Why is Rice so addictive?
Why is Rice so addictive?
Just how fat are you?
It contains high amounts of Carbohydrates, which is a term for a Saccharide or type of sugar. Your body craves these Carbohydrates as easily processed and easily stored abundant energy.
116 lbs
Could be a femlet
Either way they need to eat some more goddamn
then tits or gtfo. That heshe knows the rules.
tits or gtfo only applies if they point out they're female, nowhere did user do this. Only reply with their height and weight. user is only user, an innocent faggot (because is op, Op is always faggot) until proven guilty
There are PROCEDURES user. We have LAWS. We are not like those SAVAGES across the way.
If you go on a ketogenic diet for a week or so, your body will reduce its production of some of the hormones that make you crave carbohydrates, and you'll feel better. Also makes it much easier to lose weight if you need to.
I'll just wait for it to confirm manlet or femanon.
99% it's a femanon.
A 5'4 would way more than that.
I'm an asian trap
It's just too good.
What I do when I'm hungry for rice:
>stir basmati rice and some butter in pot until the rice turns slightly yellow
>add water on a ratio 1 cup of rice/ 1.5 cups of water
>bring to a boil and then turn down to medium heat, add lid
>let the water evaporate
>add greek yoghurt, salt and pepper to the rice
[BONUS] if you are fancy/ have more time on hand
>add pre-cooked chickpeas to the rice when it is boiling
>fry up some chicken and add the meat after removing the bones
This shit is addictive.
those grains are too small to be basmati
and you sound like a gross faggot, literal churning butter with rice before cooking it
>adding yogurt
how fucking gross are you? you're an idiot and terrible taste, probably a huge fatass too
I use basmati rice because I don't wanna go to another shop for authentic turkish rice.
Hey, I may be a gross faggot but that stuff I posted is a comfort-food-type dish in Turkey, you can also find it as street food in some cities there.
also I'm 5'6, 145lbs
trips of truth
anonymity (even of gender) is a right that must be honored until rendered void by the contents of the post
panties or gtfo
>a comfort-food-type dish in Turkey
>in Turkey
so is diarrhea
Many strains of white grain rice are infamous for their high glycemic index. This means that they increase blood sugar by a lot. Delicious sugar.
You are the ignorant faggot. Frying the rice in butter or some oil before boiling it is a great way to add flavor to the rice.
Sauteeing rice before boiling is pretty common user. Also I find most people overstir their rice, breaking it up and making the grains look shorter.
Would you even be able to tell if a man posted their pecs? They could just say they're flat chested.