Butchering General

Let's see what you fags do with dead animals and knives

>de-boning a rabbit

Other urls found in this thread:



>~30 lb pacific halibut



wagyu ribeye

PRIME uni.. from the big red urchins. super seasonal but i would wager that it's some of the best in the world

coho salmon.. a $250 fish

sorry for potato picture, but ~1k worth of live kodiak king crab

4 quarts of brunoised celery root and apple

do you eat the offtal?

of course..

it's great with ground pork as a country pate either set in a terrine or rolled up in the center of the roulade.

the hearts are great brined and seared, livers are great seared rare or made into a liver mousse or pate after soaking in milk.. i don't love the kidneys on their own, but theyre good minced up with other shit



does anybody actually cook on this fucking board?

Do you think everyone who posts on /mu/ is a musician? Everyone in /ic/ is an artist? Its a hobby for most here.

so what?

hobbyists filet fish and break down chickens.. i'm just sharing OC and looking to talk about cutting up animals


like what i see. please contribute more

What the above poster said. I mostly on Veeky Forums for /egg/ and to lurk Veeky Forums for these kinds of threads.

Thanks for the contribution.

Is that a masamoto?
Primo knife my man

Why are there three bits of unripe strawberry on that plate?

it's why Veeky Forums is the best board for OC

i can't cook an omelette and haven't ever tried if it makes anybody feel any better.. i'm like a C+ at eggs which probably makes me a C+ grade cook

>butterclam ceviche

the picture was to make an entry deadline for san pellegrino's best new dish contest.. the dish is supposed to have pickled green strawberries so i used unripe strawberry tops as a fill in for the picture..

turns out our publicist fucked up and we missed the deadline; chef was outta town and i had to compose that plate.

yessir.. the 270mm; it's so dope for work like that or mincing herbs etc

not at this level, fancy but dunno if taste is equal
strawberries looks early as shit

Probably wild strawberry.
They're smaller and paler than cultivated ones.

see but yeah, it should have been pickled foraged strawberries

I got the 255 high carbon
It's a workhorse and I literally do not need to sharpen it more than every 3 weeks or so. Holds its edge and slides the veg and meat like butter.
You're officially my nigga.

if it was just for the show then it's pretty good, maybe a little empty dish? i cant see what's the main character of the dish

it's a solid tool but kind of a uni-tasker.. it's also great for filleting large fish or big pieces of beef. yeah, we homies now

pickled foie gras is the main component with tons of garnish.. flavor profile is ants on a log meets pb&j, plus mustard and coconut notes. crispy chicken skin to bring it all together

sounds nice, maybe if you used a rectangular dish it would have looked more filled, but that's just details
i doubt you will find anything interesting here, it's mostly burgers shitposting fast food, and even coocking threads are just for amateurs
is this you too? looks cool

the negative space was intentional..

and yea, that's a dish i came up with. we broke down the butterclam to order and let it soak in a lime juice/white miso/white ver jus marinade for about ten minutes to partially break down the clam for a quick ceviche effect.. buttermilk and ramp puree, coconut/calamansi fluid gel, cara cara orange compressed with simple syrup and basil vinegar, sunchoke chips, celery heart and radish for garnish

Anyone here know how to get a job in butchery? I'm doing an IT course but I'm sucking absolute shit at it and butchery is probably what I'd choose if I can't pass this course


maybe put some oil on the leafs of the first dish to make them more shiny? like oiling a finger and just adding that little much

dont know half of the ingredients you mentioned but would eat

looks great, maybe i dont like the flower on top
what is it?

dude go get a job helping out at a butcher's shop or with a fish monger.. it's comfy as fuck and i sometimes dream about moving jobs from sous chef to pro fish breaker downer

looks tasty bud.. tel me more

nvm read the name
looks very nice

Should have thought of that lol, there's a bunch of butchers close by, one of them is bound to need a helping hand or some shit.

with biger leafs like sorrel or nasturtium i'd agree, but not for celery heart..

the cooking industry literally thrives on free labor in exchange for knowledge.. just go ask a butcher if you can hang out and help him a few nights a week

Good idea, if only I'd done this in high school when we did work experience instead of when I'm most of the way through a fucking IT course, could have actually been making money by now if I'd decided to be a butcher back then


do you want money or do you want peace of mind and a meager living?

being a butcher is a labor of love, same as cooking professionally. it's not too late tho, like have you ever even experienced what it's like to do that job or are you just romanticizing it?

I break down chickens but I don't have photos saved of what I consider a very mundane task.
I like this thread, though.

Both really, I do quite like breaking down big chunks of meat, I'm just saying I could have had a job and been making money doing something I like rather than sitting around doing a course I suck at all while accumulating debt.

I have butchered fish, rabbits and some other shit I've hunted/fished before and also cutting down big chunks of meat that I've been given like chunks of kangaroo, it was kinda relaxing apart from all the fucking sinew, buckshot and shit in the roo's legs.

>butchering general

Chicken. Dead. Bones in.

Chicken. Dead. Deboned.

Pan nice and hot?

Chicken. Dead. Stuffed with sausage and cornbread stuffing. Trussed.

Roasting pan. Nice and hot. Chicken, in.

I don't understand the appeal of taking photos of everything you fucking do all day so all your friends can see? Am I just too mature for this shit? You must be 12.


You forgot the olive oil you donkey

>taking photos of everything you fucking do all day so all your friends can see
...He said, on a Tahitian wine pairing suggestion archive and image sharing site. Have you tried lurking, friend? Maybe the Veeky Forums just isn't for you.

You're totally right, the skin didn't brown as much as I'd have liked. Will use some butter next time. The pan drippings did make for an amazing sauce though!

no hate since you're posting good content, but that broccoli makes me sad.

Where's the sauce?

These look shitty, cracked and with a tip

Dude. We get it!
You smoke weed.

a thread on Veeky Forums with little to no shitposting?
good thread OP

Thanks 4 no bully. I hear ya. Broccoli always looks plebe tier. And I think I forgot about these and overcooked them. Grilled asparagus would have presented better. And the wide meat and 2 side plating is very homely to begin with..

It's in that plating pic, on the chicken. Its light in color because it had a lot of butter and heavy cream in it. I did this about a month back and don't have many more pics.

A month ago? Fuck me

Sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to be deboning a chicken every 3 days just to make everyone on /ck happy. It's summer and I've been on vacation and I do this about twice a year, so you're lucky you caught it as free as it is. Its not like op posted a time limit.

Just gordonposting mate, I'm just having a bit of fun, dunno how you didn't pick up on it though lol.

For real though mate, looks pretty decent, broccoli just needs a minute or two less on the steamer, I also like to put garlic butter on mine.

For crispier skin pat it dry, pull the skin tight and salt it with whatever other spices you want, you can rub it with a bit of oil or something if you want before you rub it with your salt and/or spices but don't use too much

this is all very impressive. how long does it take you to fully debone a chicken? i feel slow when just cutting up the chicken for parts.

I don't do it often... It probably takes about 5 minutes. The legs bones are the slow part. It feels slow while you are doing it, you'd probably be surprised how fast you are actually parting out a chicken. Time yourself, I bet you'll be surprised. Jaque pepins deboning video on youtube is the gold standard.


Here is a pork tenderloin I cooked tonight to a perfect 150F.

>where am I I am here.flv

The longest part is cleaning the countertop afterward.

everything i do all day?

dude, making a gallon of brunoised apple/vegetable is absolutely not something i regularly do. the fish are cool; where do you live where you get better looking salmon and halibut than that?

lighten up, nigger

nice! i'll excuse the broccoli since you made a dope balloutine

fuck you.. i don't work in a humidity and temperature controlled kitchen. we don't even have a walk-in cooler; our mixers are outside. meringues turn out or they don't turn out depending on the weather. seattle is generally pretty humid, so most of the time they don't even look THAT good because the eggs/sugar isn't able to peak.

that shit had me pulling my hair out for a while trying to figure out where i was fucking up in my method until i realized that it's mostly environmental factors that can't be controlled.

no fuckin way it takes you five minutes.. i do a rabbit in ~25 minutes, and it's been a while since i've done a chicken but i'd say no less than 12 minutes for that style.

breaking down a chicken regularly? easy 5 minutes.

>says this on an imageboard

Go try being retarded somewhere else. I don't think the text boards still exist.

>no less than 12 minutes for that style.breaking down a chicken regularly? easy 5 minutes.

U r


i've only done like ten chicken balloutines in my entire life.. i'm probably faster at this point but it has been about two years since i've done a chicken like that

it's delicate work, user!

fuckin' amateurs

is that the rib cage that popped out?

You could probably also sear/baste with butter herbs and garlic in a large pan after you pull it from the oven..

Or deep fry that bitch after it comes outta the oven

I'd just sear it, deep frying is a bit much I reckon mate

Wait what?

I've been catching those guys for years, a decent one is really that much?

No, nothing but the gutsack and intestines out of it

to be fair, that's guttin, and OPs picture is a gutted, skinned, and reamed rabbit ready to be deboned. not exactly a fair comparison