What youtube channels are you subscribed to Veeky Forums?
What youtube channels are you subscribed to Veeky Forums?
>A cow fellating a cookies and cream spewing silver dick
What a wonderful channel and I'm sure the quality of her recipes and cooking is top notch.
ericsurfe6: white middle aged california surfer and magician who has lived in japan for several decades tries local restaurants and sometimes gorges on convenience store food
Cereal Time: 3 minute videos about cereal. Goes over history of cereals and finds old ones to review too
Kinoshita Yuka, obvioulsy
that woman in the 2nd video is vile
Yea, fuck off.
literally the only good food related youtube channel
>Potstickers tasty!
Anyone who describes something as "tasty" is either a woman or a retard
This guy has some great tips.