what's so bad about gmos?
What's so bad about gmos?
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Turned Americans into fags and fag lovers for one thing
GMO isn't bad for anything except farmers that can't afford their seed, because you bet your sweet ass the normal veggies can't compete with engineered stuff
JK, GMOs can really threaten the species variety of plants in general
like if you only plant the GMO stuff, then the normal stuff are going to be planted less and less
you might be thinking "well, where's the problem?"
what if there's a blight or disease that attacks the GMO plant, and since they're the only ones getting planted in this hypothetical little world, all of the plants will die
developing for a cure or a strain that's immune to the disease might take months if not years, and the world can't wait because we gotta eat, right?
so that's one little bad thing that might come from GMO
why does this apply to GMOs but not the "normal stuff"
Monocropping isn't specific to GMOs.
There really isn't any problem with GMOs themselves, it's just a more advanced form of selective breeding. There are some issues with GMOs being able to survive more pesticides and herbicides being used on them, and Monsanto having some shady business practices, but that doesn't mean GMOs themselves are bad.
I think a lot of the negative reaction to GMOs is just fear. People who have a constant food supply with no issues are going to be more likely to be against any advanced scientific changes to it that they don't totally understand, especially when most so many people barely understand how to stay at a healthy weight. But go to poor people who are going blind from vitamin A deficiency and ask them if they want to prevent those problems with a GMO like golden rice and they'll most likely be happy to have it.
It's a similar thing with vaccines. People who grow up with the benefits of vaccines hear about any problems associated with them and start freaking out, saying we have an immune system for a reason and things like that. But people who grew up seeing the effects of horrible diseases know how bad it is and want to prevent them more.
this does actually apply on the normal stuff, but there's less risk on the normal stuff, because let's face it, every farm is gonna have their own heirloom seeds and stuff, plus each area plants their own variety of crops
so everything adds up, huge varieties on normal stuff because they aren't manufactured to be the same
very fine points, user
fear does have a really big thing to do with the GMO fear going around, the most dominant thing, even
perhaps later when there's no more "natural" thing to eat, everyone will reluctantly agree to GMO/ and usually the ones who are very outspoken against GMOs will be the ones smacking people just to get to the front of the queue
I don't have a problem with the concept of GMOs.
I do, however, have a problem with how the technology is used. Instead of improving the quality of the produce we grow the focus is only on cheaper/faster. Same thing as factory farming, really: focus on cheap and ignore the massive drop-off in taste.
>Instead of improving the quality of the produce we grow the focus is only on cheaper/faster. Same thing as factory farming, really: focus on cheap and ignore the massive drop-off in taste.
When the market clamors for less expensive food with no regard for quality, that's what you get.
literally nothing
here's a quick rundown on what's wrong with gmo's
>When the market clamors for less expensive food with no regard for quality, that's what you get.
You're right, of course. But I can't help but think that this is a bit of a 'self-fulfilling prophecy'. A lot of our younger generations have grown up having eaten nothing but factory farmed food. Unless they happened to be raised by gourmand parents or were lucky enough to get something from Grandma's farm they aren't aware that it's possible to get meat or produce that's far more flavorful than what they're used to.
nice read
tl;dr -- GMOs are still dangerous because there hasn't been extensive research about the dangers it might cause: zoonotic disease, how it will affect humans in the future, and gain, mono cropping/monoculture
I think those are the most important points of the GMO section, cmiiw
I do believe extensive research is needed until GMOs are viable, but researchers won't get the funds they need if people are still super scared by GMOs
"why should we fund this research? people are scared of them! they ain't gonna buy such things" said Mr. moneybags
>GMOs are dangerous because they might be dangerous
I see
>create a poison that can kill almost anything
>create a plant that the poison doesn't kill
>dump that poison on the plant, killing everything but the plant
>sell the poison-covered plant to unwitting customers
>wind blows and a few insects carry your plant pollen onto another farmers field
>sue him for stealling your plant when it begins to hybrid with his non-patented plants
>lobby and buy off politicians
>take his farm and begins to grow more poison covered plants
Its not the idea, but the execution and it's executioners
kinda boils down to that, actually
as long as no research has been made, let's just take the safe path and assume it might be dangerous
this. people don't understand the ramifications of releasing gmo plants.
it's exactly like releasing invasive species.
if you think that gmo corn, for example, would be a good source of food then you are probably not aware of the types if corn grown. there is nice golden sweet that can be eaten as is, but there us also high starch content that is basically sawdust and needs to be highly processed to make any kind of food product.
if a strain of the garbage engineered to be inedible turns out to mutate and cross pollinate with other fields you could literally make sweet corn extinct.
look up the strain of gmo corn that makes people have allergic reactions that still pop up every once in a while.
look at how tasty bananas went extinct and now we only have shitty bananas. this could happen is a stay crospolination leads to unlredicted mutations.
shit spreads.
not to mention Monsanto's evil tactics. there is capitalism and there's shitty comic book villain way to twist it. Monsanto dies shit that seem straight up from a comic book.
>every farm is gonna have their own heirloom seeds and stuff
Buying seeds was more common than saving seeds before GMOs ever came along.
The only people that don't like GMOs are white soccer moms writing food blogs.
What I think that many people seem to miss here is that farmers CHOOSE to buy their seed from Monsanto because the whole process is more economical for them. It's not as if someone is pointing a gun to their head, forcing them to buy something against their will. Rather they CHOOSE to buy it because it's beneficial for them.
That's funny, all the "fag lovers" are the anti-GMO people too.
Now, back to your containment board
>wind blows and a few insects carry your plant pollen onto another farmers field
>sue him for stealling your plant when it begins to hybrid with his non-patented plants
This refers to Percy Schmeiser. What he actually did was spray the edges of his fields with roundup and save the seeds of the plants that survived separately from the rest of his seed and then planted it for the next year. He wasn't sued because of cross-pollination, he was sued because he selectively bred for the cross-pollinated plants and then planted his entire field with those seeds so that he could have roundup ready plants without buying the seed.
Maybe that's still wrong to you, but get your facts straight. Nobody has been sued just for farming near someone who farms roundup ready plants.
Nothing wrong with GMOs but the pesticides are bad.
If they can make a non toxic pesticide for GMOs then Ill eat GMO food.
Hardly likely. Glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, is less toxic than table salt. It doesn't effect anything other than plants.
The risk comes from the surfactant aka "wetting agent" that is added to herbicides and pesticides. That is what lets the spray actually contact the plants and get absorbed, rather than just beading up like water on a waxed car. That stuff is toxic. And it's in literally every pesticide/herbicide.
Thanks for clearing that up user.
I wonder how much is actually washed off before the product goes to the shops and how much you can actually wash off without damaging the fruit/vegetable.
>Going outside my house is dangerous because I might die
stop bullying farmers
Genetic modifications.
Not all that much, the majority of arguments against them are unreliable studies and artificial = bad fallacies.
>Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi
>or Alex for short.
Yo, that's fucked up. Maybe Monsanto shouldn't have been dumb niggers and let their custom DNA end up on his farm.
Why do you trust researchers? Honest question.
We aren't exactly going to get a lot of valuable research if there's no broad use of GMOs.
You aren't going to see a generation, or generations of generations, with every single GMO food item being tested on only a few hundred people. That is not realistic at all.
That's not saying anything if not going GMO isn't feasible.
It's like saying people at baseball games "choose" to buy bottled water when they can't bring their own and the four water fountains in the entire stadium dispense a trickle of warm, metallic water from a corroded, moldy looking spout.
>that image
>this thread topic
I chuckled, OP.
Strange, Monsanto settled a class action lawsuit for $750 million because they contaminated a large number of crops with GMO's that prevented the litigants from exporting. Of course, they denied culpability and said they just wanted to move on, lol. Sounds eerily familiar, although too bad many of the victims of Agent Orange declared safe by Monsanto died waiting for compensation. See you in 30 years after a lifetime of eating the carcinogenic byproducts from Roundup glyphosphate manufacturing.
I don't know Sidig El Fadil, how do you feel?
The banana thing has nothing to do with GMOs and cross pollination. It's a case of mono-cropping.
Go be a marxist somewhere else
youtube com/playlist?list=PLthPsWmE3cee4x1DiYKSoJURZBizwa8xt
This guy will pretty much debunk any dumb complaint about GMOs.
However, brought up a really good point, but I have to ask what's stopping large companies from preventing monocultures by simply increasing the genetic diversity of the seeds they produce? Sure, it'd cost a bit more than producing genetically identical seeds, but it'd save money (and potentially lives) in the long run.
>inb4 all companies care about is short-term money, their main goal is to make a profit
I'd say it's bad business if they aren't prepared for Wheat Strain 1341521 to get wiped out. If GMO company A doesn't have any backup strains but company B does, company A loses hard and they know it.
what do you think a GMO is
Yeah just look at what's happening with all those gmo oranges and bananas right now
>what's so bad about gmos?
No proper studies (which would be shut down by you know """who""" anyway) on their impact on your health dumb american fuck.
When you don't know you don't buy.
There's nothing wrong with GMOs, there's things wrong with how the huge corporations that are developing them work and how they're being implemented.
Monoculture, extreme overuse of pesticides (see: 'Roundup Ready' plants), cost to farmers, threats to food security ('suicide genes' meaning that farmers have to buy all new seeds every year, low diversity in crop breeds making our food supply vulnerable to emerging disease, let alone the fact that a few corporations essentially control the world's food supply), lawsuits against farmers due to accidental cross-polination, you name it.
GMOs have the potential to be a godsend. We could create tastier, more nutritious crops that grow in worse conditions. But instead all they're used for is making food more profitable.
It pissed me off when they revealed that Dr. Bashir was genetically modified. Felt like fanservice to whoever the fuck thought he was sexy or bad ass or whatever.
I don't even eat any of those regularly.
Youre a fucking retard
Monsanto shill.
GMOs actually do cross pollinate and cause infertility in related crops.
Once all non Monsanto approved crops are cross pollinated, Monsanto owns the patents to every fucking vegetable on earth. How do you not understand genocide you fucking retard?
makes ur dick explode
you can't trust humans to make nuclear things, why would you trust them with the power to make great genetic leaps? there is a total risk of ruin with this kind of thing
Lol didnt read
>I don't know how gmo works therefore it might be dangerous
>we don't know how this tomato with increased vitamin c will affect us in 20 years, might be dangerous!
Literally not a single argument against gmos themselves.
this was an alright argument until you turned into a conspiracy theorist
what do you think a GMO is
>it's just a more advanced form of selective breeding
Bullshit you cant get genes form different plants or animals in pants the normal way.
> reaction to GMOs is just fear
And and there are good resons to it, one of them is intellectual property and non fertile pans so you have to rebuy the seeds evry year , just to name a few.
And no most of the fear comes form farmer too, who dont want to bow down to giant corporations controlling all their corps.
>It's a similar thing with vaccines
complete stretch of imagination there
Nothing. Hipster food producers made it trendy to hate them to scam more money out of rich, white yuppies under the pretense that they haven't been "researched" enough.
You're not wrong, user - but most of these people claim that GMOs are unhealthy or potentially harmful to the body.
Obvious monsanto shill.
GMOs DO fucking cross pollinate and cause infertility in very crop the pollen touches.
Are you mentally retarded?
>chance for conspiracy theorists to prove GMOs cause adverse health effects
>not a single shred of solid evidence or supporting evidence other than "they're dangerous because they might be dangerous"
Really tickles me pink
>be me
>normal pollen
>octagonal shape
>be me
>normal plant
>like octagonal pollen
>be me
>GMO plant
>produce square pollen
>be me
>normal plant
>square pollen hits me
>I can't deal with this
>be bee
>try to eat pollen
>square pollen cuts up my insides
>us bee population declines 75% in 10 years
Pesticide residue in GMOs way higher than in organic veg/fruit.
All pesticides are cancerous and increase your risk of cancer considerably over a lifetime. Moreover a lot of pesticides are neurotoxins and will lower your IQ or mess up the chemicals in your brain.
All of these statements are well known facts. Shills on the internet will however still pretend there is room for discussion.
Strawman. Kill yourself.
Some foods contain phytoestrogens but gmos do not modify this trait.
Quite seriously, get your gun and put it to your head and pull the trigger. Shilling for monsanto with a strawman is as low as you can go.
>be you
>literally 12 years old
>literally lack any capacity for reading comprehension
>literally misunderstand that the post had nothing to do with plants
>EU bans GMOs
>suddenly all American capitalists are go batshit insane with butthurt
>wwaaa my cannot I poison you for money!
>muh free murketss!!!!!!!!
Lol stay mad.
Any links to back up these outlandish claims?
user. A strawman at least pretends to be a real argument. But nice way to prove how much of a pseudo-intellectual you are. :^)
I'm really just mocking you.
>nothing to do with plants
>discussion was about genetically modified vegetables
>vegetables are not plants
This is the level of reading comprehension present in Monsanto shills. What the fuck.
Fucking retard. Massive fucking retard.
In fact, I'm going to call you a retard three times. Maybe four. You fucking retard.
Kill yourself for being so uneducated.
user, if you would just two moments to put down your organic, non-GMO gluten free algae sludge drink and read the posts that were occuring before you started chimping out, you would see that the posts in question had to do with negative effects of GMOs on the human body.
But I know that's too hard. :^)
>hes unable to infer that the posters hes replying to meant human bodies, not bees
>still cant infer it despite it being pointed out
No one mentioned estrogen once. Yes, you strawmanned. Good job dumbass.
The NIH keeps publishing reports saying there is not enough studies and most studies are conducted incorrectly (using wrong assumptions about pesticide application practices...etc). They even published a letter of concern recent.
Meanwhile all the shills keeps saying, "nothing to worry about, guys, nothing to worry about, move along, nothing to see here, move along"
But then again the fact that they pay people to shill on the internet goes to show how much "truth" they are spreading.
Its hard to explain the normal danger of GMOs to nomies so they go with GMOs = kill.
And you cant get extensive testing on every GMO so that bad too imo.
If this is what trolling is these days then I want nothing to do with it
I just dispatched a Monsanto® assassin to your posting location
There are so many Monsanto shills here it's actually got me pissed off. Holy shit what a nightmare.
user, I have to reiterate, a strawman is an attempt to actually make an argument.
That poster was mocking you, not making an argument. Your continued use of words you don't seem to fully understand contextually only further proves your own autism.
>omg ur autistic
Who the fuck do you think is listening to you, shill?
They couldn't export because 1) Monsanto had patented the plants and 2) other countries have banned gmo plants because of fearmongering from people like you
They didn't settle because they were dangerous, it was purely economic
Do not engage the shills. You post the truth and ignore the shills.
The whole game they are playing is this: they try to get you into a discussion; then they just keep posting bullshit until you get fed up and leave; then other people see the thread and it looks as if their side has legitimate arguements
It's a game of propaganda. The way to hurt them is to ignore them.
You, clearly. Considering this is your fourth or fifth response to one of my posts.
isn't repeatedly referring to your opponent as a shill and "retard" a much more dramatic instance of fallacious arguing than whatever fake strawman you're going on about?
I can't believe gmo fearmongerers are really this stupid
Alright I'll take that. They got me mad as fuck though. It's hard not to shun uneducated people. Have a nice day dude.
Yea and they are trying to push mass adoption like its a god send, with little to no benefit over normal plans.
And if you dont like to eat of plant GMOs somehow that is anti science, even tho they can still do their gene experiments but noo if you dont fund our shit show you are anti science fuking monsanto man.
Disregard this. It's countershilling geared towards making sure Monsanto propaganda is spread without argument.
There has to be a better echo chamber for you to discuss your unscientific views than Veeky Forums
Hang one's self immediately
Like fucking clockwork not liking GMOs is unscientific. Every fucking time.
no, making claims without evidence is unscientific :)
Irrespective of all the very valid health concerns.
WHY THE FUCK WOULD Veeky Forums support a capitalist effort to render every fruit and vegetable into a bland tasteless bunch of plant matter with shiny colours and ultra pesticide resistance?
Mass agriculture is already disgusting as is. Bought a watermelon yesterday, tasted like fucking water. It's supposed to be sweet. You faggots probably never tasted a good watermelon.
If it wasn't for my dad being really into gardening, I wouldn't have either.
because im gona make a dissertation for a Anonymous post on Veeky Forums, yea. Not gona serch the fucking internet for articles to apace some Monsanto shill.
good argument
because Monsanto and pop sci convinced a bunch of autist that le gmos will save the world.
The EU recently published a report on organic farming.
Apparently pesticides lower your IQ and this is so much of a concern that they consider limiting the input of fruit/veg for pregnant mothers and infants.
You can read more on page 34.
Let's be clear, the autists are against this shit and the shills aren't.