why don't you eat more fish??
Why don't you eat more fish??
I live in a landlocked flyover state, so it's kinda expensive. If I lived in a coastal city, I'd be eating them multiple times per week, if not every day.
Recipe for OP pic pls? I love fish I just don't know many ways to cook it except flour & pan fry or foil wrapped with lemon and herbs.
I live in the fucking moutains the only fresh fish we have are trout and bass.
eat smoked? Trout is pretty great though.
I just grabbed it off google pictures but it's apparently something called tinapa.
More than what? I eat a lot of fish, probably more than my fair share. It's fucking expensive and only getting worse. Stop encouraging retards to blindly change their diets because of some shit you saw on Dr. Oz. There's hardly enough to go around as it is.
Eating smoked fish frequently can cause gout. It's one of the most gout-inducing foods, if not the most.
we are working on a depopulation project that will also increase the surface area of the ocean, no worries fami.
stop being an old man.
cool. get rid of the whites, they don't appreciate fish
Nah, organ meat, fats, HFCS and alcohol as well as being an immobile fatfuck are what's aggravating your gout. It damn sure ain't smoked fish, but the flavor is "icky" to you so better blame your gout on it.
asians and whites eat way more fish than black people tho.
its xpensiv3
Which is why we need to get rid of them.
why do you people always bleat about your lost slaves when you get confused?
I'm in Colorado- fish here is either expensive, disgusting, or both.
Maybe if I had more time I'd head up into the mountains and try to catch some trout, but I was always dogshit at fishing anyway.
Because I don't get out enough. I'd like to get fish in about 3 days a week for dinner. I like fish.
I don't have gout, have never had it, and I'm in my mid-20's, you jackasses, I just know a lot of old people and have read about the disease.
Fish is gross other than cod
I'm going to go catch from brook trout tomorrow and grill them over a fire.
I've been doing this a lot lately, the little fuckers are tasty
fish are why asians and whites are so smart. everyone knows that the Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon evolution happened because of fish.
Because if you know the difference and don't live somewhere that's big enough to have proper seafood markets then it's going to be of poor quality and/or extremely expensive. I catch and eat local fish and when I visit my old man out on the coast I eat fish all the time but buying fish at the grocery store is just not worth it.
i don't like fish
grow up and then kys
I can't afford it
It's fucking expensive.
Cuz I'm sick of doing physical work that a nigger without a brain could easily do such as fucking my wife and her son
your comment confuses me and I have no impulse to bleat about my lost slaves. actually I've never had any slaves.
Fish is nasty, and I'm saying this from a Mediterranean country. Based tendies working the fishboys
because fish has bone
bone scary
Because i don't like it that much and lots of it is expensive.
Protip: If you can chew through a bone, you can digest it.
Cuz we're on fucking summer. Only fish product you can get is canned ones. Tastes good but expensive.
Why don't you eat more sardines?
Why do you worry about gout in your 20s? Your not gonna get it retroactively cause you ate smoked in your 20s
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I know three people who had gout in their 20's.
Salmon is recommended for gout. I know this because I have gout and fucking hate fish unless it's sushi, sashimi, or fish and chips.
kinda hard to make it in original ways without covering the fish, which is usually delicate
fish is expensive and mediocre if you dont live near a coast
I got it at 36 and hobble around like a fucking cripple when it flares up
>t. Functional alcoholic
It's not "smoked fish" user. It's certain specific types of fish.
You are generalizing to an extreme.
Because fish is healthy is a old meme that has to die
Enjoy your pollutants
my man.
This desu. Fish has been ruined.
do you only eat for health reasons?
don't have to eat the bones user
you do have to pick them out and with fish like kippers its ruins the eating experience
I eat so much already. I got to give the poor things a chance.
pick them out before serving.
It's crazy expensive. I love fish and it's one of the healthiest protein sources you can eat. I just can't afford it.
I treat myself to a dish made with salmon, prawns or tuna once a month. A nice piece too, no canned stuff, frozen if there is no other option though.
Else I pretty much am vegetarian but I just can't live without these
How do you get your omega 3? supplements?
Because we've polluted our oceans and rivers so much I fear mercury and or Fukushima poisoning.
What to do with frozen white fish and frozen salmon besides
>fish pie
>fish chowder
Thawing it and cooking it sucks, the frozen bags are cheap and flavourless.
I think I probably have a deficiency but I feel healthy. Maybe I should get supplements just in case
omega 3 is like the most life improving thing to get enough of when you're deficient. go for it.
also if you're a conscientious vegetarian please keep in mind that fish are complete brainlets and you shouldn't feel any more bad for killing it than when you shut off your computer. you're killing a system, not a sapience.
Because seafood is full of worms and other parasites.
today many human cultures have invented tools and fire.