Hey Veeky Forums, I'm turning 21 tomorrow. What should I drink?
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm turning 21 tomorrow. What should I drink?
A bullet.
these dubs
Your own piss
Chocolate milk. it's delicious
It is delicious, OP.
Your boyfriend's dick.
Go to a non-dive bar where you can order a "flight" of beers and figure out for yourself what you like.
don't forget your fedora if you do this
Should have stated drinking at 14 like everyone else then you wouldn't have to make this shitty thread
Straight vodka or black spiced rum
Make Uncle Sam proud and drink a gallon of liquid butter.
I too am turning 21 tomorrow, happy birthday brother
A fresh pint of yummy cummie
Do what I did and drink middle-shelf scotch, and end up hating scotch for the rest of your life.
this would be a good start, assuming you've never been drinking before. if you don't like the lighter beers then you can go for something easy to drink like a rum and coke
Beer, rum and coke, whiskey sours, tequila sours, tequila sunrise
Try whatever you think sounds or looks good or stuff you've seen others you know drink. White russians are also good
Slam a shot of Maker's Mark and chase it with a Budweiser
Don't pretend like this day is special, I bet you've been underage drinking all your life.
What a faggot
kahlua with milk and a lil bit of nesquik mixed in
you're 21, you should know what you like by now.
bud light
lots of water
If you've come this far without drinking somehow, it's best not to start.
Reminder that the drinking age in lolmerica is 21 still.
it's considered normal to start drinking before that though
It's not about the legal age... it's about not being in a situation to illegally drink it before you're of age. I started at 14 in the uk. I don't condone it at all but I don't know anyone who has not drank before who is over 16.
stay away from rum
drink about a glass of water per drink
if people get you any top-shelf stuff, savor the flavor—that shit is expensive because it takes a long ass time to produce, so don't just drink it without regard, just to get smashed
When I turned 21 I ordered every fruity colorful drink I knew of. It was awesome. I haven't done it since.
reminder that cops don't care about that if you aren't driving around. most people have had a drink by 18 here.
Don't start drinking just because you can, or because you think you should because other people have.
There's no harm in experimenting a bit though. Try out different things and find something you really like. Try a bit of something hard and straight, and experience how it feels going down. Try something sweet and girly without shame, and savor the taste as it sticks cloyingly to your palate. I could tell you to try some quality single malt scotch or whatever, but if you don't enjoy the taste why even bother? Sure give it a try, but you're always the final judge yourself, and not whatever's cool or hip.
Apart from simple lightweight beers, I used to enjoy drinking sweet garbage like Bacardi Coke when I was younger. And despite my negative choice of words here, if I enjoyed that stuff back then, why shouldn't I drink it? You're supposed to enjoy your drink, not try to impress anyone.
"The Nancy"
-60% Beer (michelob ultra only)
-40% pineapple juice
It may sound stupid, but it is really good.
>americans need the greenlight from their government to enjoy alcoholic beverages
lmao @ the absolute state of the united states
You've had 3 years of legal experience you should pick whatever your preference.
I did this too and now I'm gay, don't do it OP!
>Brits can't legally drink before 16
Happy birthday tomorrow anons. Cheers.
I would say stick to mixed drinks, Gin and tonic, whiskey and coke or sprite, or generic beer such as budweiser or dos equis. My drink of choice is a moscow mule
>drinking for the taste
How dumb can you be?
Just remember: Always drink your beer before having liquor.
I'd go with 'cement mixers' the whole night, honestly. It's called that because the ingredients are a perfect mix to turn you into a rock of stability. Baily's will coat your stomach while the lime juice provides you with essential vitamin C. Can't go wrong. For me, it's the cement mixer.
If it's your first time, stick to screwdrivers.
White russian
Long island
Rum and coke with malibu
Dragon Cum, half/half cinnamon booze (fireball etc) and hazelnut creamer. Drink in small quantities, enjoy the consistency.
Nice dubs and nice picture. Not OP but going to drink this.
This is an acceptable choice
Fernet Branca
A shot of good bourbon and a bottle of cheap beer
autist drool
hes a burger
>le fedora xD