*grows mold as soon as you turn your back*
*grows mold as soon as you turn your back*
That's why you buy frozen, just as good as fresh.
Most mold-prone fruit coming through.
I never understood how we made any profit on these at Kroger. Out of every case of 16, we had to throw away between 2 and 6 of them.
Fortunately i think grocers get tax breaks by donating to local food banks. I recall tons of times getting damaged produce. Either physically gashed or some pieces were moldy in a box. Nothing to prevent most of the fruit from being eaten, and the poor people ate it. Everybody wins.
We routinely filled carts for God's Pantry. For some reason they rarely got their shit together and came to pick it up. 90% of the fruit we tossed out went into the compost bins. Idk about the rest of the store, I just worked produce, management relief, and liquor. Maybe they picked up canned goods or something.
Thats lame. So you dont know if grocer donations result in savings for the grocer?
Blackberries last longer than raspberries in my experience
*is delicious forever and always*
I don't get why these are so expensive, you can literally pick them off the side of the road
Probably. All the compost was getting donated or sold for pennies to Kroger-affiliated farms, so something useful got done with it. I wouldn't be surprised if they over-reported how much product got donated to food banks, both for taxes and PR. They used to be shady as fuck with their own employees.
This is why I rinse them as soon as I get home, remove the squished ones, put them in a container in the fridge. Then eat them within a day or two.
I completely disagree, frozen fruit always has this off taste and texture
You're that exact same guy aren't you.
we go through them like crazy at my place, same with strawberries.
Rinse them with white vinegar when you first buy them. After that rinse with water to remove the vinegar. It won't affect the flavor and it'll last much longer. I've had berries just go soft or dry out before getting moldy since rinsing them with vinegar.
>sits in your fridge for 16 years
If you make coleslaw and fish as much as I do, one of those could easily be used in a week.
What the hell is with grocery store raspberries? They're too large, too soft, and have a watered down taste. The ones my family picks in the woods are so much smaller, darker colored, better tasting, and keep longer.
Commercial farms favor fast growth, large size, and disease resistance over everything else. That's why grocery store tomatoes taste like slightly sour water.
Fruit is perishable as fuck. May as well be fish. That's why both are so popularly canned.
Want to enjoy fruit for the week when you buy highly perishable fruit? Soak in water with a little vinegar, then put in fridge. This kills the mold.
>not ripe yet
>not ripe yet
>not ripe yet
>just kidding, now I'm brown and mushy
Mine last forever simply because I also buy fresh lemons.
I only use that when im overly lazy or only need like a teaspoon of juice.
>mfw we got ~24 boxes of Organic raspberries today at the Kroger I work at
>This is why I rinse them as soon as I get home
This is literally what creates the mold, retard.
will you eat them?
I was going to buy some but the price sign wasn't printed out and I forgot by the time I left.
Maybe tomorrow if they haven't all gone bad
No, that would be the spores, ya dingus
>buy hard as a rock
>literally two days later it's molding and caving in at a touch
>Tempts you with the pleasant aroma and convenience as you walk around store
>*Purchase on impulse*
>HAHA FOOLED YOU, I'm 15% Skin, 40% Bone, 20% Fatty Gristle, and barely 25% Meat. Hope you have extra chicken stock lying around because I'm not enough to make a single bowl's worth either
>*grows mold as soon as you turn your back*
You ain't seen shit yet boy
A store I go to has that stuff at a choke point between the produce and rest of the store to try to force shoppers to smell it, so I go around the front to avoid it since I'm not getting any dairy cookie butter shit either.
>charge $5 for barely 2 handfuls
>can literally collect a gallon or two from my backyard or any local park for free
Is it mostly just shipping? Shit is wicked dumb
Raspberries are a relatively low yield crop that only grows in a few parts of the world, and they're difficult to harvest without hand-picking due to how fragile they are.
The ones at my grocery store are actually pretty good. Most of them aren't dry or gristly at all. They are really greasy though. Also, the skin is the best fucking part, so 15% doesn't seem like a bad deal to me.
Wild isn't as good, oddly enough
>Raspberries are a relatively low yield crop
I get around 4kgs of fruit from a roughly 1.5m square patch containing 6 canes that I grow in my garden.
You're right about hand-picking though.
>eating avocados unironically
either you're a third-worlder, or you're a hipster retard
>He's never had a delicious prawn salad with fresh slices of avocado
>He thinks his opinion is valid
Go find a new board user. Your childlike opinion has no place on Veeky Forums.
The only rotisserie chicken I trust is from Costco. $4.99, savory, plump and juicy. Never disappoints.
Yeah it's lazy as fuck getting something already prepared but some days I'm just fucking beat and just want something simple like rice, greens and chicken.
>using pre-squeezed lemon juice with preservatives
Use fresh lemons you lazy fucking muppet. Fucking disgraceful. Why don't you just use wood polish?
We pick our own blueberries at this 20 acre farm (pic related). The owner hires pickers and ships to small independent groceries. She won't let her pickers start until after they've dried from the overnight dew or any recent rains because she said they'll mold very fast if picked when wet. I doubt large commercial operations are that picky (npi).
I know it's Veeky Forums opinion to hate on avocados but they actually taste good on sandwiches or with tacos, sorry you can't like an entire food just because hipsters also enjoy it, I guess you better stop eating bacon too since it's a normalfag meme?
Commercial operations aren't that picky because they pick earlier then when they're fully ripe. About half of every batch of blueberries from the store is pretty flavorless to the point it tastes like snot.
I honestly thought I didn't like blueberries outside of muffins or pancakes for the longest time until I tasted properly grown blueberries.
>eating sea spiders with a side of solid fat
That's why we pick ourselves. We can select the fully ripe ones that incredible plus it's only $10.00/gallon. I used to think I didn't like blueberries either, but these are a whole different world. Juicy and sweet.
I have a tiring job and need some things to be a little easier when I'm preparing my dinners. Unlike many of you faggots who collect autismbucks, my actual diagnosed autism isn't bad enough to be treated like a retard, so I have to actually leave my apartment and earn money. I doubt you're a chef, just some piece of shit on disability payments who has all the energy and time possible to cook. Talk to me when you get a degree or two that's actually applicable for a career.
I worked for a coffee shop and the people who were supposed to pick up our leftover pastries constantly fell through. They would also complain about day old pastries (keep in mind, I took leftover shit home and ate it 5-7 days after) being stale. Made no sense to me but maybe they had more donated food than they needed.
-short shelf life
-need to pick a lot for a single serving
>not having your own blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry patches
Spray them with lemon juice you mong
Lime is better
yh that works
Only if you're cooking with it.
See, I like my dark wild Maine blueberries. Small and tart
>waah woe is me I have no time to spend 30 seconds slicing a lemon in half and squeezing it
One day I'll have my own little produce garden. When I can finally stop killing the plants I try to grow.
I'm so glad your backyard is statistically like the rest of the world
Ask your question to a raspberry farmer or some shit
That's my experience too. I buy most of my berries at Costco and it's alway the raspberries that go bad first.
Seriously though, my fridge broke two weeks ago, it's been between 80-97 degrees, and my butter still hasn't turned.
Just like your mom's gash
*becomes more nutritious*
step up you beaners
I'm slav. I make jam before i turn my back on fruit
Well it was used as quasi-currency before fridges, so don't sweat it.
At least they use compost bin, some places don't and it's a complete waste, if every food place recycle their garbage it would make the world a bit more cleaner.
for that price i'll gladly be a lazy fuck
>wasting fruit on lame jam when it could become Pálinka
get blueberries from chile. holy moly they are good.
how can i find places to pick berries at? am interested
Search if you can grow whatever berry/fruit you like in your locations climate, if the answer is yes then find a farm that lets the public pick their own fruit etc for whatever price they see fair.
Well fuck me for not being an alcoholic.
>freezing old bananas then making into smoothies
The ultimate
>has time to post and respond to anons on Veeky Forums
>cant be asked to take 20 seconds to slice a lemon and squeeze it
Raspberries are ripening in my small backyard patch, my dog loves them as a treat too
that'll teach you
simple; pick them as needed
oh wait >he doesn't have his own raspberry bush
I don't have time to squeeze a lemon every time I need to refill my glass with icy lemon water
plus they're stupid cheap at costco
you can just make it in the morning and have enough for the day
*absorbs all the oil in the pan*
they should use these when oil tankers crash
>he lives in the country
>he lives in a country
Dry them, crush them and test your theory. You might be on to something. Compare next to sawdust, just dump 1tbsp of motor oil on at a time and see which side takes more.
this looks like a yellow cartoon duck with a black beak
I thought this as well. Untill one time I used it and salad I was making tasted really weird. I unscrewed the top and found mold growing inside.
Never bought it again. I rather use fresh lemons because when those go bad you can at leat see it.
>childlike opinion isnt valid on Veeky Forums
I mean, i was with you till you said that
We know, Paula.
He was subtle with his samefagging.
>two minutes
>no one will know
Sounds good but go you spend more on the vinegar than the berries?
You don't need much vinegar, and vinegar is dirt cheap.
Fuck 'em. Homeless people are always cunts. That's why they have alienated everyone they know and can't use a friend's floor for a few nights.
Maybe they don't want to be cunts, they just can't control their emotions properly
fuck I miss the gigantic blackberry bush at our old house..
>boohoo I can't control my emotions when my boss asks me to do what I'm paid for
>boohoo I can't control my emotions when I have to give and take with friends and/or family
Maybe that's the definition of cunt?
Maybe you're a worse cunt for enabling them?
>have mowers
>have raspberry bush
>10 steps from door
>1.5 gallons per year
>mowers decide that it has to go
>kill everything
>1 year later
>get 3 whole raspberries
>birds eat the rest
>leave bright purple bird shit everywhere
At least some of them are coming back up now.
>two months ago
>mowers now
>mowers find large rock enclosure
>mowers see plant tag in ground
>says "potato"
>mowers see plant cage around flowering potato
>mowers put weedeater down into cage
>tfw the next day I check on my potato
Pennsylvanians are fucking retarded. Fired them instantly. I threw the potato hard as fuck at the ground and threw it aside. Month later it has three stalks and now I'm stuck mowing with a push mower and a y scythe. Oh well. Fuck those faggots for cutting my shit up.
I like your spacing.
>get butt blasted