Wtf this picture

wtf this picture

Turn 720ยบ and moonwalk out the door.

it's what it says

read the fucking texts

doesnt make sense vegetables dont breakdown in stomach?

If you're such a fatty that you're eating to feel absolutely full every meal it might make sense

it's not a photograph, it's an illustration

but what is it trying to say vegetables are bad?

Leftycuck propaganda

>plant based foods
>lean and satisfied
Then why are predators always lean and fast
and many herbivores fat and slow?

yeah, all those fat and slow herbivores

>specifically said many, as in: not all
>broccoli brain still reads it as "all"
I wouldn't have expected anything different from your kind.

Why don't you go slap a hippo and outrun it, mate?

>potatoes, rice, beans, fruits & veggies have more water in them than the other foods, thereby taking up more space in the stomach
I know water is good for you but if you added a bunch of water to any of the other foods would they also suddenly keep you lean and satisfied?

Wish more vegans would just support lab-grown meat instead of trying to convert everyone like religious proselytizers.

Alright, as long as you slap a jaguar and outrun it too. Should be easy with your lean lettuce legs.

yeah except potatoes/rice stay in there for all of fifteen minutes.

But I'm not the one making blanket statements about herbivores like a retard. I know jaguars and hippos are both faster than me.
I also know modern cows are the result of careful breeding.

>Blanket statements
No blanket statements here, they're simple facts. If your only counter is that no human, meat eater or otherwise, could probably outrun an angry hippo (3 times our size) only shows that you have salad for brains.

Predators are generally smarter animals too. I suggest picking up some meat every now and then.

Oh look, this herbivore here is literally named after the deadly sin of lazyness. I'd slap it.

You'd have to wait until it came out of its tree to poop

Or to swim in poop, from some of the stories I've heard.
I would not touch a wild sloth.

>Drowns everything in olive oil

It would help yes, but the water would pass your guts much faster then the bound water in potatoes etc.

I'm pretty sure if I get some veggies, grains and meat, I'll have the calories and nutrients I need, feel satisfied and not gorge on anything based on how full I feel, so that shout keep me lean.

Why choose when you don't have to?

nice stealth ramsay thred user, it appears to have gotten past the mods radar


>being prey
>not being an apex predator

I would eat vegans.

Lab-grown meat the incredibly expensive alternative to a balanced diet! look for it at your local whole foods in 15 years!

>eat vegans
>"apex" predator

No, an APEX predator would be the predator eating the predators who prey on the vegans, you fucking RETARD. Good Lord, have some respect for basic fucking biology.

If I had a button that would kill every single meat-eater on earth including the animals, I'd press it twice.

Or you can just stop eating even if your stomach doesn't feel full.

Fucking americans i swear.

But you're helpless, powerless and stuck here like the rest of us.

poor baby, reality is too mean for you :((

ohh nooooo you have to go to the dentiiisttt, i hatttte youuu godddd :(((( fuckk youu goddd ohhhhh it hurts a so baddddd ohhhhhhhhh noooooo

Not him, but you did make a massive blanket statement and should probably apologise, go to bed early, dwell on it, lurk more and then come back a far more rounded and sensible poster. Or kill yourself and save your family further shame.

except fat absorbtion is extremely limited and even if you eat a whole stomach of oil at once, you will only digest a few spoonfulls worth of it, and shit the rest, while sugar is assimilated at 100%

I like that picture

This thread is hilarious, no one even responded to OPs question. And I won't either.

Honestly that graph is retarded, but it is partially true. Plants have less calories so it you can eat more of it.

it's a classic example of posting a more interesting image than the OP

Antinatalism is a sound philosophy.

The lack of meat in your diet must be frying your brain. The second button press would do nothing. :^) Not even prove a point because there would be no one around who cared.

can I have this picture without the pretentious quote?

>that pic
Except your body realizes when it's got tons of fat/oil in it. There's a reason you feel sick after eating too much fried food.

go ahead and save it
it's all yours :)

You're more likely to survive slapping a jaguar than a hippo

predators are lean and fast so they can eat meat, not the other way around dumbass

wouldn't that just bring them back to life?


I went to a restaurant once with mandatory coat check.

I will never go again. It's a fucking disaster of a meme. "English pub" my arse.

>Lab-grown meat the incredibly expensive
It's expensive right now because it's a new technology, but it's a lot cheaper now than it was at first. It was like $300k to make the first burger but it's about $10 now.

>alternative to a balanced diet!
What? Why wouldn't it be able to be included in a balanced diet? That's entirely irrelevant, and wrong. Unless you're just trying to push a vegan lifestyle, whereas I'm thinking of animal welfare.

>broccoli brain

Fuck you, stop insulting broccoli

>hippos are herbivores
>hippos are slow
You're a bit soft in the head, aren't you, user?

>insects are made out of meat
>vegfags swallow more meat than cock

I would not go back to a restaurant that told me "no" about anything inconsequential like that. Period.

Is there any truth to this image? I always feel weak and hungry again an hour after eating a salad, yet a cheese burger would fill me for a day.

"Oh, I guess you don't want my money."
Walk out.

You just answered your own question

It's true that you can eat more of food that's lower in calories and fill your stomach, but there's more to feeling satiated than just how much is in there. Try filling your stomach with water when you're hungry and it'll make you feel sick. You need a certain amount of fat and protein too, and vegetables are lower in protein and mostly water. Foods don't all digest at the same speed either, meat products take longer to break down.

There's some truth but it's used misleadingly for an agenda.

I've never spent a day with a fat person who didn't take at least 30% of their calories as fat.

Per calorie, most salads are way more than 30% fat. You need to make your own shitty salad for it to be low calorie.

>broccoli brain



ESL, or is something wrong with your brain?

"CALORIE DENSITY" gives you a pretty good hint.

This. Hippos are fucking monsters.

Top Fucking Kek

I've been doing this for 2 days now and my trips to the bathroom have become quite the adventure.


in during put me in the screenshot

Add me too so you can have a memeception.

I tried this and my shits were coarse, and rough, and they went everywhere.

get this vegan propaganda the fuck out of here i would rather die than go vegan

Image is dishonest.
Glucose breaks down EXTREMELY fast. Your saliva starts shredding it before you even swallow.

Meat takes longer to digest. Fats get absorbed straightup.

Complex carbs like long-charge, multi-branching starches, like potatoes and beans, are the best because they must ferment and be "unpacked" in your gut to make their calories accessible to your metabolism.

Ideally, avoid simple sugars, eat enough protein to keep your muscle mass up, then eat mostly complex carbs.

So a cheeseburger without the bun is good. Have a side of beans or a medium potato with it and see how you feel. I bet if you eat a bunless burger with a southwest bean salad on the side, you'd be good for hours.

>Complex carbs like long-charge, multi-branching starches, like potatoes and beans
Long CHAIN, not long charge.

And to elaborate, breads, pastas, fruits, etc, should only be eaten in moderation. They are all short little glucose chains. High calories in accessible packages, which is why we love them so much. Eating all the figs on a fig tree if you were lucky enough to find it in season was an evolutionary advantage to early humans compared to eating the same herbs and roots and red meat you ate the other 11 months out of the year.

Paleofags are retarded. Do not trust the paleo diet.
However, by accident, the paleo diet is a pretty decent guideline for eating healthy. Avoid processed shit and simple sugars. Easy.

If you really wanna feel full on fewer calories, try like a BLT without a wrap or a bun. Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, using big-leaf lettuce as the wrap. Remember the mayo.

Scrambled eggs with some black beans and salsa or cheese will do the trick as well.

Try some dishes like this and over time you'll develop an intuition for this kind of eating. I lost like 60lbs doing it and shaved $75/mo off my grocery bill.

>Paleofags are retarded. Do not trust the paleo diet.
>However, by accident, the paleo diet is a pretty decent guideline for eating healthy.
I don't get it. What's so wrong about the diet, then?

Whole grains and especially legumes are worthwhile. Bean consumption is very strongly associated with lower incidence of all-cause mortality. So-called "anti-nutrients" prevent butt cancer.

the idea that we should eat less processed food, and more whole-foods with a high proportion of vegetables is really good basic nutrition guidelines.

Eat food
not too much
mostly plants

>However, by accident, the paleo diet is a pretty decent guideline for eating healthy.
No, no it's not. At all. In any way.

The idea of avoiding processed food is a very good thing.


Plants have basically no nutrition or calories in them, so you have to eat a shitload more, which makes you feel full.

>Plants have basically no nutrition
>or calories in them

Almost all vitamins and minerals that keep you alive can be found in vegetables, and in much higher proportion compared to other types of food.

>Almost all vitamins and minerals that keep you alive can be found in vegetables

>>and in much higher proportion compared to other types of food.

garbage for idiot with no discipline

>fuck vegan, go beachin
top kek

Never post an image more interesting than your thread.


I would draw my concealed carry and defend myself and my property


No, it's a religious belief with nothing but faith and fear to back it up.

If stuff is taken out of food, that stuff is no longer in the food. Most "processing" is sifting out parts of food that worth eating.

I've seen the episode. The wife is the typical moron that does everything wrong and then tells every body "I don't do this for a living" instead of apologizing and learning from her errors.

I assume she acts like this because she is wife of the owner and is appalled that she has to do any real work.

So kys

>one has to chase their food
>the other doesn't

not vegan but come on dude. also hippos are omnivores

is this a fucking star wars reference

>get this vegan propaganda the fuck out of here i would rather die than go vegan
how the fuck has the meat and dairy industry brainwashed you so heavily

Useful idiots like you make the world the shithole it is today

Your life must be pretty shit then :(

did someone say SAND?

ITT: brainlets

>much higher proportion compared to other types of food
Ah, yes, that explains why vegans/vegetarians are always eating 6lbs of one specific plant.
It's definitely not for the calories, I'll tell you that.

Lack of carnivores controlling the populations would be disastrous for the ecosystems and would lead to mass death.

Classic blunder, OP.