The dreadded ramen rating threadh

Rate mine

Is that cocktail sausage? Don't put such simplistic taste profiles in ramen, that's gross. Might as well put spam in your ramen

Useless faggot/10. learn to cook.

Isnt that spehgetti?

>breaking your ramen into tiny pieces


why the fuck do you have two spoons in your ramen

I just don't get these random fucking hipster food trends......

acocados, then food trucks, then specifically mexican taco food trucks, then grilled cheese shops, then cupcake shops, then gourmet hot dog shops, now ramen.......this shit is so fucking stupid

Seeing i have no ramen to upscale you with 7/10

It looks like something I'd eat on an extremely tight budget or a shitty financial situation. Toss some beef in if ya wanna make it taste good!

'kay dude????

You sound so flyover. These are just common meals, not trends

You really do sound like you're in the middle of nebraska distributing glyphosate into fields as your daily job.

Its what city life it's like in a country with no culture

4/10 You should have some greens/vegetables and fresh herbs for visual and textural contrast along with flavor. I recommend cucumber, matchstick carrots, napa cabbage and then top it with parsley.

Wow, you cucks would literally eat shit as long as it was served from a 40 year old beat up pul behind trailer made by a family of of starcing >

You realize you sound like a streetperson who as adopted modern language, right? You're that guy with a greasy cap who doesn't know where he is.

wut m8?

he sounds like a 20 year old trailer park denison. People that are street people I guess.

I don't know how to describe north american gypsies. Travelers, I dunno. how do you talk about them?

Is there Romani in North America?

To eat twice as fast

Gypsies here are practically synonymous with the typical hobo. They don't want to work and ride the rails going from warm city to warm city depending on services provided or how liberal or forgiving the city is.
They provide for themselves by begging or running scams with their kids in tow (ie. our family live in X city, our car broke down, and we need money for train tickets or the repair bill or gas to get back).
The younger set in the state I live are trust fund kids from an upper middle class-rich suburb nearby who come down to bullshit and live for weeks at a time.
What makes it worse is our state has legal weed so we get droves of transients who come mainly to take advantage.