Why are non /sip/pers so mean >:(
Why are non /sip/pers so mean >:(
kys faggot cuck
thank god I haven't seen a sip thread all day
non-/sip/per detected
>sipped a 20 oz red bull and already want to sip another
liquid crack
Have fun killing yourself drinking this garbage
I had to completely cold turkey my sips because I'm trying to be frugal with my budget.
Work is hard user..... Hard
k mom
Had one of these this morning as tesco didnt have any red bulls in the fridge. Regular monster is way too sweet for me so tried this one.
bretty good lads bretty good indeed.
want to tell us whats so bad about them? you haven't been able to in the last 1000 threads
Had one sip 12 years ago and been explosive diarrah since
I've never liked the taste of any energy drink I've ever had.
I drank a few Rip-Its on deployment because it was either those or coffee from the messdecks that had been cooking for a week
Jokes on you, I don't wanna live long.
They're nothing but chemicals. It's so unnatural and provide leads to cancer.
Sip thread? Sip thread.
really childish drinks, that's all.
only people you see drinking these are dropkick teenagers at skate parks and 30-40 year old manual labourers who grew up being dropkick teenagers at skate parks.
just have a coffee or get caffeine pills
chemicals that boost your energy, correct
I prefer coffee. Most of these drinks are way too sweet for my tastes.
They hate us, cause they ain't us
>want to tell us whats so bad about them?
They're crazy fucking expensive.
Pic related costs as much as a single can, yet has the same caffeine content as 90 cans.
>Why are non /sip/pers so mean >:(
You're seriously asking why juvenile behavior draws the ire of others?
I know this is Veeky Forums so I should expect a certain amount of social ineptitude, but damn.......
>fast acting
i sip a fucking 240 rockstar thru my 8 hour shift and have 1/4th can left by the end
I drank two lo carb monster's and it gave me diarrhea and slightly green pee
quints confirmed
Nobody said you had to take the whole pill at once, user.
>having to carry around a pill cutter
>tasting nasty ass plain white pills that are cut
they're scored, user. you can just snap 'em with your fingers.
yeah, they taste nasty, but that's an insignificant thing given the massive cost savings.
But hey, if you want to keep paying the stupid tax then don't let me stop you.
i dont live in a cuck-a-cola tax state user
Off road orange squincher and rip its ftw
It's figurative, user. I'm not talking about a literal tax levied by the government. I'm talking about you buying your retarded expensive drinks.
i buy them to sip
i used to get 5HE, i stopped because i had to then sip water
now i can sip something that tastes good and it lasts longer and its easier to regulate
a small ass shot or an even smaller pill is harder, especially when those pills are 200mg which is what rockstar es' are
You sound like you're a hit at parties
yes b vitamins that are found in food and old people require via injection are so dangerous
the Veeky Forumscuck who doesn’t understand we don’t drink this for caffeine still hasn’t gone back to his containment board. we would drink sips if they were caffeine free because we don’t have miserable lives like you
no, i drink them for the caffeine
energy drinks are for chads and aspies. which one are you?
the niacin and b12 does more than the caffeine ever will. monsters only have 20mg more caffeine than the average soda
>2 for 4$
lel americucks
here in good old Germany they cost 1€
Monster and Rockstar
You are insecure.
am I?
>dropkick teenagers
Da fuq is a dropkick teenager?
Everything is nothing but chemicals you fucking retarded bag of chemicals
I was wrong.
>I drank a few Rip-Its on deployment
only a few? we would get them by the caseload from the DFAC.
This is the only beverage I've ever had that makes me go AHHHHH after i have a sip
Probably because your baby talk is just kind of pathetic to look at.
>No Monster on deployment
Your ship's store done fucked up, user
They are just being defensive and reactionary about their insecurities. They call sipping juvenile because they are projecting their own immaturity. But how can sipping be juvenile if its zero calories for free energy??? Its just smart business sense.
>when you realize sipping breaks the laws of physics
That word doesn't mean what you think it does
It's an unironic shilling meme taken up by useful idiots who will shill the product ironically.
I looked it up. The definition was exactly what I expected.
Water is nothing but chemicals and if you want to live naturally have fun dying at 35. Fucking facebook science is ruining this country
It's a meme and discussing energy drinks, if you think companies are actually shilling on here than you're dumber than, well, a company who would shill on here
I had my first /sip/ 2 days ago- (you)r pic related- and I was kind of unimpressed at first but the more I /sip/ped the more I enjoyed it and that kind of freaked me out
Did you mean dropout? Dropkick just sounds badass, makes me want to sip.
Welcome to the S I P L I F E
What? SIPLIFE is novel and progressive by its very nature. People rallying against it because "muh traditions" and "chemicals are scary i don't know what science is" are being reactionary. They are experiencing an emotional reaction to change and progress and their conservative lizard brains can't deal with it and work through it to realize that siplife is the way. That's the definition of reactionary. It's why all the trump sip memes are so retarded. Do you really think we'll ever see a single republican president, senator, or congressman actually sipping? of course not.
>Do you really think we'll ever see a single republican president, senator, or congressman actually sipping? of course not.
Agreed. Those types of people are adults.
I made that and most of the other Trump sip memes. I think the guy's an embarrassment and I sure as hell didn't vote for him. The reason why he works so well for sip memes has nothing to do with whether he or any other ""conservative""" would actually sip or not--he's just so ridiculous that it's easy to make a joke by putting him in a sipping context. I see a photo, like the one you posted, and the joke just writes itself. Pic related required like half a second of thought.
Wait, did you just refer to a picture with text on it as a "meme"?
I think you should hit yourself in the head with a dictionary until you learn to use that word correctly.
>he's just so ridiculous
Agreed. Clowns are very easy targets. But you have to admit there is an irony and casualness to the trump sip memes which is a sign of our over decadence. The ease of which we can accept the notion of a "president sipper" as a casual joke is a real issue. We have an America that just doesn't care enough to elect good people anymore - or worse - can't find any. I have a feeling that after a bit longer of this tomfoolery the American people will strongly realize it does matter and find a better person for the job. Perhaps after 50% of the trump base loses healthcare and gets cancer from drinking fracking water.
>Agreed. Those types of people are reactionary fools.
ftfy. Again, (with adults) you were projecting your own emotional immaturity.
You want me to call it a macro? I can work with your autism. Just let me know what you need lil buddy.
Absolutely agree. I made the first one when he was still just a punchline, the morning of the election. It's much more difficult to joke about it now, like scruples-wise. It's still easy to make the jokes, but now it feels kind of gross.
It's nice of you to work around people's special
needs. Sip thread's should be a safe-space of sorts where everyone can feel welcome. Even the non-sippers. How can we expect to teach them about the S I P L I F E if we are hostile and unwelcoming? Jesus would want us to turn the other cheek and welcome the nonsipper.
Good job. Keep up the excellent work. You represent very well for the /sip/ community. I am proud to call you a brother.
>The ease of which we can accept the notion of a "president sipper" as a casual joke is a real issue.
True. Any thumb cracking open a cold sip has no business near the nuclear button.
>but now it feels kind of gross
OMG. My friends and I have felt the same way for a couple months now. Before the election we used to go to trivia every week out in the boonies and REK the redneck idiots and take first place every week for 25 bucks house cash. We'd sit around and drink and make fun of 45. Our team name each week would be about the latest Trump, KellyAnne Conway, or Putin gaff. One week we were "The Official Ken Bone fan club." Another week we were the "bowling green massacre survivors." It was hilarious. But now it's just fucking depressing. This is the actual world we live in, where backward fucktards actually elected a billionaire to continue privatizing government and making tax dollars continue to go to for profit institutions run and owned by the 1%. How stupid do these people have to be to elect a billionaire to a system that is already owned, bought, and paid for, by billionaires. A large percentage of my fellow americans (including many of my family members) are truly depressing and I will never forgive them for what they have done. They went too far this time and voted on party lines without thinking it through at all. Just sad. Not really funny anymore at all.
>Wait, did you just refer to a picture with text on it as a "meme"?
>tfw the Walmart Grocery Pickup associate loads a new case of dip into your trunk while you wait
>All this trolling
>and no sips to be found
Normies call everything a meme. They think memes are "made"
Anyone had v8 energy sipps? on sale for 12 bux for 24 cans.
The "white background black text above some picture" format is a meme though.
>Try to ban everything that contradicts a book written by some drunkard thousands of years ago
What in the hell kind of autism is this?
You know the saying... "If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it". Do Europoors even get sips on their side of the pond?
I'm not sure I want to afford it.
Tried the white one and the purple one. They were both unimpressive. If fact I couldn't even finish the white it was so nasty.
Drank one of these before a run, and my heart rate shot way up and I had blurred vision a few minutes later. Coffee and water never did this to me.
Is Monster trying to promote their product or something?
Too much b3 and b6 vitamins are harmful. Same with taurine. Just admit that you are a shill
Shill detected
I work at the marriott and the cafeteria has these for free.
i have to control myself or else ill die
You drank them at room temp.
prove that they're harmful
>or something
Maybe people are discussing a massively popular product. This stuff is in every grocery store and gas station in America. Do you think the beef council or whatever is shilling on Veeky Forums when people make hamburger threads?
This I what poor people tell themselves so they can go about their lives, justifying their meager existence, without falling into a see depression.
>I dont think I'd want a ferarri anyway
>owning a private jet seems like a lot of work
>300ft yachts aren't that cool
>what kind of idiot would want a helipad on their boat?
Why wouldn't a company shill on here? It's the perfect demographic for energy drinks, fast food, video games, computer components, all sorts of bullshit.
t. shill
My favorite
last time i went to starbucks i asked for an empty venti cup of ice and they told me "we only give talls"
getting a cup of ice at home is so inconvenient
Weird, they practically bend over backwards at the one I go to. Guess it depends
Why wouldn't they? Better question is why wouldn't they shill this specific product. Monster already dominated the 18-35 y/o male market and introduced the Ultra line in an attempt to soften its image and appeal to young women. Now tell me that Monster is on Veeky Forums shilling a product intended for young women. It makes no sense. It's a meme because Veeky Forums is obsessed with zero-calorie appetite suppressants for cutting, and it doubles as a pretty decent preworkout.
For me, it's Monster® Rehab. The best /sip/.
men do not /sip/
Good choice my fine sir.