Is there estrogen in the modern food supply? There is something very wrong about the last few generations especially some males. Is our water supply tainted with xenoestrogens?
Is there estrogen in the modern food supply...
But it's not like it matters anyway. Hormones are ineffective orally unless taken at very high doses and constantly throoughtout the day. First pass through the liver destroys them.
It sounds scary that estrogen may be in food but if you look at how hormones function in the body you will realize that it's meaningless.
Projections, generalizations, and bias! Not surprised a beta faggot posted something like this
I have a theory that this SJW culture is some kind of an echo from the 90s pc shit. Kids then are now adults in their 20s and 30s. Combine that with the ease of access to the internet and social media and you have this clusterfuck we are living in.
History repeats itself. This so important to understand. All of this shit has happened before, not just the 90s... it's just with instant access to the internet, it has made it easier to see all walks of lives and also serves as a louder echo chamber for the sjws and other crazy activist groups.
I wouldn't say the world we have today is a clusterfuck. You basically just admitted how small your worldview is.
Maybe you just hang around gays and watch too much trap porn
Yes it is. Everything is no fun allowed, don't say anything that might offend someone. Combined with weekly terrorist attacks you aren't allowed to critique can you say it's nice times?
We did not do anything. It's the 14-17 crowd born after 2000 that is shitting up everything.
Class me as a millennial if you want, being 26, but I'm not the retarded child ruining your boards and life.
Once again, you're watching so much tv, being influenced by the media, and being stuck on the internet listening to small minority groups acting like they are big, that you have a small worldview. I'm not disagreeing with your last statement because yes, it's true, those people are loud, they have disrupted events, and yes, there are crazy dickholes out there, different walks of life but it's still small enough that I know you're kinda wrong.
I've traveled the world enough to know that the world is not what the media or vocal minorities on social media portrays. Still 90s and early 2000s were much better times.
You have bias nostalgia glasses on man. I've also traveled the world and it's really not as bad as people make it out to be. The world has always been shitty, people have always hated each other, I had so many foreigners try to lump me as the fucking representative of America when they want to tell me what's on their mind but I tell them the same thing I'm telling you. You're coming from a place of bias and generalizations which let's me know how small your worldview is. You believe in stereotypes and whatever flavor of the month it is. Now, I'm not denying the things you say isn't true 100% but I've met all sorts of people. Poor, middle class, rich; stereotypes exists but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be.
Learn some history, bro. None of that is new.
Different groups have been preaching "no fun allowed" for as long as recorded history exists. Speak out against the church? Get killed. Speak out against the government? Get disappeared and sent to a labor camp if you're lucky, dead if you aren't. Get shat on and abused by nobility. Enjoy drinking? Get ready for the temperance movement to burn down your home. Homosexual? You're in fear of pretty much everybody. Freedom of religion? Nope. Are you a woman and desire education or employment? Good luck with that. While it's true that those things still exist to a certain extent in some parts of the world our current situation is a fuck of a lot better than it has been in the past.
As for "weekly terror attacks", that's always happened. We've had mob violence, religious violence, crime, gangs, etc, as long as history has recorded. The only difference is that with modern media the news of a violent incident spreads around the world in a matter of minutes, whereas in the past you might never know that a group of bandits burned down a town a couple hundred miles away.
ITT: science based on anecdotal bullshit
>Tfw 27 year old man but I sound like a 12 year old girl
Is your image relevant to your query?
There's estrogen in the flesh and secretions of female mammals. Being a growth hormone, it helps cancers bloom and grow forever ;)
Yes, she is a guy.
No, it's just the result of postmodernism and poststructuralism dominating academia and the associated trickle-down of this ideology through mass media and public education.
I bet you're a blast at parties, faggot
It's more the lack of male role models due to the whole divorce trend. Nobody had a father around, so they're all raised by women and told that men are bad and masculinity is toxic.
Then they go around being told 24/7 how to act 'so women will like them', and we end up with neutered numales. But women don't actually like them, so the birthrate has plummeted in the west.
People really haven't changed much, but low fiber diets do cause excess estrogen to be recycled instead of shat out.
This guy gets it.
it's about food soo fuck off
and how is it a paranormal question?
The pussification of the west is a direct result of a leftist / Jewish attack on the non-Jew family and social structure.
Single women being allowed to have, and raise, children without a father at the tax payer's expense has lead to an enormous population of males that have been raised to be submissive little bitches by women that have no clue about developing a young man.
It's not the food or water, it's the apathy of western whites, and their refusal to recognize the attack of their culture from within by non-whites, and Jews that are intent on destroying them.
I found this (you), is it yours?
That appears to be a negro (you), so, no.
>lol he actually did some research and offers useful info
>what a nolife fag, amirite?
Estrogen in food or water if there is any would have no effect. The growing androgyny with males becoming more like females in 1st world countries is a direct result of technology making masculinity obsolete. There is no need for the strength of the protective male. Cosequently, the feminized male has become more attractive to females because they are generally higher earners in white collar jobs and easier for them to relate to. Ironically, the same marginalized troglodytes gnashing their teeth about the androgynous male are the same ones clamoring against labor intensive agriculture requiring male strength like small to medium scale organic farming.
tl;dr technology has equalized men and women and resulted in the growing feminization of the male.
You are so basic bitch it's not funny, but you are not stupid and you are going to realise in the next few years why what you just wrote is dumb as fuck.
And you are right about history repeating, which kinda fucks the second paragraph.
>feminized male has become more attractive to females
NO woman wants a BITCH as a mate. That's why women HATE beta males and the "nice guy" ALWAYS finishes last.
We are more free now than we ever were at any other time in history. You're fucking delusional.
This, look at how easily refugees in Europe get that white pussy.
It's not because of the food, that's just what's causing such high rates of gyno and breast cancer in males.
Look up the Frankfurt School and Yuri Bezmenov if you want to know why the west is seemingly ruled by enemies from within. It's all academia related.
>Estrogen in food or water if there is any would have no effect
Jesus christ you guys are insecure. Projecting your inability to fuck women onto to some weird conspiracy instead of adjusting your behavior, it's like a vicious cycle.
I'm not European, I fuck just fine.
Stop projecting please, virgin.
>technology has equalized men and women and that's why women are outcompeting men
>males have no reproductive autonomy
>males have no safe long-term birth control
>because of the benefits they exclusively receive, women in the workforces of Western nations like the US statistically cost their nation's money. Yeah, every one of them. Look it up, the US literally goes deeper into debt with every female citizen it produces.
>even with the equal pay act in effect for decades and even with women in starting positions being paid more than men in starting positions now, women produce and earn less than men
>despite this, women control more than a fair share of the nation's spending power
>women out-compete men on an equal playing field tho
This, ladies and gentlemen, is gynocentrism.
>tries to play the "insecure" card
Only beta faggots buy into that shit or try to play that card.
>This, ladies and gentlemen, is
Why the white west will either fall and be overtaken by shitskins, or wake the fuck up and violently take back their culture.
Open your eyes, look at the demographic shift. It's over.
Study after study has indicated plant estrogens are processed out by the liver and have no effect. Why, in 3rd world countries where the majority of the diet is vegetables and masculine strength is required for survival of the family unit due to lesser technological development is there no feminization of the male?
Show documentation on estrogen in the water supply by sampling and the that water causing the feminization of males through independent studies. Protip: You cannot.
Stop listening to alt-right wackos and think. Oops, sorry, thinking is beyond your delta level. Better head back to cleaning up the vomit in the elementary school where you're low janitor on the totem pole.
No, it's not fucking "over".
One small island of pissed off whites pretty much managed to take over 2 different continents when they put their mind to it, and it's this fact that the world has forgotten.
its not so much men getting doused with estrogen, that wouldn't do relatively all that much when it comes to making their minds/body inherently feminine
the main issue is pregnant women being flooded with estrogen/blocking androgen during a critical period in the womb where the female wired brain (everyone starts with a female brain/body) has the ability to be permanently masculinized and if it doesn't receive enough it just stays feminized or is somewhere in the middle
The polluted our air/water/food is the more likely something can go wrong during this critical period in the womb
Gynocentrism exists in pretty much all the white western cultures you think are so great in abundance.
I mean, I might agree with you that white western gynocentric cultures are still a hell of a lot better than sand people aloha snackbar gynocentric cultures, but it would've helped if at some point you guys could have cleaned your fucking house (metaphor, I don't care about that feminist division of labor shite) and stopped putting shieldmaiden pussy on such a pedestal.
I assume you're not into racemixing - you understand that white women are drawn to black men in part because black men like to verbally pamper their women so much? Ever think maybe you shouldn't be teaching your daughters that it's important to a man's moral character that he constantly sing praise of all her virtues?
>one small island of pissed off whites
You're confused. Either you think there's a cultural stereotype that the British are angry, or you think that Germany was a vastly more successful colonial power than it was, and that it exists in the British isles.
Also, I don't think you've noticed, but you're presenting a positive case for white nationalism. One small island of people who just happened to be white being more powerful than two nonwhite continents - that is the information you've presented - makes a pretty great case for white supremacy. Personally, I think you're conflating race and culture in a completely stupid way.
The feminization of the 1st world male will continue unless society, either through a natural calamity or human induced apocalypse eliminates the dependency on an advanced technology that requires the same amount of effort from a male as a female. It has nothing to do with boogeymen and "estrogen in plants". There is no need in modern society for a maculine male; in fact quite the opposite. A masculine male is not attractive to females or those responsible for hiring. It's the evolution you techno-chemical lovers should embrace.
tl;dr We've emasculated ourselves in the name of a lazyass comfort.
as societies become richer they become more androgynous, nothing to do with the water