>15 beers
>Stomach hurt
>Trying to sleep
Help, so bad, god help.
Dude are you eating? I just ate one bite of pork chop and one bite of gammon and within 20 mins I feel so much better that it's like I've had a Valium. I fucking hate eating but omg, that was nice
I didn't eat anything.
What I mean is that perhaps you're not eating enough
why is this the default picture? i've never had a bad time drinking
Have you ever drunk every day for years? The stuff is poisonous, dude
Just stop drinking it ya dingus
Oh I see. This again.
Doesn't work like that user.
25 days sober, still in the hospital and worried about dialysis today. The new form of dialysis they give me doesn't hurt quite was bad as the old one and I get a tiny little pain pill so at least there's that.
ever feel the nasty alcohol leaking out of your face
anyone else have stores with awful rules?
I can't buy a beer before 8am; its deplorable
Same. 10am on Sundays. It is truly horrible and makes me frantic to buy more and more so I never run out.
holy shit at least im not this far gone... im good
I do not miss that feeling. I used to get night sweats that made me smell like a poorly embalmed cadaver.
Especially in my armpits and around where my nuts hang.
>recovered entering the thread
gtfo, these threads are for current alkies.
Alcohol sale from 10am till 10pm, the stupid government wanted to ban alcohol sales on sundays but it didn't work
wtf i'm a functional member of society now
I tried Cisk lager today and it's shit
I've just spent nearly a thousand pounds on a golden quill.
I do not really even know why.
It is very soon my mother's birthday, I think it was my intention to present her with said item.
But I'd already purchased her a heated foot spa. Something by which having purchased, it is enormously more conceivable that I might ever be able to eat again.
To confirm the integrity of these threads I endeavour to post an image of this fucking retarded memepen by Monday;the date on which i have been informed that ithos nightmare will be placed at my feet.
Maybe I'll keep the foot spa for myself.
Can't you cancel it?
I don't really know, it's posted
I've just bought some heroin
I'm ok
Just drank the last of my rum. tfw I don't have any money to buy anything, let alone booze. Sucks being poorfag wagecuck
Drinking vodka and listening to otis redding by myself.
Sorry to hear that, i inherited 100,000$ from my grandparents and i use it exclusively on drugs & booze. Pretty happy with that.
Thank you grandma & grandpa.
I drank 12 7% abv ciders, and passed out on the couch wit the TV on. When I drink 12 5% beers I don't even get drunk. How does that work?
Something like escape velocity I think. Just that bit extra to keep the blood alcohol rising instead of plateauing.
Good taste.
That's nice. Grandma on mother's side is dead and the father only turns up when he needs money. Haven't seen him in years. [spoiler]good riddance[/spoiler] Grandparents on dickhole of a father's side are schrooges. Don't care if they die or not. They aren't part of my life anymore
Just managed to walk 72 feet in physical therapy. New personal best but it hurts.
Thank you, my friend.
I feel you man, you shouldn't have to deal with people just because they're your family. Fuck em.
I have no idea what you're talking about, but all i know is that you have to hang in there. Stay as strong as you possibly can.
cheapskate family members are the worst. i cut ties with my father for the same reason.
My father is an alcoholic and my mother is dating a drug addict. My sister just keeps telling me i don't have the worst life so i shouldn't be depressed. I can't really connect to people and i always feel a distance between me and other people. I don't want to wake up tomorrow. I just don't want to wake up tomorrow.
Sorrry for being unclear. When my liver and kidneys gave out I was put on life support for quite a while. During that time I lost my ability to walk. Learning again is a bit rough.
Man, that's really rough. I can't imagine what it must be like in your situation. I'm just a drunk 20 year old in Norway but i guess this site has brought us here for the same reason. I believe in you. I'm not a good christian man, but i will pray for you today.
Sup bros
Just started my evening
Anyone seen smirnoffbro recently? Are you there smirnoffbro?
my brother and sister are both junkies and my alcoholism really took off when we all lived together earlier this year. i'd go to therapy and talk to friends about it, but unless a person has been through loving a family member who is emotionally and mentally withdrawing and becoming increasingly strange and difficult to deal with, you'll still feel alone.
the best thing to happen to me was getting away from them. don't take every single one of their phone calls. if you rely on them for money, try to be nice when you get the money, but immediately cut off your thoughts about them. the drama will never, ever stop until the day your dad or mom's boyfriend get sober or are dead, and even with sobriety, it doesn't really stop. you just need to get some space, whether you're drinking or not. it needs to be your life you're living or destroying and they shouldn't be mixed into it.
>posts picture of suicidally depressed dysfunctional alcoholic who ruins everyones lives continually
Bretty ironic.
At work again, first day sober after relapsing this weekend. Only got one contact lenses so basically blind eye, gonna be a rough day. Luckily drunk me last weekend ordered new contacts so I'll have them tomorrow if all goes to plan. Still feel like shit tho.
Last week I got wasted and went to a Mexican restaurant. I don't remember it but apparently I was wielding a huge Bowie knife and threatening people. The cops were called but I was gone before they arrived. The only reason I found out all this happened was because the next day, helicopter and 6 car cops showed up for totally other reason and they ran all the tags on our cars here and recognised my tag when the name came up. I guess the Mexican restaurant ppl got my tag and they ran it when they called about me? Idk but holy shit I need to stop drinking before someone dies and I go to prison.
>drank at least a six pack of high ABV beers every night for a couple years
>stopped drinking completely for 3 weeks
>went out with friends on Friday night
>had 3 beers
>haven't had a drink since then
>feels good
didn't you feel the urge to pick up a cheeky bottle of vodka or something three beers in?
i'm fucked once i get going.
Proud of you.
Can't stop thinking about the case of yuenglings stashed in my closet while at work.
Dont let a bump in the road turn into a hole in the ground
The wagon to hell is on full speed, once again
I'm gonna use this saying.
>mfw i started getting into coffee again in my sobriety to have at least some sort of substance in my bloodstream
Salad, mixed fruit, lemon chicken with rice and broccoli, sweet tea
Not bad for hospital food
Thank you.
ny mother woke me up an hour earlier than i usually wake up before job.
Turns out i had vomitted inn my sleep. Pretty spooky, luckily i slept on my side but damn its been a long time since ive been this ashamed.
As you can Imagine, it was awful at work and i smelled like vomit.
only had 6 beers
only 4 beers left
stores closed
You're doing a good job, Hunter. Proud of you
any idea when you're getting out hospitalbro?
I hate that feel
12 pm( or is it 1???) on Sunday's
The sugars
Time them so you will end drinking 1 hour before stores open
Honestly, wait until your current buzz starts to die down and you get that "i need a drink" craving
Then shotgun all four beers, and try to pass out before you sober up
I used to drink a lot went completely sober for a year then drank socially. It's been 10 years now, I've had maybe ten to twelve incidents where I over drank in those ten years, so not bad.
But I have had a dope bender, and also consumed thousands of dollars of bud in a few years period of time.
Haven't gotten addicted to anything. In fact, I am on prescription painkillers and muscle relaxers, and the latter is screwing my brain up so bad that I really can't continue with the script.
Probably 10 days to 2 weeks
>I've had maybe ten to twelve incidents where I over drank in those ten years, so not bad.
waking up bloody in a different town sort of incidents or stumbled a bit in front of friends incidents?
Just plain over drank and woke up with a headache.
Except one incident where I had a horrible blackout flashback to an assault and broke a television.
I want the winebuzz forever without any of the consequences desu. It's the only time I ever feel alive
not for the past two threads. ever since he said he was going cold turkey.
Fortunately, we started the night pretty late, so the bar closed after I'd only had 3 and I don't have any alcohol at home, so I just went to sleep. It may have been a different story if we'd started the night earlier.
Thanks, user.
Synthetic alcohol can't come quick enough
it's hot today so i'm debating either getting 18 light beers or make screw drivers. what can i eat if i decide on drinking screwdrivers? is it just brekafast foods that go okay with them?
I never understood how people can mix with citrus for more than one or two drinks. So much acid, drinking neat feels less damaging.
If you must drink I suggest gin and tonucs or Bubba Watsons on a hot day
Throw some cheeese, cold cuts, fruit, honey and crackers on a big platter, maybe with some peanuts or chips and salsa
Lots of ice water
Dry alkies are still alkies user.
Normies can't go from not drinking for months to downing a bottle per day in 2 days, that's what I did each time I fell of the wagon.
>i don't have the worst life so i shouldn't be depressed
That's retarded. She's confusing depression, a real illness, and being sad/pissed at life.
See a doctor, depression doesn't go away by itself, you need medical attention.
Congrats user.
Don't you have emergency glasses?
Good luck on your sobriety user.
On the wagon is sober, off the wagon is drinking.
Try weed.
He posted another one a day or two after that. He said it hurt to keep his eyes open, and was ready to go.
It's called benzodiazepines, and it's not better than booze.
>It's called benzodiazepines, and it's not better than booze.
It is in terms of damage to the body.
>On the wagon is sober, off the wagon is drinking.
Yeah I can never remember it, which is why I came up with the thing I said in the post you quoted, it leaves no confusion.
>didn't die in my sleep
>wake up
>remember my gf cheated one me
>go to store
>cashier bantering with customers
>doesnt even say hi to me
I can never go back
>my gf
>not my ex
socal its 2am-6am so its 4 hours of waiting if I decide to drink all night.
Anybody wake up and think you're at work until around 20 seconds later you realise you're not and go back to sleep?
ended up buying beer because of what you said about the citrus, agreed. also ended up getting cheese and crackers before reading your comments lol thanks though cheers
When I blackout I wake up thinking I lost something like a wallet/keys so I frantically check my pockets and my room for my cash or whatever. It's just a side affect of drinking, that fear isn't really based on anything in reality.
what's a bubba watson?
1 part vodka
1 part pink lemonade
Sprite to taste
Stirred over ice, lime garnish
I wish I was as functional as him.
The only functional thing about him was that he managed to make some good money for a few years until his drinking escalated.
>tfw job interview tomorrow
I just want to get wasted ;_;
>Former True Blood star Nelsan Ellis' family says his heart failure death was brought on by alcohol withdrawal
i thought it was the massive amounts of coke he did
Until you try to quit. Alcohol and benzos are the only 2 drugs where lethal withdrawal symptoms are common
Sure, but alcohol eats away at your intestines while you're still using.
Alcohol really is one of the worst drugs.
so we can safely assume that smirnoffbro is dead right?
You forgot opiates, i.e. heroin.
yeah and long term benzo abuse(over 5 years) will give you alzheimers or dementia in your 40s-50s.
I hope he is. that's no way to live.
Nope not lethal w/d
Guys I'm really thinking about doing a few beers a night but I know it won't be a few why is the brain such a fucking cunt. I know it will end bad yet I subconsciously justify the thought of it. Alcohol isn't good for me why can't I just live life without it.