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First tomatoes now pasta? Mama mia!
Das rite Pasta iz African
italy is racist
how the fuck is this news?
its chinese
italians where so poor they ate it plain without sauce or oil or even a plate, just grabbed a handful and munched
Grape smashers on suicide watch
>Italians whine when people "bastardize" their food
>their food is bastardized chinese food
wheat isnt even european
What is it then
I don't care where shit is from. Most "traditional" foods didn't exist in their current form before the 19th century.
Is this shit not common knowledge? I learned this in 7th grade social studies
Wow wee wow! Such BREAKING NEWS™! Is this really new information? My crazy next door neighbor told me that pizza and pasta were both created by the Chinese 30+ years ago.
Wheat is native to the middle east.
There are very few crops that are actually of European origin.
>Europeans not originally from Europe!
>We all came from AFRIKA!
same logic, same retarded fucking answer.
The Italians were making noodles before Marco Polo ever left, the romans were eating pasta for thousands of years
>When the Greeks founded Naples, they adopted a dish made by the natives, made up by barley-flour pasta and water dried to the sun, which they “macaria”. We also find references to pasta dishes in the ancient Rome, which date back to the III century before Christ. In fact, the Roman Cicero himself speaks about his passion for the "Laganum", the “laganas”, which are strips of long pasta (wheat-flour pasta shaped as wide and flat sheets). During that time, the Romans developed instruments, tools, procedures (machines) to manufacture the pasta for lasagna. Ever since, cereals have exhibited great facilities for both its transportation as well as its storage. It was the Roman expansion and dominion which fostered the harvest of cereals in the whole Mediterranean basin.
NOODLES are from Asia. Pasta is the Italian interpretation of it, so strictly speaking pasta is Italian.
They probably didn't do noodles though.
I find that really hard to believe considering how comparatively verdant Europe is as a continent.
This was in any educational program ffs
Pasta-> tricum durum
Noodles-> others types of wheat
woah...... gonna order spaghetti and meatballs from the bamboo palace now
Feel free to look it up for yourself. Pick a crop that you think might be native to Europe and check it out. Aside from cultivated variants of wild mustard grass(Broccoli, kale, and the like), a few tubers, and berries you'll find they come from somewhere else.
pizza and pasta have been around for a bit longer than 30 years user
I have a friend who has so much pride in her Italian heritage, this fact would shatter her ignorant bubble. So yes, it's not common knowledge.
Italians are shitty people in general. Batshiy insane and just plain stupid.
why would greeks be on suicide watch?
That hasn't been my experience. They're hospitable as fuck, just not very organized about much beyond meals.
That's not even a myth, no one says that.
>What is Mesopotamia
Strictly speaking pasta is the Italian knockoff of a chink dish
Want to know why I don't trust italians?
>be intern at little engineering firm
>reasonably awkward as you would expect
>making machine for an italian company
>the Italians show up
>6/10 young woman and 9/10 milfy italian lady
>did I mention I fucking hate being touched?
>ah yes good to meet you ma'am
>one of them tries to pass behind me in a narrow hallway
>grabs my shoulders
>showing one of them something on my computer
>all but sits in my lap she's standing so goddamn close
>this is all when they're stone cold sober
>go out for drinks after the machine is done
>try-a this-a cocktail user
>hugs me from behind pouring drink down my throat
>telling her an anecdote
>she can't hear
>wraps her arm around my head and moves my mouth to her ear
>hey guys let's take a group photo
>get in close now!
>her arm around me fine whatever
>her arm moving up and down and all around pawing
>my fucking face that whole week
inb4 """"""""alpha'"""""""" """"""""""males"""""""""""" tell me about how I should've smashed, I was at work in a context in my professional career where I'm trying to seem professional, also you don't know how this feels to me, she was attractive yes, in the right context I would have loved to fuck her, but just thinking about it now has my chest tight.
>Want to know why I don't trust italians?
>anecdote about being in the wrong and being angry at the culture of his host country
Most tellingly
>I fucking hate being touched
you are just autistic
He's not autistic, just socially awkward and/or undeveloped.
What the fuck man, get a grip
Christ you fucking beta, sue for sexual harassment then you little pussfag.
>his host country
except they came to America, reading comprehension on this man
>making machine for an italian company
>no other indication of location
>the italians show up
Why the fuck would you "show up" to your own country. And I'm the one with autism.
They could show up to the meeting with you..
Not even that guy
>Why the fuck would you "show up" to your own country
He's saying the Italians showed up to his country you moron.
>Why the fuck would you "show up" to your own country.
Because it could be Italy? And Italians are bound to show up in an Italian company? Your writing skills are as developed as your social skills you mongoloid.
>want to know why I dont trust italians?
>cos im a fucking autist
Viva Il Duce
Pasta came to Sicily with the Arabs.
Coffee came to Venice by way of Yemen through trade with Ethiopia
Who cares?
Pizzas aren't originally from NY but that doesn't stop me from wanting some good NY pizza. Origin doesn't mean shit.
He did say the neighbor was crazy.
Bing bing wahoo friend
>not posting the only picture of Mussolini that matters
Pretty sure this is user
Italy Rightnow
>did I mention I hate being touched
you sure didn't to them
who gives even a bit of a shit about food origins? you didn't make it regardless.
Maybe in the span of the last hundred years but Europe as it was in the middle ages was a cold barren hellscape of root vegetables and frost induced famine
The Colosseum is based on a larger African structure that was destroyed by the white hordes
Gladiators are based off African warriors called Gladiorgos that were slaughtered by whiteman death squads
Pizza is based off an African flatbread topped with locust-cheese called "peeka" from modern day Ethiopia
Catholicism is based off of ancient African spiritual practices which is sometimes referred to as voodoo by the white man
Soccer is based off an ancient African pass time in which the calcified innards of enemy tribes, wrapped in the leathered skin of fallen warriors, was kicked around between two baobab trees
Italian greyhounds are actually from Tunis and should be referred to as Tunisian African blackhounds
Italian ice is actually stolen from tribes that lived on the southernmost tip of South Africa who would harvest ice from glaciers that floated by, and yes, of course, they were slaughtered by Italian death squads
Ravioli is actually a cheap imitation of an African pastry made from the chaff of rice husks and filled with a mash of gnats and elephant dung
Chef Boyardee and his colonialized image are actually stolen from the African folk hero Chief Boyandogo who is renowned for his ability to snatch the beating heart out of the chests of an opposing tribe's youngest children
Italian fascism is actually a bastardized version of the tribal rule by which the vast majority of Africa is ruled by to this very day
I could go on for days (the concept of day and night is itself an African ideology posited well before the sun ever rose on the blood-soaked hellscape that is called Europe)
>Africa created literally everything
>Africa also managed to get BTFO by backwards white savages
I know you're baiting but i just don't get how the people who actually believe that reconcile these two things.
man they sure lost a lot of technology from then to now
it probably isnt completely original, and it developed thanks to various cultures in the mediterranean, that being said romans already had it considering the word originates from păstam
And yet it still managed to enslave every other continent, which according to you was vastly more abundant.