Products you boycott
Products you boycott
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Anything israeli owned. Got to hit the kikes where it hurts.
Coke's marketing revolves entirely around driving home the idea that they're an essential part of your life in a bout of circular reasoning that works so well because they've been marketing it like this this nonstop for the last 100 years or so.
Anything from Target
toilet paper
>billionaire CEO of [corporation X] tells his marketing wankers to make him some goddamn money
>6-figure marketing wankers do a quick survey of their demographic customers
>determine their political beliefs
>make a "heartfelt public statement" in support of gay rights/Israel/transexuals/veterans/poor black kids in the inner city/Donald Trump/BLM/Brexit/EU
>rake in that sweet dinero from people that would have bought the product anyway but now doubly want to because marketing wankers made them feel like they're right about something
>people who never would have bought product remain not buying product
Good job falling for marketers
Animal products and anything from McDonalds or Carl's Jr.
Just think of all those girls missing out on me
Anything that's vegan
Me too, instead I get Mellow Yellow when I need caffeine.
Heinz. For political reasons I won't mention because not a /pol/ fag. Also New Glarus brewing company.
I use a bidet and keep it clean when i can
No real need to use toilet paper so often since thats what the industry wants you to do...
How is boycotting water working our for you? It seems to have killed off some neurons.
I drink Dews and Mist Twst for soft drinks.
I add a touch of beef broth and gulp it down!
Yeh it's pretty amazing, they ARE genuinely part of culture and now focus on reminding people of that in increasing subtle names. It's next stage marketing.
How can water be vegan when it's used to abuse animals at sea world :^)
I boycott:
Thomas, Freihoffer, and Entenmann's
Mondelez, Nabisco, and Oreo's
Sam Adams
Coke products and Coke bottled soft drinks
Ballpark hotdogs
exactly! Personally I only eat red meat and try to stay dehydrated so my shits come out as hard, beautiful Bricks that don't need wiping.
How can my ass be vegan when your momma ate it like a big juicy steak last night?
Any product I see advertised in any media, formal or otherwise, and any product produced by that manufacturer. I literally keep a list.
Mellow yellow is a coke product
Maybe add some cream, you fat greedy cunt
A lot of Aldi generic brands.
I'm ok with generics in general, I buy them myself. Aldi doesn't carry generic brands though, they carry fake brands. The packaging is purposefully made to be misleading and is very similar to non-generic brands and that really makes me not trust them.
This reads like something a soccer mom would write on facebook
I like their [pretend] Kellogg's range.
Literally every single grocery store brand does this you jackass.
is that le mary whatever?
with the big tit snapchats?
Nah thats lia from the finebros teens reaction channel, idk if she still does those since shes now in a couple of commicals cuz shes so cute
No thanks, schlomo. I don't do dairy. I'm in great shape though, nonetheless.
>not drinking hot dog water
Shit, i read the whole thing in a Gwyneth paltrow voice
Why would you boycott Lia?
>flip package
>made in russia
back to the shelf it goes
rather buy produce from my country or any other eu country
Goddamn look at those beautiful connected earlobes
die in flame
groce. webbed foot tier
Starbucks. I'll buy coffee on the go anywhere else
>Thomas, Freihoffer, and Entenmann's
What do you have against literally the best English Muffins, Donuts, and Coffee Cakes that can be bought in most stores?
Factory-farmed meats. Buy grass-fed and cage-free of don't buy at all. It's for the environment.
>Dangle ear detected
Sorry you hate evolution so much
I liked Coke until I saw this video
what the fuck is actually made in russia besides caviar and vodka
Hate to break it to you but grass-fed is actually even worse for the environment and cage-free doesn't mean shit.
Not food related but as a life-long fan I've stopped buying Patagonia gear due to their self-proclaimed "war on Trump".. Like yeah I agree but just fucking sell clothes. Clothes have nothing to do with political standing and I doubt much of their demographic were republican to begin with
I just don't agree with companies following this motive. Politics have already shitted up nearly all our media
The phrase "generic brand" doesn't even make sense. The words have the opposite meaning.
They are Bimbo brands, a Mexican bakery cartel. I don't support terrorists.
Excellent point.
However, if you want to boycott you have to avoid all fast food restaurants, movie studios, television networks, and SONY products.
How the fuck is grass fed worse for the environment when it cuts back on water usage by literally hundreds of gallons?
I can't eat this any more knowing they hate gay people.
>tfw thought it was some hippie bullshit when it first came out
>found out about their hatred of gays
>now a regular customer
Get fucked :)
>They are Bimbo brands, a Mexican bakery cartel. I don't support terrorists.
Oh shittt....
I heard somewhere that Bimbo was spanish. I guess I falsely assumed that meant they were from Spain. Duhhhhhh
i buy things i like if the price is fair
you sound like a real bag
you probably dont even go to church you commercial cuck
>However, if you want to boycott you have to avoid all fast food restaurants, movie studios, television networks, and SONY products.
So what's the issue? I haven't paid a dime to any of those organizations or even observed their trash other than occasional clips in the last 12 years.
Oh shit
5-Hour Energy because of their insultingly bad ads. They also taste like shit anyway.
youre right, i just dont like retards who refuse to stop spreading AIDs and get upset when I point this fact out :))))))
>we need to eliminate sexism in the future
>lets erase all historical instances of sexism, including instances from past media, from our society's collective memory
Aren't most generics made the the major brands themselves, with slightly cheaper ingredients, packaging and printing advertising being a large factor in the cost. Generics bypass all that.
I don't care if they hate gays, but it's annoying that they are closed on Sunday. If they hated gays but were open on Sunday then I wouldn't be annoyed by their christian bullshit
Wait do anons unironically boycott brands? Did I stumble onto middle aged, flyover facebook accidentally?
What does a individual boycott even accomplish other than making you look like you're bitter?
what will you accomplish in your entire life? Will you change the world?
We're not talking about me faggot we're talking about your obnoxious virtue signaling
>virtue signaling
If everybody was like you, the world would be an even shittier place then it is now. Sad that some people will never take responsibility for their actions.
The reason so many people are miserable on Veeky Forums and elsewhere is a lack of perceived meaning in their lives.
Boycotting lets them feels like they're standing up for something.
If you don't like the actions of a corporation but still buy their product you have no right to bitch and moan. It's that simple
I'd rather spend my limited energy standing up for the most defenseless, oppressed people in modern history: straight white men born in rich countries, aged 18-25
Boycotting Coke because they made a joke about gays or trannies or whatever is childish. Don't delude yourself into thinking that you are changing the world because you think you are worth anything in the eyes of a corporation like coke.
I am not virtue signaling and I was not even part of this conversation previously. I just dropped in and noticed your fallacious opinion re: boycotting
I'm disappointed that the Coke marketing team didn't get Lia to pour that can of coke all over her tits.
I act only according to that maxim whereby I can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.
Yes, I believe many generics today are just repackaged major brands. They don't change ingredients because they are basically getting rid of surplus. Their factories can produce more than they can sell at their higher price point. When you buy the major brand you are just paying for the name but you are also paying for some level of consistency. You don't know what is in the generic this week.
I'm boycotting Coke for their illegals singing the anthem commercial during the superbowl. If they want to push a pro destroy America agenda they can do it on someone else's dollar. I like pepsi since they handed a cop a cola. That's the right message to be sending even if they backpedaled.
Kant is a cunt. That is all.
This may be true for a lot of things, but NOT totinos. I've tried off brand before and they were awful
"...pastured systems that require significant synthetic fertilization, inputs from supplemental feed, or deforestation to create pasture, have substantially greater climate impact at all time scales than the feedlot and dairy-associated systems analyzed. Even the best pastured system analyzed has enough climate impact to justify efforts to limit future growth of beef production, which in any event would be necessary if climate and other ecological concerns were met by a transition to primarily pasture-based systems."
Boycotting means you're not giving them your money. Giving them money is the dumbest thing you can do if you're against something. It's not necessarily that we think it's going to change anything, but we're at least not funding what we don't approve of. How the fuck is this a hard concept to grasp?
Not all unrecognizable brands are generic. Some are just very small brands. Generic is a word we use mostly for store brands. There are food companies who will produce brands for other companies so they don't need to maintain separate facilities. Some generics are probably this and not just major brand repackaging. You can even bring them your recipe and have them make it for you.
I've always found the Aldi-generic brands of beer to be hilarious.
It's not Angry Orchard, it's Wicked Grove. It's not Heineken, it's Holland 1893. It's not Beck's, it's Bacher's, it's not Blue Moon, it's Kangaroo Blue, it's not Fat Tire it's Boot Tread. Stuff that matches the cadence or aesthetic of the original but just never quite on the mark.
I had no idea they did this. Makes sense because I've never been in one. But at this very moment they are building an Aldi in my town that I had no intention of visiting, but I will now just to try these fake beers.
I had the Holland 1893 earlier this week. It was about the same as Heinie, and for $6 as opposed to $9.
Kangaroo Blue was pretty terrible, but I mean it's based off garbage to begin with.
are u a gril pls PLEASE be my gf. My salary is 50k and I have a five inch dick.
Check out how many brands they own, it's easily at least 60-70% of the average bread aisle. It's nuts.
TreeHouse is a major company you've probably never heard of. Their entire business revives around making food to be resold as store/generic brands.
What do you mean "consistency"? Would they be stale? Misshapen? How can one batch be so different from another if they're made the same way?
any restaurant in NYC with some retarded "we stand against Islamophobia" "love not hate makes America great" bullshit in their window
UM have you ever heard of Uline...Anybody?
Uline sells 32,500 products, all made in China knock offs, knives, brooms tapeguns,garbage bins
The company is owned entirely by the Uihlein family. FORBES estimates that the company is worth somewhere between $700 million and $2 billion, potentially making the Uihleins billionaires.
Uline is the generic KING of the supply business.
You inadvertently boycott thousands of products everyday by not buying them
Try the Kroger brand I prefer them to Totino's.
I like Aldi. It's my go-to place. And their beers aren't great, but they do generally taste like what they're knocking off. Just with the volume turned down a bit.
Get out!
As far as food, Ben & Jerry's because they went full libtard and Sabra because it's israeli. I wish I had the willpower to fully boycott the soda companies, but I'm addicted to caffeine and carbonation.
Not food related, but same.