"I get lots of excersice. I walk around all day at work."
Funny shit fat people say
>something something metabolism
>n-no calories in calories out totally isn't how it works
Pic related or "thyroid issue"
>and a diet coke
Muh biological sex is a social construct but muh weight is genetic.
>tfw dropped ~70 lbs over first two years of college just because of how much I had to walk between classes.
>I don't like water. It has no flavor.
>"I'm not fat, I'm just big boned"
smoking cigarettes is the best option for fatties
You must have been one fat fuck
>I don't actually eat that much.
walking used up the time you would have normally been spending stuffing your fat fucking mouth that's why
This is something a lot of people don't realize. A lot of exercises don't burn that many calories, it's more about doing something that isn't eating.
i mean, you can not eat much and still be fat if you're a lazy fuck
If you are fat as fuck and dont walk than yes, when you start walking you will lose weight. Im talking about adults who have been working for years andbhave been fat the whole time and think that walking around is excersice. Im sure you will find that that level of activity is not only no longer causing you to lose weight but isnt strenuous at all. Why does this shit always need to be spelled out. Fuck you people are stupid.
You literally cannot.
Are they making foie gras
Meh, it depends. If you only ate very calorie dense foods and never got off your ass...
Then that's no longer "not eating much".
Eh, ~240 at the start. 6'2"
No reason to be rude, faggot.
>I love you
Top kek
Jesus fucking christ fat people need to be exterminated for the greater good.
I guess
You said something retarded. Its a good enough reason.
I just said a fact, facts aren't retarded.
No, that isn't how it works. If that was true then every crippled person would be fat as fuck.
It was a fact intended to disprove my original post which it failed to do. You're right. Facts arent retarded, you are.
>It was a fact intended to disprove my original post
Girls, girls. Please take it to Facebook. We're here to laugh at fat people.
Op: walking is not excersice
user: but i lost weight walking
"healthy food is too expensive"
I think doing stimulant drugs like crystal meth will make you lose weight rapidly since you ar enever hungry
Can confirm. Adderall was original marketed as a weight loss drug. Many times I've forgotten to eat because I didn't feel hungry. Also sometimes I struggle to finish eating what I'd already consider smaller than my normal portions.
>pay for my healthcare
I don't know about the obese americans, but the fat/semi fat people I know accept the fact they are fat and use self deprecating humour and are bros to hang out with.
That's because fat men are very different from fat women.
I fucking lost.
>I'm stronger than all these twink nu-males who work for apple because I have a real job putting groceries into bags
I actually do walk a lot at work, especially at Christmas time.
I weigh about 300 pounds