What's your favorite cut of steak? I've been obsessed with it lately and want to try some new things. I think I like NY strip the most at the moment.
What's your favorite cut of steak? I've been obsessed with it lately and want to try some new things...
NY strip is my favorite also. I don't like chewing fat and any meat that is too fatty so that's why strip is my favorite.
I've developed a fondness for flat iron recently
My go-to is a medium rare, bone-in ribeye
Does the bone add anything? I find cuts with bones to be a bit annoying, having a component you have to constantly work around
I'm hardly a professional chef but bone-in cuts seem to taste better. Could be a placebo. I like taking the bone and gnawing the meat off it too, there's something viscerally satisfying about it.
>What's your favorite cut of steak?
Whatever is on sale.
t. grad school poorfag
Not placebo, bone-in not only makes meat tastes better but it makes it more juicy. That being said, I agree with also. Bone-in is annoying so I tend to go boneless
skirt steak
Probably ribeye or t-bone somewhere in the neighborhood of medium-rare to medium
Yeah man. I usually go through the "discount" fresh meats (sell by date is within 48 hours) at my local Albertsons. I have gotten some awesome deals. The best ever was some organic grass fed angus beef ribeyes for 4.00 each (regularly 16.00 lb, but with a 4.00 "managers special" sticker on both 1/2 lb steaks). The Mrs and I were stoked. Normally it's just regular steaks (chuck round) for about 2.00 each with each being about 1lb. I won't complain though. It's much cheaper than buying at regular price, and since we're both grad students, it's nice to be able to have a steak dinner once a week relatively cheap.
Same. My go to is the discount bin sirloins. Not a bad cut of meat if you know how to cook it properly. Also cheap as fuck.
>Go to butcher. Store has porterhouse steaks on sale for $9.99. woman in front of me buys 2 filets for 12.99 a pound so like $20 total.
>She could have had twice the steak
hanger steak
Chuck eye is cheap as fuck and if you cook it medium well then its no different than ribeye IME.
Salisbury steak, with a nice thick brown gravy.
Porterhouse is subpar compared to fillet though.
This. I used to be a NY strip man when I was younger but I started to appreciate the flavor that the fat of the ribeye brings once I got closer to 30
Filet comes with a porterhouse you dingus. A porterhouse is the fillet and a Tbone. It might of been slightly less filet, but at that price it's worth it.
my ninja!
ribeye, denver and bavette.
One side is the tenderloin, the other is a NY strip. A porterhouse and a T-bone are actually the same cut, porterhouse just has a larger piece of tenderloin on it compared to a T-bone.
Recommendations for cheap steaks for meal prep? Just going to throw it into tupperware with rice, beans, cheese, and pico (like "Chipotle" bowls)
But I hate spending $7/lb... Is the cheap stuff for stews/roasts ok for meal prep?
You should find a mexican market and buy a big piece of "carne asada meat". I have a few near me and they always have a huge slab of this stuff for cheap. I couldn't even tell you what it is exactly because they just call it carne asada.
Likely inside skirt steak. Fantastic marinated and grilled
Strip Steaks are the literal only correct answer. Don't get the memes that your local supermarket has, though. Make sure you get one that is cut fairly thick from a butcher. The fat strip (when properly rendered in the pan) makes the strip steak the most delicious of the steaks. Debate me.
I'm in grad school too and for the first time in my life I'm seriously budgeting. Problem is, I'm in one of the wealthier areas and can't find a cheap grocery store for shit. I'm going vegan just to save money. Straight up beans, rice, potato are my staples now. Doesn't help that I used to bodybuild and am trying to at least maintain my physique
Filet Mignon of course
ribeye is the best cut but you have to be careful when buying it tho because some stores seem to try to sell the fattest fucking cut you have ever seen. I bought a whole ribeye from Kroger a few months back and it looked pretty damn good in the vacuum sealed wrapper, get it home cut it open and I swear to you it was like 60% fucking fat, I was pretty pissed having spent eighty bucks on a huge chunk of beef lard.
uncultured swine detected
If we're talking all time favorite it's easily a tomahawk ribeye
Filet mignon....but apparently liking this cut for the past few years is considered "white trash with money".......
if you are spending that much on a piece of meat, why wouldn't you just go to a butcher?
Sirloins can be fucking delicious, just gotta let it rest before and after cooking and season it like a motherfucker.
In Australia the porterhouse is just the strip. T-bone is always porterhouse on one side, fillet on the other.
Bone-on strip, aka KC strip. Nice and thick.
Hard to find though
Flank followed closely by sirloin
The bone keeps the meat from warping during cooking and also acts as a radiator ensuring even cooking and hot flesh when eating it
This. Beefy as fuark.
I like the Port-or-house cut myself. Nice compromise. The thicker the better
An untrimmed rib roast naturally has a 1-2 inch fat cap dude. Nobody's scamming you. That's how the store bought it from the supplier. The difference is you pay a little bit more per pound to have someone behind the counter trim it up. If you or anyone you know has a grinder save those scraps for delicious ham-boogers
I think its crazy that skirts are so cheap and undesirable to most. There's less of that cut in a steer than tenderloin but this old butcher I worked with called it "Mexican shit" and would cut it off the carcass for hamburger.
If you're a 20-something girl it is. Fat gives food flavor.
Beef ribs are dirt cheap and one of the tastiest cuts due to the collagen content. Bulky but easy to prep since you just guide a knife along the bone. Cube steaks are also cheap and easy.. Like frying a burger. Mock tenders and any sirloin cut is cheap here. Also consider buying whole roasts and do your own cutting if you got the kit. You save a little money and get satisfaction out of making your own cuts and having a slab of meat in the fridge
You can suck on a 16 penny framing nail and get the same taste and nutritional content. Tenderloin is for kids and women.
I second this.
I want to say something other than ribeye, but it's ribeye.
NY strip also very high on the list.
I made some steaks yesterday.
Your possessions look like you're living in a permanently staged home for sale.
What are the best steaks for a poorfag? How would you prepare them?
where do u live? skirt steak is fucking expensive here now because of hipsters. shits like 13 dollars a pound
Not at Hispanic markets in the US
The flavor of ribeye really is something else. It's got just the right amount of fat and really makes my mouth water.
Cheapest cuts around me are sirloin which run $3-5lb depending on the store and sale. Sear on cast iron with garlic butter. Can marinate them if you want
the memest cut of them all
I don't think you can do better than a rare porterhouse. I neverunderstood the ribeye meme, I work in meat and have eaten quite a few in my time and although it's tasty I find that there's too much gristle and it makes the eating experience unpleasant. I think the last one I had was old because it had that "old hamburger" taste/smell.
I'm also a big fan of flank, some of the best steak I ever had was rare flank in a brazilian steakhouse
NY Strip to me is best price:marbling:weight ratio. Salt pepper bay and red pepper flake in sous vide 129F for 2hrs for 2" thick, sear at 800F. Ish cash.
OP that's overcooked. Why ruin a good steak hurr
Mah nigga.
Too bad it's pretty much impossible to find around here.
H-h-h-how did I do Veeky Forums?
Dutchfag here, bullet steak is basically the best we can get here at a relatively normal price. Also, they are so thin that basically anything over 2 minutes in the pan turns into well done.
A restaurant near me just opened and are offering discount steaks, like hanger, at a discount price, naming then as "butcher's steak", should I go for it Veeky Forums?