Just found this French Rootbeer, Oliet Bangs, at my local gas station and, dare I say, it is better than Mexican Coke-a-Cola
French Rootbeer > Mexican Coke
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Goddammit OP, I laughed.
Love me some bangs
OP you're fucking retarded and I'm so sick of these threads. That's DIET bang's
You are the retard if you think OP is serious and not just forcing a meme. Just report and do not reply you fucking sub 80 IQ mongoloid dipshit
Fuck you said bangs too
Brb off to kill myself
It's Barqs you fucking retards. Come back when you learn how to read cursive.
it's a fucking meme, you dip
>not a word
>doesn't even make any sense
No, its full on shitposting, fucking /b/ level shitposting
oh good, you caught what everyone was in a rush to mock you about.
it's okay, we're all friends here.
>all this autism
Hi-Resolution aka Hires root beer is the superior soda
How is Oliet bangs supposed to be a meme?
Is it the olde tyme taste u don't like
No it's just French Rootbeer
q's have u's after them dumbass
it refers to sassafras root bark, which is what rootbeer was made from
no, it's "Bang" referring to the bangin' flavor of thyme
Agreed, OP. I think it's the aged thyme they put in Oliet Bang's™ root beer.
Did you know that Oliet Bang's™ is the french version of the famous Bang's™ root beer? They both have aged thyme, but the way the french make it is a bit different, and really cuts on the calories. They're both delicious!
What a great thread. I love Oliet Bang's™ and Bang's™ root beer!
I like this meme
Just kill yourself, and take your fucking forced meme with you.
But do it with a gun so you can go out with a Barq
Bargs is the best.
Nice touch.
So Bangs is the new version of Goza now?
What's Goza? Chicago pizza?
There's an image of powder kegs on the can because they go Bang's!
Gozas are a type of beer user
They don't fucking sell oliet Bangs anywhere near me. I used to be able to go across the state line to Missouri to buy it but they even quit stocking it there. Bunch of horseshit.
it has the bite that goes bang!
An apple