A whole box of MREs meant to be like actual military MREs

MRE Pizza

Other urls found in this thread:



why are you guys so obsessed with MREs?

is it like an apocalypse prepper thing?

Steve makes them interesting.
They also usually taste good.

They're nice

It's some kind of autism thing definitely.

Something about MRE's just makes me think of the sci-fi future. Of shelf-stable space food, which has been mass-produced and focus tested to be as bland and inoffensive as possible to appeal to as many palates as possible.

You've been eating the wrong MREs.

Where does he get his MREs, can you just buy them online?

He links websites in this video descriptions.

>norwegian ration
Sounds logical.

Steve thread


Rational, more like

Steve is really the only MRE guy I watch. It's go a little bit of everything. For the autismos, there's his voice, mannerisms, and erections you get in anticipation of hiss/no hiss.
I like it because of the historical/cultural aspect. The MREs reflect the time they were made in (Older rations have cigarettes) and what is important to the culture that packed them (Italians have a breakfast apertif, Jordanians have honey and figs, Russians have Goulash).
It's also interesting from a perspective of food preservation science. How it started (he eats a piece of genuine civil war hard tack) with basic cans, freeze dried, reheating pouches. Apparently peanut butter lasts forever, he's eaten cans of it from the 50s no problem.



>new Steve
Let's get this out onto a tray.


I like how Steve edits the sounds of clinking glass to make it slightly more musical.
A very subtle but nice touch.

Looks like ol' Steve's shakes are getting worse... did you see him pour water into the kebab mix?

He probably does some of these vids after lifting weights which can make your hands shake a little bit afterwards, steve is A OK

Nice hiss.

What is the track list of Steve's album?

>Get This Out (Onto a Tray)
>Ration of '69
>Cheese Spread Blues
>M. R. E. R. E. A. M.

Hope so

>Smokes of Old
>The Hiss Heard 'Round The World

>jelly bar overture

Bulge Yourself My Man

How is this not banned for advertising?

because it's food related and people enjoy it?
not everything is a shill you dumb faggot.
with that logic any thread about a brand name product should be banned because of muh advertisement.

If they ban other youtube channel/personality threads then you have to ban this one too.

Steve is beyond banning.

If only there was way to filter out content you don't like based on keywords...

This is about rule enforcement not personalizing the site for my tastes.

Have reported.
I usually only report jack and joey YT bullshit and it usually works.
Let's see.

>Steve will never wrap his arms around you from behind
>He'll never grab your package and tug, commenting on the quality of the dry pull
>Steve will never sniff your hair above your ear, like you were a pecan roll he's checking for rancidity
>You'll never feel his beard against you as he whispers "let's get you out onto the bed"

Why live

>announcing a report
get out


You're not being the kind of person Steve thinks you can be.

ok Mirk

Nothing against Steve, really, I like his content. But you shouldn't have the rule if you don't enforce it. Enforcing it selectively is unfair.

What's your problem?
YT threads belong on /tv/, Hiro said so in the IRC.

1. Check this out
2. Yeah, totally rancid
3. Chocolate with honey undertones
4. Hmm no hiss
5. Got sprayed
6. Coffee, instant type I
7. Nice!
(Hidden bonus track) 8. Botulism city

Announcing your reports is also a reportable offence faggot

I used to think MREs were great until i join the army, they taste fine, but its not worth the calorie intake/ worst farts and even worse shits you will take.


Because it's not advertising. Yoinks Scooby, we sure solved that one quickly!

>He actually uses the Veeky Forums IRC!

Yet you clearly haven't sucked enough dick to become a moderator yet.

Nah, the Veeky Forums Rizon IRC is empty.
The unofficial IRCNet channel is where it's at.
I can understand why the Norwegian army adopted that shelf-stable MRE pizza. It's probably better than a Grandiosa.

>posting links to a monetized video is not advertising

>posting links to food & cooking related content for the purpose of discussing the content the uploader provides is a violation of the advertising rule

OP here, I assure you I'm not Steve and I just enjoy hearing him talk about delicious rations.

It certainly is.
Read the rules and take your pathetic YouTube bullshit to /tv/

He has 360k subscribers. I don't think 30 people from Veeky Forums are going to make a huge difference.

>Stop liking what I don't like

Fuck off.

Yeah, when I first came here, read the rules and saw shitloads of youtube shills in total violation of said rules, I realized the rules had no meaning. I guess that's appropriate, but I never go to them. They can stew in their millennial juices.

>M. R. E. R. E. A. M.
>not C.R.E.A.M.E.R

>clink clink CLINK clink
>Not Bad
>Looks Fine (Yeah, That's Rancid)


I like the Indonesian ration video, and the Slovak one as well.

I wanna buy MREs but i will have to import them.
I know i need to avoid vegetarian menus for multiple reasons.
I already got the fiber ready too.

How much is the average price of a MRE?

I thought you guys were purely meming on this guy but holy shit, his passion for MREs is unrivalled.

What do you guys prefer, vintage MRE reviews or contemporary ration reviews?

I like both for different reasons.
Vintage MREs are interesting because you never know what's edible and what's rancid, and seeing the way they prepared meals back in the 20th century is extremely interesting.
Contemporary MREs are interesting because you get a taste of the nation's culture depending on what country the MRE came from, so there's less of a focus on the novelty of old food and more on the experience of military cuisine from around the world.
Those traits, combined with Steve's pleasant personality and passion for the hobby, really brings everything together.

Contemporary. It sucks when he opens stuff but can't eat it. I like his taste descriptions.

Steve is a nice person and I hope he good things happen to him.

It sucks, yeah, but he always gets the spoon in there at least

Reminder that Steve only eats MREs because his kitchen is disgusting and he can't cook.

They're both great, but vintage ration reviews are my favorite, especially since Steve always knows interesting information about them.

I hate to be that guy, but do you have the botulism city pic? My drive died and I lost a lot of images.

Vintage. I'm a sucker for history and those are always great.

The Scho-Ka-Kola one is one of my favorites.

Seriously concerned for his health but still watch his videos because it's awesome

He inspires me to get a dehydrator and try to make my own rehydrated meals for when I go camping, but I guess that's an /out/ topic, has anyone made dried food and liked it?

I've made jerky many times. It's delicious. What do you want to know?

Have you ever attempted freeze dried beef stew? I was thinking about getting beef bouillon and just freeze drying the vegetables and meats. Are there any foods that can't be freeze dried?

>Have you ever attempted freeze dried beef stew?

Nope, never tried that.

>>Are there any foods that can't be freeze dried?
AFIK you have to be careful with foods that contain a lot of fat. Freeze drying only removes water, not fat or oil. And fat can get rancid over time.

I suggest you check out the section on freeze drying in Modernist Cuisine, it goes into a lot of depth on this subject.

Also, I have done beef stew while camping before. I packed dehydrated vegetables and beef bullion cubes. I froze raw beef and kept it in my pack, using clothes & my sleeping bag as insulation. It thawed out after a couple of days. I used water from a stream--since the water boils while the stew is cooking there's no need to worry about parasites or whatever in the water.

Just a follow-up here.

You could probably freeze-dry beef if you made sure that it was really lean, which is the same thing people do when we make jerky. You have to use lean meat otherwise it will get rancid.

Also, you could make a stew using jerky. Just toss it in the pot and add your bullion and water. It might take a while to cook, but it will eventually hydrate and get tender.

no steve, nooooooo!
what vid?

Some coast guard ration vid where he tries to make a 30 year old block of tootsie rolls edible.

Hey man, look what we got today you know
Hey man, oh baby, get on a tray, I gotta
Hey man, I gotta open this can
This yellow bulged spread
Is deadly to any man

Hey man, my ration's insane
Hey man, so rancid it causes pain
Hey man, well she's a total spam can
She said she had to heat it but she... then she...

Oh don't burst on me man
Cause you can't afford the ticket
I'm back on Botulin City
Oh don't burst on me man
Cause you ain't got time to sniff it
You know my Botulin City
Is outta's all nice

Hey man, Wardog, don't be unkind, go away
Hey man, I got shakes so sublime, no way
Hey man, coffee instant here
There's only smokes for one and here she comes
Here she comes

Oh don't burst on me man
Cause you can't afford the ticket
I'm back on Botulin City
Oh don't burst on me man
Cause you ain't got time to sniff it
You know my Botulin City
Is outta's all nice

A botulin City, a botulin City
I'm back on botulin City
botulin City

Ohhh, nice hiss thank you miss!

>I-it's not advertising if it's ineffective!

This is called moving the goalposts, children. I'm quite sure the rules don't state "no advertising unless it's really low-key then it's totally cool"

Do you have any proof that I'm either steve1989 or paid by steve1989 to advertise him here?
-t. OP

I really appreciate that post

I browse on iPhone so can't filter

Someone edit the "explicit content" part to say "no hiss" plz


Advertising for free is still advertising

fucking kill yourself

Nice hiss

You have to put love into it, user.

These are actually pretty entertaining

I watch a Steve every night on the bus back home, perfect way to pass the time. The old ones are the best since it's just interesting seeing how things were packaged back then and what they gave.

How are you not banned for being a complete faggot?

I wish I can find a woman that loves me like Steve loves a 65 year old cigarettes.

Has Veeky Forums ever cooked something using ration components?

I gotta say though, kudos to him for actually smoking them, being a non-smoker

This. Steve got me interested in them and they are usually pretty good.

you forgot carlos


Thats how it starts. They're all perfectly entertaining and comfy

>The one where Steve goes crazy over a tube of condensed milk

>tempted as fuck to spend $150 on buying a 12-pack of MREs
Would be such an irresponsible way to spend my money.