What would you put in your stash box?

What would you put in your stash box?

Rosemary and bullets.

A note reminding me to act like a fucking adult

A pack of camels, unfiltered+ pack of matches
Small bottle of vodka
bag of weed and rolling papers
Granola bar
Pack of gum

penzey's ozark seasoning
junior mints
a key to a locked fridge full of founders porter

airplane sized mini wine bottles, dark chocolate, recording of a Latino guy talking smooth, and some dark red lipstick. And $500 cash

Two hundred ml of Absinthe
Pack of cigs
Live scorpion
Any remaining dignity and/or self respect
Nail clippers

I love this place

Pocket sand

well memed you are truly a gentleman and a scholar!

dank meme!

we did it reddit!

Why the rosemary?

You're an idiot

Are you me
>camel no filters
>enough vodka to actually get me drunk
That's about all I can fit I think

tourist's delight
painkiller, syringe
phosphate poisoning medication
antibacterial medication
antiradiation medication
antiemetic medication
condensed milk

A pile of c-notes

a pile of coupons for mcchicken sandwiches

A bomb (Deus Ex reference xD)

A miniature ship

A stash of hash and cash

canned espresso
american spirits
a sharp knife

>putting drugs in your box
Buncha weak willed faggots ITT. Drugs are for poorfags and addicts.


Andes mints, a pipe and some dank.

a glock and directions to the local mosque

nuts, and only nuts.

Hello R.eddit!

oh you....

salty milk and coins

Just in case.

Your gay

EDIT: You're*

EDIT2: wow thanks for the gold! I can't believe my first gold post is calling someone gay XD

EDIT3: Why the downvotes?

>What would you put in your stash box?

My sister lives in Downtown Atlanta, and this is her emergency kit: no joke.

> Pepper spray
> Emergency beacon (REI store brand)
> Rape Kit (bandages/collection kit)
> "plan B" pill x 2

Life is different when you live in the ghetto.

>My sister lives in Downtown Atlanta, and this is her emergency kit: no joke.
>> Pepper spray
>> Emergency beacon (REI store brand)
>> Rape Kit (bandages/collection kit)
>> "plan B" pill x 2

You realize south ATL is, like 70% ghetto black right? Why the fuck she live there if she's so scared of getting raped?

My chance flared xl

A gun and one bullet

Oh yeah all I can afford is a place in this high-crime neighborhood. Guess I'll be safer living on the street!

A melted ice lolly.
An odd pair of socks.
50 bullet ants.