ITT: Sourest candy
ITT: Sourest candy
Pica limon. Regular Limon is probably more sour, but pica limon is my favorite.
Every time someone posts about these my mouth puckers
I always want to try sour candy. I mean good sour candy.
Where I live they play it too safe, I go to random candy stores and ask If I can taste the most sour candy and it's like really sweet with a hint of sour. I occasionally find something good. The best thing was a "trick gum" that was really sour but I ended up buying them for myself, eating the sour exterior and spitting out the rest.
Black cherry is the best
sour patch kids, case CLOSED
pure citric acid
these are OK but the sour is short lived and they have a metallic tang after taste
Pic related is not the MOST sour, but pretty goat, and cheap as fuck
forgot my fucking picture
reading this thread my mouth feels uncomfortable
>posts warheads
>not pic related
How to enjoy a chemical burn
>and they have a metallic tang after taste
that's the blood
Yup I start getting flashbacks to when I burned all the skin off my tongue eating them
I remember the gumball being so fucking sour.
Is there any with ammonium chloride and/or capsaicin?
Man, I ate a whole bunch of those multiple times as a kid, and that freaked me the fuck out the first time my tongue skin started sloughing off a few days after.
I used to find Warheads almost unbearably sour. I don't know if they changed the formula or all that tongue burning damaged my tongue, but they seem rather pathetic now.
you just gave me highschool nostalgia
>or all that tongue burning damaged my tongue, but they seem rather pathetic now
I know what you mean, I think it's that we get used to it like spicy food and also that we become less sensitive to sour flavors as we get older
Where can I buy this?
The sour sugar at bottom of bag of sour skittles will eat a hole in your tounge happen to me
True story, kid in my middle school ate atomic warheads every day, sucking on them for hours. He ended up losing all the enamel on all his teeth. They looked like baby teeth with gaps on all sides. He can't eat anything acidic ever again.
I went to his house before and his parents are those toys=love types and they had a full drawer just crammed full of candy. Get this, even after he fucked up his teeth for life.
Kinda ruined the fun of ultra sour candy for me.
I once ate an entire bottle of those things when I was a kid and could not taste for about 2 days. It was bretty gud though.
They changed these a lot since I had them when I was younger. They taste a lot worse now. I understand you might make the argument that its my tastes changing and not the candy, but if you look at this:
You'll see the original shape. The ones nowadays are basically spherical, which supports my theory that the candy has changed.
why does this cause my tongue to hurt so bad but I cant stop
Because the sour flavoring is acidic. You get the same thing from eating too much pineapple or lemon.
move out of the way.
Oh shit that just brought me back to elementary school summer days waiting for the ice cream truck in the afternoons
Actually yeah and they're not that bad
l-cartnitine tartrate crystals
I remember breaking those open and swigging the entire juice down at once. Always a fun experience.
I win.
malic is better
too bad you can't find these anywhere nowadays
Holy shit, this is bringing back so many great memories of being in the car with my dad.
Fuck, man. Thanks for that, user. Made my night.
Holy fuck, where can I find these again?
The worst part is that you can't buy them online anymore either
How bad do you really want them?
Only 2 on ebay
Or if you're a go big or go home kind of person
This is true. Warheads have changed quite a bit. Not only the size and shape of them, but also the taste. Once all of the sour is sucked off, the sweet taste is significantly worse.
makes my mouth water after all these years.
jesus did he eventually off himself or what
>tfw you will never have early 2000's warheads ever again
holy fuck i loved these so much. too much. i carried them around in my pocket in middle school. thought i was so cool.
these were my fucking favorite.
They bought one of these on good mythical morning and it was just one congealed nasty mass in a corner of the tin.
These were the shit back in school. I burnt my tongue so bad bits fell off it. Same sorta damage as the time I used neat TCP to gargle on ulcers
My brother ate so many in a day that a layer of his tongue peeled off. Shit was fucked up
I was never a big fan of sour candy in general, but whenever I went to the movies as a kid I would destroy my tongue on those huge boxes of Sweet Tarts. I'd usually have to force myself to stop and take half the box home.