Burger on a donut

should i?

Sure, the Luther Burger is already a thing.


Please add crispy bacon and caramelized onions.

the bacon is going in the burger as the sirloin is too lean

shoud i add cilantro to the mix?


I find when cilantro is cooked very hard it gets a bitter taste

ik. i thought it would go with the sweet of the donut. i didnt put too much in

>buys steaks
>grinds them into burgers

Some people just don't GET life.

Here comes the itis

its the only way to do it, pleb
cheaper and better

>it was the attention whore name fag
Ugh, I didn't mean to give you any attention at all for your pleebit tier zany xD stunts xD

>so much of a fat spoonfed American pleb that the concept of grinding your own meat is foreign to him


>lettuce and tomato on a luther
that's not how you do it damn it

ya. i kinda figured that out after eating it


You are as fucking stupid as these threads make you out to be. Die in a fire, nigger.

$2.99 nigger. and far better than ground beef in a store

You fucked up

how was it advertised?


In a shill thread on Veeky Forums