The Beef

Who has better burger beef, McDonalds or Burger King?

Who the fuck knows? none of us are eating that shit plain, uncooked
McDoubles as a whole are obviously better than any counterpart at BK though

The correct answer is Wendy's.

Picanha burguer - BK Brazil

I prefer Burger King's beef. The whole flame broiled thing works for me.

Plus their coupon app works so much better than McD's.

For me, it's the McChicken

But McDonalds uses limp pickles while BK uses chunker pickles

but BK douses their burger in shitty fake smoke flavor

This is true. It comes in bland white plastic bags that weigh about 75 pounds each.

haven't eaten either for a while now, but I have better memories from BK than from McD

BK tastes better, but the niggers ruin it

McDonalds is pretty dark too, but at least they can read your order because they make it idiot proof

Gift us the story of memory you have

C'mon. At least be honest. BK cooks their shitty beef patties over a flame, while McDonald's cooks their shitty patties in a giant plastic microwave cabinet. I know. I've worked at both locations.

BK may cook over a flame, but it tastes bad. It tastes like they are trying to trick you into thinking it was cooked over a flame, they are trying too hard. McDonalds are hardly even burgers but they surely taste better than BK which are just the worst burgers you can find

BK by a long shot

Both chains use 100 percent ground beef
The only difference is they also cover them in tons of salt and preserves

>BK may cook over a flame
>they are trying to trick you into thinking it was cooked over a flame

McDonald's PR needs to leave this subreddit.

>Both chains use 100 percent ground beef

McShitnald's patties are like 50% ammonia solution. The BK corporation has never once entertained the idea of purchasing these same vile products.

Bizarre. The 'groids tend to congregate at McDonalds where I live and hence also work there more often than BK. I prefer BK for this reason, though will always go to Wendy's for my burger fix regardless.

BK used a broiling device. A chainmail conveyor carries the burgers through a sort of convection oven.

McDonalds sure sold its soul to black people, eh? Whose brilliant idea was that.

Both are absolute dogshit

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Their broilers use gas-powered flames. Their burgers actually are cooked over fire.

you, if you go to the store and buy ground beef...

they're literally better than any burger YOU'VE ever made, that's for fucking sure.

it's not as if they're not literally 100% beef.

>McDonald's cooks their shitty patties in a giant plastic microwave cabinet.
What third-world country are you from? We cook out patties on a grill.

you literally use the word "literally" too much

>those thin as fuck pattys
why are ameripoors so pathetic?

It's so they cook quick enough to be called fast food. They throw them on the griddle frozen and like 1 minute per side and it's done. If they instead used normal thickness patties, they would take longer to cook (like 5 guys time length) and every one would complain and they'd not be able to serve their millions of customers a day or whatever it is.

at least we have food

That's debatable.

Why are europoors unable to plural nouns?

You should learn how verbs work, Shartacus.


The best paper burger in the world



>Americans so desperate to sound "cool" they change the "s" to a zed

Burger King tastes better, McDonalds is cheaper

>given the English language rules, "ghoti" could be pronounced as "fish"

That's just simply untrue.

The McDonalds patties are grilled on both sides using a clam style grill.

after that they go directly on the sandwich or go into a cabinet that keeps them hot for 15 minutes. After that, they get wasted.

Blacks work at my BKs. Haven't had an issue yet.


Damn, the McChicken threads were actual viral marketing and not just a meme after all.
Fuck off

BK patties are nightmare fuel.