>But it's expensive to eat healthy!
Why do people believe this?
But it's expensive to eat healthy!
Cherrypicking the price of a bundle of asparagus vs the price of a mcfuckburger.
Fatties lie to themselves. More news at 11.
processed food is cheaper. at least in america.
Fish is expensive.
American here, it's not. That's what delusional landwhales tell themselves along with "it's too hard to cook"
Because places like Whole Foods overcharged for everything, which will hopefully be solved by the Amazon accusation. Moreover people are too lazy to go to local farmers markets and default to shitty fast food ot garbage frozen food.
pic unrelated
Canned salmon, mackerel, and sardines are all very cheap.
And all extremely unhealthy due to the salt levels
Beans & Rice: a million dollarinos
Big Mac: literally free
checkmate atheists
Are you telling me that lentils and porridge aren't cheaper?
Fish is free you retard
In terms of opportunity cost, it is. When you've spent a full day working and exhausting yourself, there aren't many cheap, convenient, healthy food options, both for you, and a family. Unless you want to spend an hour prepping and cooking, you're going to save a lot of time and money just grabbing a burger, or popping something in the microwave.
in your local lake or river you tard
That's not free. You pay a cost in time to fish and you pay real money in equipment to fish.
>have to buy fishing gear
>have to buy lisence
>have to take time off from work to go fish
>not guaranteed to catch anything
when you factor in all those things you'd save money buying alaskan salmon or sea bass from the store
>, there aren't many cheap, convenient, healthy food options, both for you, and a family
Shake some dry rub on some chicken breasts, put in oven. Eat raw broccoli. Cook up rice.
Bam, a full meal. Is it fancy? No. But you're poor. Stop bitching.
Because they don't cook. If you cook and want to eat healthy it's cheap as fuck. But if you want prepared and convenience foods the healthy options are much more expensive.
I mean, luckily I have the money and time to not be that concerned about it. But if I had a bunch of kids... I know they wouldn't eat chicken breasts, broccoli, and rice. I can see why someone would buy them cheeseburgers.
But still, all that being said... Isn't broccoli, chicken, and rice comparably priced to a couple of McDoubles & fries?
If you include time as part of your budget, it is
Yeah just like all meat is free if you hunt it and all vegetables are free if you farm them or find them in the forest or some shit. But that's not a reasonable thing tp expect people to do, especially if they live in the city or something.
because it's even cheaper to eat unhealthy ? i can get 2 frozen pizzas for 1€
It costs me about a dollar a day extra to eat healthy. Not a lot more but definitely more
american poorfags don't know about rice and beans
Even if excess salt were unhealthy, those all have low levels compared to what lots of people eat as actual meals. They don't even taste noticeably salty, unless you're getting something like kippers which are salted on purpose.
Anyone can bulk cook on the weekends, even with a pile of kids. Get those hell spawn used to leftovers and cereal for breakfast and you'll successfully have created and nurtured a child.
Like fuck, it's not complicated.
Herring and mackerel are so fucking cheap i suspect they're catching themselves. Also you're a retard.
Because I can't cook and that shit you tell me to whip up just sits in the fridge while I still drive to the nearest fast food place and get my usual.
So I spent more because I bought your shitty recommendations instead of just doing the usual and just buying fast food.
I hate not knowing how to cook.
Yeah, if you want to eat the exact same shit every single night and try to force feed your kids to eat the same slop.
Sounds good in theory, but your kids aren't going to swallow down the same dreck every night and will become more of a pain in the ass than anything.
I bet you don't have kids.
>applying food to a very hot box is difficult
neck oneself and any spawn you have managed to produce
not that poster but i have 4 kids and my partner and i work full time. It's only hard if you're a fat fucking landwhale (which you are) who cannot be arsed.
Wendys salads
>I know they wouldn't eat chicken breasts, broccoli, and rice
nigger are you fucking dumb? Kids eat what they're trained to eat by their parents
If they weren't retarded, they probably wouldn't be poor.
Haha yeah man just slap the steak into the hot pan and it cooks no need for any other interference!
Shut the fuck up
You literally just send them to bed hungry if they won't eat. Are all parents these days weak fucks like you?
I wouldn't eat that cuck food either. Chicken thighs taste better and are cheaper.
>throw steak in pan
>flip steak
wow so hard
Except it's not that easy and you know it
It literally is that easy. I'm not joking, it literally is that easy.
super retard alert
Sorry dude as someone that started seriously cooking like a month ago, cooking a steak really is that simple. You must be doing something majorly wrong
I feel sorry for the people who have to come into conact with you though no fault of their own.
Why are you guys talking about steak in a cheap healthful food thread?
He has a point though; making healthy food actually taste good is difficult when you're retarded.
>I hate not knowing how to cook.
Then lurk or learn and shut the fuck up in the meantime, bitch.
I'm not fat, I just think meal prepping is stupid. It's the number one way to remind kids that they're poor (which you probably are because you have four fucking kids and both of you have to work), and that their parents don't have time for them.
Still $5+ bucks a pop for a regular salad, without drink or anything. You can get four Jr. cheeseburgers and a drink for the price.
I'm not saying people should be unhealthy, but pretending like it isn't if you don't want bland, shitty food, or don't have the time to cook, is silly.
>Pity me because I can't use a condom
Fuck off breeder
i have no reason to lie on an anonymous imageboard or any medium infact.
So we agree that OP is, once again, retarded.
You're either trolling or one of the prime examples for why no one should feel bad for the American poor
> I just think meal prepping is stupid
> It's the number one way to remind kids that they're poor
>(which you probably are because you have four fucking kids and both of you have to work), and that their parents don't have time for them.
I wish i didn't work so i could sit next to my children a school
You're so stupid i don't know where to start
Not five nights a week they won't. They'll fuckin' eat half and go to bed. Because kids are stupid and don't care about nutrition. But if you force them to eat shitty and bland poor people food every night, the first moment they get out of your supervision they're gonna pack themselves full of the shit they can't eat.
And then they don't eat. And you send your kids hungry to school. And you get shit on by the teachers or your kid learns to resent you or a million other fucking things.
You don't deserve a fucking medal of honor for making shit food and sending your kid to bed hungry.
Anyways, this is a thread about healthy food being more expensive than unhealthy food, not a parenting thread.
You are a terrible parent. I genuinely hope you feel bad about how poorly you've raised your children.
The "Healthy" options are always expensive in restaurants because of the emphasis on fresh ingredients instead of preservative-laden trash. Eating healthy at home is easy, but most lardasses aren't willing to either spend a bit more or actually cook stuff when they can buy a meal's worth of pizza rolls for 2 bucks.
Again, not poor. Just understanding why parents make these decisions. In a perfect world, parents would come home and cook a decent meal for themselves and their kids every night. But when you're stretched paycheck-to-paycheck and work two jobs, I get it.
>Mom and dad can't afford to feed you anything but bulk ingredients that we cook sometimes as far as six days back, enjoy perpetual leftovers
Screams poor to me.
>>Mom and dad can't afford to feed you anything but bulk ingredients that we cook sometimes as far as six days back, enjoy perpetual leftovers
>Screams poor to me.
When did i say any of that?
>reading comprehension
Seems to me like your just a shit human being who eats fast food because your to lazy to cook and if you have children i feel really sorry for them
Gather all your children into a room and off yourself so they can watch.
You have to season, make sure shit is the right temperature so you don't overcook, etc.
I only used a steak for example. The list gets super bigger with other foods.
The only shit that you can just plop on a plate is a salad but you still gotta cook the meat if you want to add it.
You replied to a post I replied to about meal prepping. And then said "WHAT" when I called it stupid.
Meal prepping is gross. But if I misread it, and you feed your kids night to night, I apologize and shouldn't have been a dick. Meal prepping triggers me, especially in bulk for a family.
Sorry for being an ass.
>americans complaining about food prices
>at all
one of the richest countries on earth with the cheapest prices for food in the west. what the fuck are people doing wrong?
you're just a lazy fat bitch and everyones against you in this thread.
>you have to season
well i see your point, that's a good hour or two
>right temp
it takes me a good hour to take meat out of the fridge and watch it to room temperature
Just fucking stop, your man must a fucking idiot to put up with you
You don't have to season and you can eyeball pretty much everything and be just fine. Anyone who says they can't cook is just a lazy fag making excuses
>you don't have to season
Fucking bullshit.
>Meal prepping triggers me, especially in bulk for a family.
This is one of the stupidest opinions I've ever read on this website.
You don't. You're not buying high quality steak to make at home, serve it with steak sauce, it doesn't matter.
I wasn't exaggerating when I said only lazy fags making excuses say they can't cook. You're choosing to throw up barriers for yourself to justify why you don't do it. I don't give a shit if you want to eat meals made by other people for the rest of your life, but don't pretend that making it yourself is in any way hard.
If you actually like food, meal prepping is a one-way trip to hating it. I feel bad watching my coworkers shovel the same bland crap out of their tupperware every day.
The only time I can justify it is if you have a dietary restriction.
>Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Meal prepping Use especially in bulk Even Go for a family. Want to do Look More Like?
I tried but i cannot make it anymore retarded
You people clearly don't know what opportunity cost is.
It's kind of amazing how stupid every post you've made in this thread is. The raw consistency of it shows you're not faking, and it makes me sad. The idea that meal prepping is inherently bland and unfulfilling is astonishingly unintelligent, and I can only imagine you as american spurdo
It's the term that kind economists use to explain away the correlation between poor people and laziness
Yep, it wasn't faking. I think it's shit. But I'm heading out of this thread. I feel bad I derailed it. Anyways, I'll be laughing at any of you if you work with me. Night.
Well, thank god I don't work at a wallmart then.
Is eating soiled nappies/diapers a job?
Because they cannot comprehend portion control.
I know when I "cook" shit with no seasoning and it tastes bland as fuck I didn't cook it right. It's not barriers or any shit, I know that shit isn't right.
It's not like I haven't tried, pic related is an "attempt". I put in like 30 minutes into prep and I didn't even know how long to keep it in the oven. Even taking it out early it was super tough and taste seasoned enough. I didn't even eat all of it.
Steak is pretty cheap if you get something like round or sirloin. It's nice to have once or twice a week.
So throw some fucking sauce on it, or put it in a sandwich, or a soup, or fucking anything. Or fucking google how long you're supposed to put porkchops in the oven, there are thousands of recipes online, and all of them work just fine. How fucking dumb are you that you are having a hard time applying heat to a piece of meat?
>Access to the world's database of cooking instructions and recipes
>Still cant cook
went to the grocery store today and bought
>1 quart half&half cream
>400g walnuts
>ten stalks of celery
>2 bell pepper
>5 apples
>300g ground turkey
>kg chicken
>bunch of bananas
>5 mini cucumber
>1 regular cucumber
what's it like living in canada, did you have to give up your car to a gay muslim?
Farmers market are overpriced bullshit, they sell more prepared foods like Indian, rotisserie chicken, pot pies etc.
How many limes are you hiding?
>I hate not knowing how to cook.
You can learn how to cook form youtube. It's not wanting to get into the habit of cooking that's really your problem, and that's because you're lazy. Being lazy is either expensive or unhealthy, usually both.
The biggest limiting factor in learning to cook is money and then time. People act like its easy but most things you are forced to buy in bulk and then you have no idea what to do with that obscure ingredient before it goes bad.
my car wouldnt start this morning i actually had to bike over there
>walk up to cashier
"did you walk or drive?"
"i biked my car wouldnt start this morning"
"haha your car is your bike!"
so yeah i didn't technically give my car up
is this a reference to that picture ... some celebrity posted of what a family should buy to be healthy
>great, now i'm stuck with ten pounds of potatoes and onions
>what the fuck do i even do with this?
if you wern't so much of a faggot you'd get into the teleporter instead of wanking yourself stupid on the holodeck.
that was gwyneth paltrow, a stupid american cunt who named her child "apple".
>white people
you are without honor
oh man i haven't laughed out loud at a post in awhile
My largest barrier to eating healthy right now is my work schedule.
I make my own breakfast and lunch, but after a 12 hour work shift I simply cannot be fucked to cook my own dinner. I'd rather just wait 5 minutes at Jack in the Box or Sonic for a burger or something instead of expending the negative amount of mental energy I have left on frying an egg.
I have eliminated most sugary drinks from my diet though, so I've got that going for me.
i know that feel also when i was working 60 hours a week i needed at least 2 litres of beer a day after work for sanity
eating monkeys, lizards,mosquitos, sun baked mud, other humans, crisps/chips with hot sauce and lemon/lime juice, shit out of cows arseholes ect...
>non white people