You're not one of those faggots that likes pineapple on their pizza, are you user?

You're not one of those faggots that likes pineapple on their pizza, are you user?

I'll take pineapple over your crotch-musk, lady.

>ordering pizza
>not making your own

The opinions of anyone too lazy to make a pizza do not matter to me.

this isn't /b/
this isn't /pol/
this isn't /r9k/

>literal cheese pizza
why do people even bother?


Better than your nasty pepperoni farts you goblin looking fat sow

>ordering pizza
>leaving the crust
I turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away

>We're Veeky Forums
>The literal upper-crust of this Austrian snowboarding website
>Better than all other boards
>*tips fedora*

You sound like a faggot. Go talk about cupcakes or something, queer.

Sounds like fun, will do...

I am.

I also like my crust... thicc

Found the basement dwelling virgins

The fact that pineapple triggers retards on the internet makes it that much tastier


I am a pine faggot


If after seeing this image you do not instantly want to pound 4 children into those meaty thighs you are unquestionably irrevocably homosexual and I wish you the best in your life being homosexual.

She's literally 5.5/10

Pineapple + Chicken + Jalapeno with light white sauce is the combo of kings

>using decimals on a 0-10 scale
Did they teach you that at beta low-test bitch boi school?

fuck the crust you fatass, what a waste of stomach space

the crust is the best part you philistine

It's just bread, I'm not some peasant from the 1500s who needs the extra carbs

She'd better be pregnant already. It's the only excuse for being that fat.

Look at this motherfucker pretending he's too good for bread

>Not eating the crust
Not going to lose anymore weight by not eating that

That is my kind of woman

Bravo, bra-fucking-vo !

It is a somber feeling knowing that society is in just such a way that I can work my whole life and break my back and no matter what I'll still have to come home to a fat bitch like this who somehow smells worse than me after she did nothing look at cat videos and shitposting on tumblr about Christians being hypocrites while she sips diet soda...

Just imagine the smell festering in her congested sweat glands, the fecal odor lurking in her folds, thew absolute lack of muscular definition from a life of ease and denial of ease, it makes me sick

>implying youll even be so lucky to get a fat bitch

Fucking bitch is obese you chubby chasing loosers

the slice itself has enough bread though, racoons and sich can eat the crust, they're hungry too

I'm in love

I loved every laugh

haha yeah you sure showed him! He'll think twice before not being a faggot again.

bitch needs a diet

>meaty thighs
Fat is not meat.

Bread is quite possibly the worst food for you.

It's just empty calories. Over the years the flour we've used has slowly become more bleached and refined. Whereas before it was actually healthy and nutritious.

I'm no healthfag, I smoke weed, do MDMA and ketamine. But you know what I don't do? EAT BREAD!

fuck off cunt
its those pineapple that make you hunger for my seed

t. redditor

wasting the crusts really mumbles my crumbles

>i'm so pathetic that i want to impregnate every lard ass with a pulse
>t. totally not a desperate virgin

>You're not one of those faggots that likes pineapple on their pizza, are you user?

said by a crust-wasting faggot

and, yes, I do enjoy the classic Hawaiian pizza once in a while.
The majority of pizza places suck at making them, though... mostly they forget the oregano