Rate my dinner pliz
Rate my dinner pliz
And post what you eating today
Is that fucking cabbage and tomato soup?
I just made gwoomkis (spelling) the other night
it's bad
golabki, good stuff.
Looks tasty
Well hello my muh heritage friend. You mean gołąbki (pronounced like gowumpki, though). I know it as töltött káposzta.
What do AmeriPoles fill theirs with? Mine are just pork loaf, mushrooms, cream, pepper, the white part of the cabbage and dill. I serve them either in mushroom gravy, pork-and-allspice gravy or pork-and-paprika gravy, in order of most to least common.
>using the white leaves to wrap
Why not the dark? They're better for wrapping, IMO, because they're bigger and are also less prone to tear.
Looks pretty damn good.
looks good, made some a couple months ago and hit the polish market for pierogi
Give me your recipe please
Я дyмaю ты имeннo "Golubtsi"
I tried to make cabbage rolls a while back and they didn't turn out. How do you do yours?
damn do i love cabbage rolls and i'm not hating, but those look like some sheep intestine condoms
if i came over and you served that id be very pleased, any sides though?
i made a curry with thin pork butt, hen of the woods and taro. sideways phone poster i am scum