When will /pol/ leave
Also what is your favorite beverage
When will /pol/ leave
Aryan breastmilk
Anyone that says otherwise is a fatty
The cross board memes are getting real annoying. Unoriginal, ignored refugees from faster boards need to get bans.
Yes, clearly if you first come to Veeky Forums the first board you post in is the only board you can post in or it's a ban.
Bringing politics into a convo is guaranteed (You)s so they're just little attention whores.
I fucking love cendol and I get it almost every week at the night market. Shit's sweet af.
/pol/ and Veeky Forums are kissing cousins. The date of these boards are intertwined forever.
>kisses his cousins
Like clockwork
it's time to rollback for /cock/ and /mlpol/
By "Unoriginal, ignored refugees from faster boards" he means posters coming from other boards and bringing their stale memes with them. If you come into a house you typically wipe the shit off your boots before you come in.
Root beer. Wish it was healthy though, I'd drink it a lot more often.
haha yea pol totally has to go, am i right goys?
Rent free!
>the movie that /pol/tards worship and use to illustrate their entire world view was directed by two hardcore liberal dudes who later became trannies
really makes you think.
>emphasis on baddies eating meat
What do they mean by this?
The Matrix trilogy had nothing to do with ethno-nationalism, which is what I'm assuming you're attacking.
That's one hell of a strawman though, thanks for playing. Going after the directors of the movie from which i posted a screenshot, which was off topic.
And it does make me think. It makes me think that nobody is safe.
Never, the current political climate is too toxic for conversations to not divert that way.
Also ask yourself why whenever you see a mixed race couple on tv its always a black male white female? Only exception i can think of is walkin dead.
Propaganda, all of it.
vanilla vita coco cafe latte
>It makes me think that nobody is safe.
When has anyone been safe from anything
Reminder everyone has been born to die without exception
Nature is a cruel bitch
Life being a hostile and destructive eviroment needs never be overlooked, taken for granted much less ignored
What year is this
>When will /pol/ leave
When you stop paying attention to them. Everyone loves to call this bullshit, but nobody's going to try it long enough for it to count.
By tv i mean shows, streaming is included.
You'll join us sooner or later.
I have a cuckshed you leddit and tumblr refugees can stay in
>you'll join us sooner or later
FUCK OFF summer nigger