ITT: Ice Cream making

So I got this ice cream maker for my birthday and I have only made one batch of vanilla custard.

Recipe used:

Does anyone have any tips or tricks for making ice cream? My ice cream had a chalky aftertaste even though the custard was a textbook custard and I let it cool. It felt really buttery though and smooth. Overall it was amazing.

Are vanilla bean pods worth it though? Does anyone have good ideas for flavors and things to add?

Ice cream churning

You can make ice cream without a machine by whipping up some heavy cream, folding in sweetened condensed milk, amd freezing it. It works really surprisingly well.

Don't make mint flavor with real mint leaves. I tried it and it just tasted way too herby.

I saw a recipe with fresh mint and lemon ice cream that looked really good, maybe the lemon will balance it

Would putting pureed mango into an ice cream recipe water it down too much? Would I be better off partially dehydrating the mango puree first?

Maybe add sugar and make a thick syrup instead. Adding some more dehydrated chunks is probably fine too.

Try this recipe
8 egg yolks
2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup sugar
2tbsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt

Mix everything but the vanilla and cook as normal cool then add vanilla before churning

Missed this post. When I add fruit to my ice creams I sugar then roast half the fruit and blend, strain and reduce the juice if the other half

How much does this make? I only have a 1.5 qt ice cream maker

This should make about a quart give or take a couple ounces in consideration of how much air your machine mixes in.

Look up sherbet recipes.
Replace the milk for cream if you really want the fat.

doesnt give you the right texture, you need to agitate the mixture as it cools for smaller ice crystals and smooth texture.

I did this and it worked fine for me, just straight pureed mango

You'd be surprised. You clearly never actually tried it.

>You'd be surprised.
to defy science?

You would be surprised if you actually did it properly

Amazing how so many on this board read that there's one and only one way to do a thing, then just accept it as gospel and never try anything else. I tried it, and it works. Now I can make my own ice cream without buying a special machine.

>why do people only want to do things one way what the fuck?
>btw im not going to try what you and science suggest because I have my way of doing it


I'd rather pay for a machine and do it right than to pay for another machine to do it in such a way that produces something mediocre.

I've had ice cream made with machines, it's not that rare. Comparing that ice cream to my ice cream is how I know that the method works.

>pay for another machine
What other machine? A whisk?

Even with a large bowl and a balloon whisk I can't get hard peaks with heavy cream maybe you can though.

Tbh I used an electric mixer but that's something most people already have for a variety of applications.

Like a kitchen aid or a hand mixer?

Hand mixer.

Ah well then. Had you said kitchen aid there's 2 ways you can make ice cream using that close to the 'normal' way

If you have access to liquid nitrogen, make it with that. It's pretty fun.

Here's a pic of some white chocolate raspberry I made the other day.

Ask an ice cream parlor owner anything

Simple recipe
1 cup liquer
2/3 cup icing sugar
Vanilla if required
1 and a half cups of milk and whipping cream (1 1/2 each)

1 pint for breakfast equals a special kind of wasted

What da fug

if you've never tried it, how do you knwo this guy's way of making ice cream isn't any good?

Because I make my living on making and selling ice cream and frozen desserts.

So you have a financial incentive to stop people from realizing they can make your product at home for a fraction of the price with no specialized equipment


4oz white chocolate
2oz coconut oil
8oz raspberries
1.5c milk
1c cream
3/4c sugar
1tsp stabilizer(optional)

blend raspberries and strain out seeds if desired, cook in a heavy bottom pot until it thickens up a bit
blend milk and sugar, add milk and sugar mixture to raspberries, add cream to raspberries, cook until 160-165F and hold for 5-10 minutes at that temperature. Chill mixture 4-6 hours or overnight then churn. While churning melt the white chocolate and coconut oil in the microwave in 10 second intervals, stirring in between each heating.

5 minutes before the ice cream is to come out pour the white chocolate mixture into the churner with the ice cream OR pour over after it's out of the churner and fold in.
Freeze overnight

No because whipped cream and condensed milk isn't really ice cream, it's frozen whipped cream and condensed milk. I'm sure it can be tasty but it's not really ice cream.