I got a bad feeling Llewelyn

Well done m8. No permanent damage, I hope?

Me as well desu. The way he was going about it it all seems kind of inevitable. Even by alckie standards he's a madman.

oh im not blaming others on me drinking. i love drinking, thats the problem.

There's probably some permanent damage but exactly how much and how bad is impossible to say at this point.

Liver failure + kidney failure was the wake up call I needed. I loved drinking but I want to live a full happy life much more.

How much did you drink?

A fifth of whiskey every day for 10+ years

How did that? Did you go to work shitfaced every day? How did you live like that

Same for me but with cheap vodka.

Vodka and cigars all day eerday.

>tfw cut all ties with people because I'm an alcohol

>How did you live like that?

Neither happily not for long. I was found non-responsive on 6-15-17. Shortly after arrival at the the ER I aspirated on my own vomit and was barely saved from death. I was sedated and placed on a ventilator for 8 days. My parents and fiance were told to expect the worst.

Anyone else always end up buying coke/other drugs after a certain amount of drinks? The drinking itself isn't an issue, but I have to be careful about how much/ how quickly I drink or I'll end up spending £100+ on gear

I wouldn't usually seek it out, but if someone had some, absolutely.

sorta. there are times when im downtown and drunk and find myself trying to buy hard drugs. thankfully i never actually go through with it, but im in the bad areas and talking to bad people. its not good. just goes to show how fragile our "sobriety" really is

I get the craving for mdma (or e pills) a couple times a year, which often leads to me buying it from strangers at nightclubs and festivals. Bad habit I know, but have only gotten good deals so far. Only bad experience so far was with a pill which like mdma got me feeling weird and tripped out, but without any of the euphoria or energy. Not horrible, just disappointing.

if someone has it I can't saw now to coke or related drugs but I never seek them out on my own. Luckily my social circles aren't into that shit. Coke is so much fun but I absolutely hate myself the next day. It's not worth it but my brain doesn't see to care when it's available. A few years ago there was a month when I did coke every weekend for four weeks in a row and I got kinda scared, I've done it maybe twice since then. I've got an addictive personality and I know it would be easy for me to fall into a drug problem if I don't watch myself.

(same guy) I also live in the heart of Fentanyl country so avoiding hard drugs is probably the smartest thing I can do

>tfw liver is in a state of constant dull ache
>still pick up the bottle
Also I'm pretty sure I puked in my sleep last night.
Let's see if I can last longer than a day without drinking this time.

just had my work yearly health check today. the alcohol consumption part of the questionnaire had 0-4 options based on weekly intake. level 4 was around 1/4 of what I drink every week. I checked the 3 box.

"pretty sure"?

Well my bedsheet has a new orange-colored stain on it and I was eating pasta last night.
Also there was a big slimy blob of something on the floor right next to where my head was resting.
But I had also knocked over a can over coke in my sleep so I'm not entirely sure if I was just being a drunken slob or what

Op here

This thread was made before mine, gonna delete this one

You fucking drunk

I drank two 16 oz Budweiser's and a pint of rum last night. I stopped drinking around 1:00 am. I have a breathalyzer in my car and I need to go somewhere today, but I am scared I will get a violation on the stupid thing. How long should a wait, until I blow in the breathalyzer? Reeeeeeeeee

It sends your BAC to whom?

He's probably referring to an interlock device, they slap them into the cars of DUI offenders so they can't drive the car if they have any alcohol in their system at all.

>A pint of rum
You're probably below 0.08 but might still have a 0.01 or 0.02

drank yesterday and the day before. only beers, but they were 8.5% malt liquor cans. Somewhat of a hangover today but not too bad. Hopefully, and I'm waiting to see, I won't have any withdrawal symptoms. It's a risk because I've had them before, so it's easier to get withdrawals after only 2 days of drinking.

To a place called Smart Start and if I get another violation on the breathalyzer, I can lose my license

Buy a breathalyzer. They're not expensive.

sup fellow drun/ck/s

went to the local mental hospital where they have the addiction ward

ive been off work for a month due a month long bender with no real excuse. made up some bull shit. the doctors were super chill about it and made up a medical note due to me actually seeking treatment. my blood pressure/heart rate was sky high

they hooked me up with 70 mg of valium a day plus 6 pills of vitamin B to boost my immune system

its only been a few days and I feel great. I told them I bruise very easily, my cuts take forever to heal, I drink to make my stomach not hurt, no appetite whatsoever, im paranoid as fuck, shaky, isolate myself alone to drink. They said its all normal.

I have a follow up on Wednesday.

I also lost my car when I abandoned it on the side of the road and passed out on some dudes lawn.. got arrested that night.. the cops let me off when I told them I had a drinking problem. I was either going to the hospital or jail, or detox. They drove me to my family. The only reason I got off was because I wasn't violent with them

I got off so easy. My car got impounded though and I have no money to get it out.

Life could always be worse. Time for valium.

I don't think it sends it anywhere, the car just wont start

just imo tho

Sounds like you're in good hands.
Good luck.

It may be recorded and they check logs.

Don't drink with valium. It's a shitty mix for all the reasons. (Can drown in your puke, gives blackouts after very few drinks, you do the worst things during those blackouts, terribly addictive, you need the lowest benzo tolerance to stop booze with them, etc.)
Also, valium is for tapering, it's as addictive as alcohol, if not more, so don't stay at 70mg per day forever. It's a high dose, I think it's close to what they gave me when I was drinking a 75cl bottle of vodka per day, but they lowered the dose after a day or two and I had none after a week. (In hospital, my outpatient rehab were too long ago to remember. Also they offered to still give me 10mg/day after the first week to ease the fear of hospitals and anxiety, but I refused.)
It can be a good idea to have valium around when sober, when you feel you really need a drink it's better to pop a valium than to get a bottle. Or not, if you're the kind to get addicted to them if you have benzo around.

Congrats on getting help, you found the right place. It's a bit weird to go to the mental hospital, but it's better than church or whatever AA group that can't prescribe valium.

saged because