Hi faggots, I generally cook my steak on high heat on skillet, similar to pic related, though can't get the same level of sear. Anyway, I take the steak off, while it's resting, I put carrots/wokchoy whatever I have on to the same skillet to cook while the meat rests. Then prepare the plate, put the salad on, pour the sauce etc, the steak gets cold. How can I keep it warm? I don't wanna put it in the oven (low heat) in case it cooks further. Any suggestions?
How to keep steak warm while resting
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Wrap the meat in foil while it rests. Serve on a plate warmed up in the oven.
Why can't you cook your sides in another pan at the same time as the steak?
Get another pan and prepare your salad while you're cooking the steak. As for the vegetables that you want to sear in the same pan as the steak, add them in when it's half cooked.
>Why can't you cook your sides in another pan at the same time as the steak?
I like the taste the vegs get from cooking in the meat's grease.
>As for the vegetables that you want to sear in the same pan as the steak, add them in when it's half cooked.
Steak just fits in the pan, there's really no room for both the steak and the vegs.
>Wrap the meat in foil while it rests. Serve on a plate warmed up in the oven.
Does the wrap keep it warm enough? But worth the try, ta.
>Wrap the meat in foil while it rests.
By the way, does it matter which side of the foil is facing which way? You know it has a shiny side and the other side. Read somewhere they transfer heat differently.
Wrapping it in foil works for me, it's how I rest all my steaks. I usually leave it for about as long as I cooked it for, plus a few minutes extra is fine. Never had a problem with a steak being too cold
If you want the vegetables to take on some of the meat grease flavour you could cook them in another pan in oil or whatever at the same time as the steak and then finish them off for a few minutes in the steak pan when the meat is resting
The only time the side of the foil could potentially make any difference would be when it's in an oven being blasted with radiant heat, but even then the difference would probably be negligible and obviously this wouldn't have any effect at all on meat resting in it on your counter
thanks folks
immerse it in a 55C panful of clarified butter
>clarified butter
just googled wtf that is, what are some daily practical uses?
immersing steak
It's used a lot for cooking at higher temperatures where butter would just burn.
buy a thicker steak
same taste as butter? I mean gives you that butter taste or bit more sour or?
>higher temperatures where butter would just burn.
Also; so it's like rice bran oil as in high smoke temperature?
It mostly tastes the same. It tastes a little less "milky" since the milk solids are removed, and a little less sour since the milk solids are sometimes sour. It's not as complex as butter but still tastes similar.
Yes, exactly
OP here, why is this still on page 1? This board slow or what?
you can pour the hot butter/oil mixture over it before serving for a flashfry
>you can pour the hot butter/oil mixture over it before serving for a flashfry
Actually I do but it doesn't warm it up, still cold inside you know
While this is still on page 1, can I share how I cooked my chicken last night and you guys can suggest me how to make it better?
>By the way, does it matter which side of the foil is facing which way?
>The only time the side of the foil could potentially make any difference would be when it's in an oven being blasted with radiant heat
Also no.
don't even ask mang go ahead
well you are doing something wrong if your steak is actually "cold",
how long do you take for the whole process once its out of the pan?
there is a small difference with the foil
the shiny side will reflect heat away and the dull side will absorb heat.
its not a big difference but it is there
Steak isn't supposed to be eaten hot.
put it in your pocket