>order pizza with a friend
>i'm a simple man, pepperoni for me
>friend wants supreme on half
>whole pizza tastes like raw onions and black olives
Order pizza with a friend
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Olives are the devil. You should be sucking his dick in thanks for the onions though. Overall, great thread OP. Keep up the good work.
only good onion is caramelized onion
only picky manchildren cry about raw onions
the amount of "people" on this board who do so is honestly disgusting
muh overpowering taste that ruins everything
Same thing with banana peppers. I fucking hate them.
They completely overpower the taste of everything else on the pizza. Why not just eat a goddamn jar of them?
I have no idea who came up with this supreme nonsense, but it's probably the only pizza shittier than pepperoni. You're both idiots, but your friend managed to outdo you by a little bit.
more like poopreme amirite
Adults eat supreme, kids eat peppa roni!
My taste buds are too advanced to be pleased by a simple pepperoni pizza, I always get a supreme with parmesan on the whole pie and romano too if they offer it
Just get your own fucking pizza, jewbag.
What did you expect?
Also tell your friend Supreme is the most shit pizza ever, it just screams "I don't know what I like, I'll just have the one with a bunch of shit on it"
Your friend has good tastes. What's wrong with his half, in that picture?
t. never been drunk and broke
Why waste money on alcohol and complain about being broke? Get a job loser.
Really? What's wrong with it? It's all crust, the cheese is shit, the toppings are chain tier quality... Either side of that pizza is a nightmare.
Stop being poor and order 2 pizzas next time, faggot.
Wherever you ordered that from should give you a refund
What the fuck is with that topping distribution
niggers the picture is something i found on google
the point of the thread is raw onions and black olives ruin pizza
I despise the taste of raw onions and they will absolutely ruin a pizza or burger. I'd be pissed.
>I'm a fat retard
>I'm a fat retarded cunt
who wins now bitch?
Raw onions do not ruin pizza, especially when paired with sausage. Shitty canned sliced black artificially ripened olives are another matter, but the truth is some folks just don't know any better.
Dudes like you are so uncool
>doesn't get the point
try reading next time faggot
maybe some people hate the taste of onion and it ruins food that it touches for them? Not everyone has the same taste preferences, Einstein
>order a half and half pizza
>fuck heads dont even cut it right
>end up with 3 slices of each, and 2 that are half and half
>maybe some people hate the taste of onion and it ruins food that it touches for them?
Those people are retards. I didn't think this was even up for debate.
>you're a retard if you don't force yourself to eat food you hate but has been deemed good by some faggot on Veeky Forums
Stop posting until you turn 16
raw onions/barely cooked onions are dogshit though
caramelized or nothing
I bet you only eat candied carrots and creamed corn too, ya fuckin baby
nah, but thanks for playing
good luck next time
your fucking retarded. does everything need to taste sweet/savory to you? do you know what the fuck contrast is? do you send your tacos/burgers back when they put raw onions on them too?
The funniest thing about these losers is that onion on a pizza is not raw onion, it's fucking baked. It would only be "raw onion" if they put uncooked onions on top of it after the pizza itself was cooked
And chances are, the only reason they might even seem undercooked is because they ordered a likely half four topping pizza and half one topping, conveyor ovens work a certain way and they have different levels of heat/speed on different levels, so one side is gonna come out over cooked or under cooked unless the person making it takes extra care and time to stick half of it back in which I doubt they would do
Honestly should have just got two pizzas if they're gonna be picky about it
No, it's because they can see the onion and feel it's texture, smell it's smell. I had a niece who was one of these faggots until I introduced the to proper tacos, at which point she promptly stfu about onions. It's sheltered world shit.
>being this defensive about a goddamn onion
wew lad. plus smell is the majority of taste dummy
Subhumans that hate onions should be gassed to prevent the spread of their inferior genes.
For me, it's the McChicken
Sperging out over onion is pretty pleb, user.
>ignoring the black olives in your onion lovefest
Lol you obv never ate a real italian magherita.
>black olives
Canned black olives are just mediocre shit on top of OP's mediocre at best pizza. Onions didn't ruin it - that shit was ruined from the start. Even the other half sucked because shit crust, shit sauce an shit cheese. Not to mention the fact that pepperoni a shit to begin with. You're splitting hairs about garbage tier pizza. Why do you even waste oxygen?
>tfw found a new way to trigger Veeky Forums
fucking kill yourself
t. onioncuck
>he's over the age of ten and still gets pepperoni only
t. manchild
shut the fuck up, 15 year old.
I grew out of the "raw onions are disgusting" phase when I was 20.
Only five more years until you get taste
t. anime watchers
I actually fucking hate anime.
WTF does liking raw onions on different sandwich variants have to do with anime?
>Step brothers birthday
>hanging out playing board games
>everyone gets hungry
>he's wanting pizza from a great gourmet place
>$50+ pizza but fucking huge and loaded with stuff, I pay for his bday
>He wants anchovies last second while I'm ordering on the phone
>blurt out half anchovies on the phone before I hang up
>oh shit what the fuck did I just do
>pizza shows up, weighs like 25lbs
>25lbs of stinky fishy disgusting pizza
>he eats like 1 piece
>have to throw the rest away
Oh well happy birthday.
We used to share a place and order separate pies because anchovies but naively combine leftovers into one box before putting in the refrigerator, would ruin everything. Getting anchovies might be some kind of genius power play though if you acquire the taste.
>pizza is a sandwich
YASSSSS QUEEN les get on the next level
>25 pounds of pizza for 50 dollars
Oh....why hello there precious. Mm, quite the smooth skin you have there. Let me slide of your shorts and top while I rub this cold cheese and tomato sauce on my bellend.
Sleep tight little one, there's no need to wake. Just open your lips a bit. Yes that's good, now let it just slide inside.
Mm, yes little princesss oooh
>hfw she wakes up with my dick twitching in her mouth and spits out a load of cheese, tomato sauce and cum on the floor
If they're putting more than one anchovy per slice on the pizza they're doing it wrong
Maybe you should just learn to appreciate the salty goodness of the anchovy.
Are you also afraid of blue cheese, kimchi and fish sauce?
pizza are disgusting anyway.
>live in italy
>margherita is godtier
...why dont you have a seat, user
>tfw my inner child wants me to order pepperoni pizza
>always have to pretend that I'm asking my son if he really wants me to order pepperoni pizza for him when I'm ordering via phone
i think you mean your wife's son
Pepperoni on pizza is an American invention.
Onions and olives are both very common pizza toppings.
Idk, you friend seems to know more about pizza than you do.
I literally never had a pizza with pepperoni until I moved abroad.
Who the fuck invented this pepperoni pizza thing?
Raw onion on burgers is fucking disgusting. Tacos are great though.
nope. raw red onions on a thick patty with lettuce and mustard is GOAT.
What the fuck bro
Excerpts from the NYTimes, Feb 1, 2011:
“Purely an Italian-American creation, like chicken Parmesan,” said John Mariani, a food writer and historian who has just published a book with the modest title: “How Italian Food Conquered the World.” “Peperoni” is the Italian word for large peppers, as in bell peppers, and there is no Italian salami called by that name, though some salamis from Calabria and Apulia are similarly spicy and flushed red with dried chilies. The first reference to pepperoni in print is from 1919, Mr. Mariani said, the period when pizzerias and Italian butcher shops began to flourish here.
Mr. Bertolli believes that pepperoni’s smokiness, beef content and fine grind are more characteristic of German sausages like Thüringer, suggesting a possible Midwestern connection. “I’ve never seen a smoked sausage anywhere in Italy,” he said.
Well, on a pizza, yeah. Otherwise you're an inbred.
No, you're a fucking idiot.
Then maybe you should make some new friends who are also retarded.
Seriously, I feel like your friend lost a lot of respect for you when you ordered the pepperoni. Pepperoni is for assholes and idiots.
>onions on pizza