who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
The writer for several reasons
-secretly thinking their friend is stupid
-not ordering on the friend's behalf
-writing the article at all
You for making this shitty thread.
The person who eats at a gourmet sandwich shop. It's a fucking sandwich
I have a graduate degree and don't know what that stuff is, aside from some kind of smoked Italian meat.
it is concerning that a grown up woman does not know what those ingredients are
This is the most condescending thing I've ever read, the author belongs in a labor camp
Pomadoro is just tomato in italian. Going to college doesn't make you speak italian. The friend going to the sandwich shop is just a classic college tool who thinks having a college degree makes him cultured.
Brooks isn't in the wrong. His article is about how the upper classes exclude people partly through cultural signifiers.
the writer is david brooks of nyt
I didn't learn any Italian in university, so what does having only having a high school diploma have to do with it? This is some classist shit right here.
I believe subconscious classism is literally the point of the article.
>i took a poor friend to get a sandwich
>i dont think she is good enough for a sandwich she cant make her way
its just a regular sandwich with marginally better stuff at ten times the price
i like saying tomato in italian because im a tool
all my friends are tools so we get toggether to say tomato and masturbate each other while enjoying our farts
i think im excluding other people from something they dont want any part in in the first place
because im so far up my own asshole i dont have any objectivity about myself
The writer for eating with people below his socioeconomic status.
That's about the gist of it, yeah. But I don't think he's wrong.
there was this little sandwich shop everyone loved
they had simple stuff but also a list of 60 different sandwiches inlcuding all kinds of ingridients
you could get a cheap sandwich or a really fancy one, you paid for it and ate it like everyone else
i was around after not eating there in five years so i decided to get a sandwich, they turned it into a deli but kept the name, instead of 60 sandwiches they narrowed it down to ten, every sandwich had this entire paragraph of ingridients and descriptions, i got a bacon one or something, i dont remember anymore. It tasted like shit
the place looked really nice, shame it was completely empty
David Brooks was always a classist cunt.
Everyone in America is classist. People actually get angry when their class expectations are violated. You see it on this board all the time - middle and lower middle class Anons talking about what foods they think are pretentious. You know what that is? Class affirmation. Get one level down and you have people making fun of organic food and shying away from "foreign" foods. Or drinking wine. Because to them that's rich people shit and thus should be mocked. This goes unnoticed because most of us here are of the same social class, so we share the same prejudices. But it gets really obvious when you hang out with people substantially above or below you.
>tfw your date with an italian spanish degree exposes you on the internet for the complete moron you are
Are you the guy who wrote an analysis of the poster that claimed to want to smash the disphit who posted a pic of himself at Taco Bell in fancy attire?
That's my point, and somehow they think they're better than the "friend" they pity
Way to miss the point.
What point
I'd say that the shop and every retard going there for thinking that having the ingredients in foreign language makes it classy and good.
is "eating mexican" a euphemism for muff diving?
>graduate high school with a degree
>still can't understand hipster menus
this hipster ass vegan restaurant opened near me recently, see if any of this sounds appealing to you
The point in the article
What is it
sounds fine, but i know that menu will have you shitting GREAT later
I've got a coworker like this. Whenever we go out for lunch to a reasonably priced but good place, he gets weird and quiet when the menu has nice things on it. He only wants to eat hamburgers and pizza. Basically a man-baby. Sometimes he'll agree to go to an actual expensive place but he'll get all weird with the staff, being demanding over trivial bullshit and criticizing the shit out of everything. I think he gets it from those TV shows where a chef eats "gourmet" food and criticizes it? It's embarrassing. What kind of fucked up childhood must these people have where they can't even enjoy food?
That their friend is a whiny little bitch who won't bother to try new things.
Then he shouldn't be such a cunty fag to his friend. Just because she doesn't understand italian doesn't mean she's stupid or below anyone. Also, just because he writes for the NYT doesn't automatically make him not a prick.
>serving food that isn't dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets
Fucking elitist cucks, I bet they eat it while apologizing for being white
This is exactly why Trump won
It's a fucking tomato
I can never tell if the title of the dish is supposed to describe the main feature with these menus, sometimes they'll list it again and others they'll just leave it up to fate
stupid people don't like to be reminded that they're stupid
Of course. It was a perfect example of someone feeling so strongly about their class norms that the idea of them being violated made that user feel violent. But it'[s exactly the way a boss on Wall St would feel if his second year associate showed up wearing anything less than Prada shoes.
Lol no activated almonds. Are they even trying?
It's a sandwich. She probably experienced more variety eating Mexican food
At first I came to make fun of OP for starting such a shit thread, but much entertainment ensued so congrats OP. 6/10 thread would read again
I dated a girl for a while who would somehow manage to find the trashiest dish on the menu no matter where we went.
>go to steakhouse
>she orders chicken strips
At those prices I could get the real thing with better sourced ingredients.
more restaurants should give their dishes an AKA
That is the exact point the article is making. It's a shame OP posted the most inflammatory snippet.
Is that the guy who said firing an AR15 gave him PTSD and was then sent a custom leather tampon holster from the company he did the article on?
Because voting for the richest guy just because he talks like an uncultured asshole is going to somehow further the cause of uncultured assholes everywhere? Protip:rich uncultured assholes are only out for themselves. At least real elitists feel some sense of noblesse oblige.
Why didn't you just tell her she couldn't eat that and/or order for her?
>thinking she was shocked at ingrediants with Italian names
I've been that bitch, she froze because that's upwards of 20$ for A FUCKING SANDWHICH
>Why didn't you just tell her she couldn't eat that
How many dates have you gone on, little buddy?
The leftist.
Good shit lmao
Hello Jayhawk!
Coasties are fucking ridiculous
Everyone is a cunt in this situation
>the author is a cunt for writing about his """friend""" like she is a baby
>the author is a cunt for not offering to help order food and explain what the items are (which would normally be fun if you are not a complete autist ex. 'oooh you NEED to try this')
>the author is a cunt for using this anecdote for a political point
>the author is a cunt for implicating that Mexican food is food for the uneducated
>the """friend""" is a cunt for not being willing to try new items
>the """friend""" is a cunt for not having already been exposed to gourmet sandwiches as an adult woman in NYC
>the """friend""" is a cunt for not being ballsy enough to recognize david brooks's condescension and push back when he suggested leaving
However I have definitely been in the author's shoes; after college I met up with an old high school friend and he insisted on eating at Red Robin while exploring the Seattle coastline when I suggested we have some fresh seafood and cocktails. we went to red robin because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable
I have a similar problem with family trips. I'll always try to suggest some local places we pass or that I find on 'gle maps. But nope, outback or waffle house it is. They seem really terrified of the place being awful and would rather just take the safe guaranteed mediocrity.
No, eating the ass of someone who just took a shit.
To be fair, about 85% of the time I try a local place it ends up being complete dogshit.
>I met up with an old high school friend and he insisted on eating at Red Robin while exploring the Seattle coastline when I suggested we have some fresh seafood and cocktails. we went to red robin because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable
And there's where it holds true. The question becomes why hold on to your old friends when you've moved beyond them and hanging out is just plain uncomfortable? It's a common theme in literature - you can never go home. And it's true. Once you've seen a bigger world you can't pretend your hometown is the baseline for normal, and it gets increasingly difficult to relate to others who do.
Does this retard even have a high school diploma because he sure as fuck can't spell.
Either spelling is acceptable.
you're thinking of Gersh Kuntzman
I know plenty of wops who never attended post-secondary. I'm sure they'd scoff at the baguette, order something with a side of vaffanculo, and leave me to wonder why my communications degree hasn't allowed me anywhere near that kind of grace in communicating my own disgust.
David Brooks is a republican, we don't know the supposed lunch partner's political affiliation.
The writer for being the definition of "smug liberal.' Seriously, this dudes a cunt.
meh, more power to these types of people. Just don't ask me to go eat with you lol
David Brooks is a well-known Republican and conservative, you pathetic dumb faggot.
>who was in the wrong here?
Um, nobody?
The dude took a girl to a place she obviously wasn't comfortable at, realized she was uncomfortable, and then took her somewhere else.
He would have been a dick if he named and shamed her, but he was just recounting something that happened to him with an anonymous "friend". As someone who works at a restaurant and knows about food, I'm also frequently surprised that other people don't eat as well as I do, or spend as much time thinking about food. So what? I don't see how anybody was in the wrong, unless the girl said something like, "I love food! I eat everything?", and then this happened.
why are americans so fucking stupid
Well the fact that he felt the need to mention she only had a highschool diploma is him trying to shame her. Why did he feel the need to mention it in the first place? It stops becoming a story about something that happened at lunch and becomes a story about my uneducated friend.
>Why did he feel the need to mention it in the first place?
The story is meant to be illustrative of the article's thesis, which centers around culture divide between economic classes and social signifiers as barriers to class mobility. He's using educational attainment as his main form of class distinction in the article. It's not a particularly good article, nothing Brooks writes ever is, but it's not as bad as it sounds iwth the one segment snipped out of context either.
>the fact that he felt the need to mention she only had a highschool diploma is him trying to shame her
I get what you're saying, but without context it's hard to say that he was explicitly trying to shame her. In the US going to college/university is considered where you learn critical thinking, and experience things outside of the echo chamber wherever you grew up - and also get crippling debt.
I honestly think the biggest problem in the world today is poverty and ignorance, and in this case he could definitely be making a comment about class divide, which is, desu, drastic in the States.
I don't know, but the discrepancy of how people grew up and live in the US is so drastic - even if you go to the same school as someone - that it really hits close to home. My dad was into science and got a PhD in engineering, while your dad worked construction and now owns his own contracting business; my house is twice as big as yours, but I still want to spend the night at your house, etc...
I feel lucky that my best friends from highschool aren't stuck being idiots who eat at red robins exclusively.
My thought as well. If she's as lower class as this asshole writer likes to think she was probably calculating in her head how many meals she could cook at home for that money.
I would be.
Should have just used that Google Translate app on her phone.
It's the current year.
>sent a custom leather tampon holster
That's just epic
That's what I would have done
>experience things outside of the echo chamber
It's not like that anymore, sadly.
>only having a highschool degree makes you dumb
my father literally never graduated highschool, and has a more extensive history book collection than anybody else I know.
He is a polyglot, and builds custom motorcycles for work, owning his own business.
This writer sounds like the typical tousled faggot college graduate who believes himself better for taking a sociology minor and owning a blog. If I took him into a local Japanese joint, he would freeze up because he wouldn't know what anything is, since it's in fucking Japanese.
When Samir al-Hyeed called him Blockhead Joe, it cut journalism to its very core. Because it's completely true, they are a bunch of fucking blockheads who will never amount to anything, will never accomplish anything, and will die without note.
that's fucking amazing source me
I love how the author manages to make his "friend" seem like an imbicile, make people who don't speak Italian appear to be uneducated, and that Mexican food is for retards.
If thats the case, why didn't he just say "my friend, who is from a lower income bracket" or "my friend, who might be considered to be from a low income household"
Why don't you read the whole fucking article and find out. (Because he was making a point about education).
Both of the posts you quoted explained why the correlation between education and class was important. It sounds like you're just bitter that you never got a proper education.
Putting aside the fact taht you can be uneducated and still speak Italian, or the most highly educated person in the fucking world and not speak one word of Italian...
I'm dumb as shit and I don't even have a high school degree, let alone a college one. And I still wouldn't fucking "freeze up" in a fancy Italian gourmet fucking artisanal hipster faggot sandwich shop. Partially because I'm not fucking afraid of eating something I don't know, and partially because I have a mouth with which I can ask questions if I'm not sure what to order. Like, a little while ago a friend took me to one of those hipster bars where they have a zillion types of beer nobody's ever heard of before. So we sit down at a table, a waiter comes up and ask what we'd like. I tell him to just bring me a beer. Of course, he asks me what kind of beer. I tell him I don't know, what have you got? He tells me it'd take all day to list all the beers they've got. I think that's fucking stupid, variety is good but you're overdoing it. But whatever, when in Rome and all that, right? Nothing wrong with having a gimmick even if it's a dumb one. I'm not gonna be pissy about that. So I ask my friend who's been there before what's good, and then I order that. Problem solved, nobody got hurt, no need to be scared of spooky words I don't recognize, and I got a decent if somewhat too fruity beer.
Either the author's friend is some sort of sheltered baby or the story is made up to support whatever bullshit agenda the author is pushing. And I bet it's the latter.
>conservative wackjob
What a surprise.
>Why don't you read the whole fucking article and find out. (Because he was making a point about education).
Stop shilling for the NYT
You realize the NYT publishes opinion both conservatives and liberals?
>reads one out of context quote
>makes slew of assumptions
>refuses to inform himself
>accuses people of shilling
Gonna go real far in life, moron.
sure fooled me
You realize you're an idiot who thinks there's a difference betwen neolibs and neocons, right?
Keep reading Carlos Slim's rag.
t. breitbart reader
this is next level condescending.