What would be the healthiest meal plan possible for a human to consume?

What would be the healthiest meal plan possible for a human to consume?

Ignoring flavor and preference entirely

For me, it's the McChicken™.

For what human? Obviously different people will have different nutritional requirements. A healthy young 200-lb construction worker is going to need a radically different diet than a 70-year old little old lady with kidney problems.

Why do people seek specific answers to questions which clearly don't have such a thing?

You can just adjust the proportions to suit someone with higher calorie needs.

Assume the diet is made for a person with no failing organs as a baseline. Macronutrient ratios are for a day when the person isn't doing strenuous exercise.

Like if you were a computer and you had to come up with a meal plan for humans what would you come up with?

>inb4 this becomes another fucking vegan vs nonvegan shitfest

When I was stationed in Illinois, I got a frozen hotpocket from the vending machine in the barracks only to discover some stoopid squid blew up the microwave earlier. I, legit, cooked a hotpocket on a clothes iron. It tasted like starch.

>Ignoring flavor and preference entirely

Mental health is also health, so I'd argue that this is inherently unhealthy.

It probably depends on your genes. I'm pretty sure there are genetic differences between groups of people that are still nomadic/hunters, and ones who have been farmers for a while. So the amount of meat/veg/grains consumed would differ between them. People who can digest lactose into adulthood might need some for optimal health while those who can't won't need it. I guess for a basic general diet it would look something like:

-serving of fish, meat, eggs, or dairy product
-raw fermented vegetables
-cooked vegetables
-raw (optional fermented) fruits
-cooked fruits
-nuts, seeds, fermented whole grains
-tea, coffee, beer, wine

Ideally you'd alternate the protein servings between different types of fish, cuts of meat, offal, etc. Both raw fermented and cooked vegetables because they offer different nutritional profiles, raw vegetables usually have more vitamin C but cooked vegetables let you absorb more of other vitamins and minerals. Fermented because it's easier to digest and it helps keep your digestive bacteria healthy. Same thing with raw and cooked fruits. Nuts/seeds/whole grains offer a bit more protein and fiber, other vitamins and minerals. Coffee, tea, beer, and wine have been shown to have multiple health benefits including protection from some diseases and lowering stress.

You'd want to consume as many different foods for each food group as you can to get a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. But it's still not that simple, because things like the weather can affect what food your body needs. Most people don't want to eat heavy fatty foods like beef stew during hot summer months and want hydrating foods with more salt and sugar like fruit. To get a perfect meal plan you have to take all of that into consideration every day, so your perfect meal plan would vary day to day because of those factors but it's still a decent basic guideline I guess. The serving sizes depend on your gender, height, genetics determining how much muscle you have.

>The serving sizes depend on your gender, height, genetics determining how much muscle you have.
and your age

Japanese are the healthiest and live the longest even though they until very recently all smoked like chimneys.

So probably whatever they eat. Lots of fish

A lot of that is probably just from not being overweight too.

>Only 3.6 percent of Japanese have a body mass index (BMI) over 30, which is the international standard for obesity, whereas 32.0 percent of Americans do. A total of 66.5 percent of Americans have a BMI over 25, making them overweight, but only 24.7 percent of Japanese.

Being overweight is horrible for your health even if you eat all healthy foods.

So emulate their diet perfectly. It's not exercise keeping them thin. They work too much to go to the gym

Might just be more expensive food in general compared to USA puts more social pressure on everyone to not overeat

Less refined sugar and carbs also. Yeah they eat rice but they don't pound bread and breading like Americans.

they walk everywhere they probably burn more in daily excursions than your standard murrican does in a week

Walking doesn't burn many calories at all. A 10 minute jog probably burns as many calories in a day as an average Jap walkie

100 calories per mile is a fair amount

A lot of bread in America has sugar added to it, and I'm guessing that they just eat plain steamed rice most of the time so that cuts down on calories. Nothing inherently wrong with bread though, especially when compared to white rice, bread might be better in that case since it has more protein at least. White rice really doesn't offer much except carbs without fiber unless it's enriched just like white bread.

The slop they ate on The Matrix. Is it every vegan's dream?

the healthiest possible meal would be randomly eaten during the day and sometimes the consumer would go days without eating

regularly timed eating is nt healthy

My new breakfast this week has consisted of cooking a frozen beef patty on the Foreman grill, and then grilling and egg on the same grill.

Man, it cooks sunny side up perfectly, George.