Starting my taper today. I already feel very irritated, but hoping to be clean in a few weeks.
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Are you alone?
old tread
also pray for smirnoff bro
wish they sold spirits in 100ml incremental sizes
trying to taper off from a 700ml a day but can't leave a bottle unfinished and 350ml is just not enough to stop it
I always, always fuck up if I try to taper. Good luck user, please send a postcard to my grave if you do manage to escape.
Prayers cannot help the dead
Buy loads of 100ml bottle instead.
Line up your daily allowance and lock the rest away
yeah I was buying 350 + 250
think i may try and switch to 350 + a couple of beers, as the beers last longer so I can at least "have a drink", despite tapering off total abv
>Buy loads of 100ml bottle instead.
this. Or buy a larger bottle and immediately pour out some of it.
Been tapering for a few weeks now that I need to move home for 6 weeks and my mother doesn't know about my drinking problem nor do I want her to. Gone from a 70cl of gin a day to a six pack of 5% beer a night. Got 2 more days, and some shitty bud light (3.5%) in the fridge for tomorrow. I actually think I can do this, been drinking a fuck load of soft drinks (tonic water and ginger ale) in between drinks to trick myself into not noticing I am not drinking booze. Wish me luck.
Also RIP Smirnoffbro. I hope you aren't kill, but it doesn't look good.
Would recommend tapering with some low abv beer or something sickly sweet like Smirnoff ice if you're going to do it alone. I wasn't able to do it on my own with vodka, because a.) I enjoyed it and b.) my mind always convinced me I was going to die if I didn't get smashed asap.
You raise a point I wanted to ask
Tonic water on it's own. Nice, or just a necessary evil for alchies?
I like bitter lemon
drinking tonic by itself makes me feel sick as i consume so many g&ts
just feels so off without the gin in there and isn't a nice reminder
So, there's that.
>harm score
seems legit
Nice tunes, booze, sudokus
What more could a man want
happiness & a second chance
You're challenging the opinion or professor David Nutt, whose entire career has been dedicated to the study of drugs. Former chief drugs adviser to the British government. Pls stahp.
Is 12:30 too early to polish off this champagne? Should I eat something first or something?
Who got booted from government service for being a raving nutter who ignored evidence that didn't fit his model.
>"harm to others" that low
Limes are fucking tarded
Personally it's been fantastic, I drink it in a similar way to G&T so there is always ice and a wedge of lime / lemon in there. I always really liked the taste of gin and tonic so it wasn't a shock to the system, and to be perfectly honest probably part of the reason I got to that state to begin with. I always read about people drinking vodka out the bottle and thought that was insanity because that tastes like shit and I was fine because I genuinely liked what I was drinking. Then I realised I was at a bottle a day for over a year so I wasn't actually that far off.
No. Wife and I are both tapering to quit. We each drink an 18 pack/day.
Thanks, and hopefully you'll get free of this demon.
He was fired for saying that riding horses is more dangerous than using heroin. Which is a fact. Used to illustrate the absolute retardation of today's drug laws
Best of luck to you both. It's scary how quickly your tolerance, and thus consumption, racks up isn't it?
Wait, I mean MDMA.
I don't use any illegal drugs btw, I'm just killing myself legally with ethanol. Shame I can't chill with a joint and live decades longer, but nah, the public knows better than perhaps the most learned and knowledgeable man on earth on this subject, prof D.N.
>LSD more harmful than shrooms
>Ecstacy less harmful than K
>Cannabis nearly as harmful to others as Tobacco
You're I assume, acting under the assumption that only harm to the individual users was considered.
Glad you clarified. Here I was thinking horses were some sort of literal death machine, killing all in their wake.
>Shame I can't chill with a joint and live decades longer
Well, you can, but you choose grievous effects on your health over possible minor legal problems (assuming you are in USA/Europe).
Evening bros, 34 days sober and pretty sure I had a mini-stroke in my sleep last night, parts of my body are numb.
Could just be a kinked nerve or something.
I'll start it today with you, OP. Trying to do this without telling anyone and hiding it from my gf
Going into (mild) DT's, hoping for something resembling sleep but i'm not holding my breath. Am i the only person who really enjoys the post-nausea withdrawal? No sleep, horribly vivid nightmares (which I love), emotionally a wreck, atleast I feel something when i'm in that stage.
It's amazing how much water retention you lose when you quit for a few days, I feel like every cup of liquid I drink I piss a liter of water
I've been noticing partial muscle loss in the left side of my body, i'm pretty sure i'm in the same boat
If I stop, I CANNOT seem to hydrate. I mean, throwing up 50 times a day can't help, but omg, no matter how much water I drink I'm still always thirsty. I must go through something like 30L of water every day for at least the first 3 days, probably keep like 1L of it down, and my piss is umpa lumpa orange.
After particularly long benders I would give up trying to sleep since it's not really worth it (the second I begin to fall asleep I'd jolt awake in terror) and see how far down the rabbit hole I could go. After day 4 or 5 you begin to get some neat hallucinations (nothing like real psychedelics ofc) from sleep deprivation and the withdrawal keeps you awake like a madman. Did some really lucid writing during these hours, I can see how someone like Joyce could come up with what he did while being a raging alcoholic.
>7 minutes till 5pm
Sub 2 weeks sober.. and got invited to a beer/rib fest on saturday.. I dont want to drink but im worried Ill crack then.. and then end up buying a 12pack or two after.. or sunday.
Yeah I've written some neat stuff thanks to the nightmares, I really enjoy the vivid nightmares, they allow me to live things I could never live in real life.
Always taper with beer. Harder to get a buzz and therefore easier to stay on course
>8 minutes late
I never spill any.
Some like to replace booze with something similar. Virgin mojito, alcohol less beer, etc. For others, it's worse to drink that because it reminds them of the feeling and makes them want to get trashed even more.
For the later, it's better to replace alcohol by something totally different, like smoking a cigarette or exercising. And drink water to stay hydrated.
>>LSD more harmful than shrooms
By an insignificant margin, but they couldn't put them on the same line just to please you
>>Ecstacy less harmful than K
>>Cannabis nearly as harmful to others as Tobacco
Have you tried driving a car after a cigarette and after a joint?
Picture related, you can't get through that high.
Could be brain damage.
2 weeks is a bit short for a beer fest. It's advised to keep cool until you feel confident about your sobriety and the brain fog disperses.
It also depends if you're with friends who know your problems, understand them, and will support you. And who'll be with you after the fest (to stop you from drinking at home as per old habits.)
There will be other fests this summer user.
You don't have to stay at home moping, find something pleasant to do. Or exhaust yourself and sleep.
I feel like the cashiers at LCBO are throwing subtle shade when they say "Enjoy your day! :)". Fuck you!
WOW I'm a drunk bboy.
>Could be brain damage.
So basically I'm fucked?
I've heard the muscle relaxant Baclofen can help with cravings and impulsiveness. I had a prescription for it once, it gives a nice mild buzz. I really need to quit alcohol and opiates for good, I feel like every withdrawal takes an irreplaceable piece of my soul.
As someone who has suffered a back injury and is (unfortunately) familiar with nerve damage, what exactly are your symptoms?
My left arm and leg are noticeably less sensitive than my right limbs, they just feel like they're not there and it takes slightly more effort to move them
I can still walk and pick shit up btw
naltrexone works great for some people. they think it has to do with a certain gene some alcoholics carry. if you do carry that gene it works for cravings. i take it. any day i take it is not hard to obstain. i drink about 2 times a week.
Okay, that doesn't sound promising, bro. The arm comes out of the C4 to C6 area in the spine, while the leg comes out of L3 to L5. This makes it unlikely that a pinched nerve is the problem as they generally don't share any commonality. Weakness that isn't mirrored also doesn't sound promising.
Im not a sociable man, this is probably the only "fest" ill go to this year or for the past few.
Thanks user
Managed to go a full week of work without going to the shops and buying vodka. I've got 2 days off in 4 hours and gonna see if I can handle one night a week to get fucked. If this works, I.might have found the will to not be a daft cunt with alcohol... only took 10 years of drinking.
Fug, so I really am fucked? I don't live anywhere near a hospital either and I live by myself
Just completely destroyed a 7 year relationship and lost my apartment because of alcoholism. Had to move back in with my mom. She loves drinking with me so it doesn't seem like things will get brighter any time soon. Ive been dating someone new for about a month now and they've already told me I should cool it with the alcohol. I dont know how to stop and i dont really want to.
Did you even watch the literal first 5 seconds of the video? He was watching statistically which drugs are most harmful to the wide population of the FUCKING UK - if Heroin was pushed on the population (Like Alcohol) and sold at every street corner, it would be overly represented (Like Alcohol) by far.
>just to please you
anyone who's done both knows LSD is cleaner beyond a reasonable doubt.
yes, you don't fucking k
>Have you tried driving a car after a cigarette and after a joint?
lmfao, a cigarette to a non-nicotine user is gonna affect your driving by far more than cannabis. nicotine with no or low tolerance = buzzed as fuck and sick.
I'd definitely suggest seeing a doctor. There might be another cause for the problems, but right now the symptoms are cause for concern.
>it's better to replace alcohol by something totally different, like smoking a cigarette
this actually isn't funny because of how actually retarded this is. i feel bad for you
>smack vs booze
So what? The current levels of damage are what need to be addressed, not some hypothetical nonsense.
>lmfao, a cigarette to a non-nicotine user is gonna affect your driving by far more than cannabis. nicotine with no or low tolerance = buzzed as fuck and sick.
Not the other guy, but I'd assume more people are driving with a signicicant cannabis high than people being buzzed off nicotine.
Think I need to start drinking more again
When I was drinking most nights I lost loads of weight because I skipped meals. But since I started going to work at 7am (necessitating being sober on weekdays) I've put on nearly 2 stone.
This is unacceptable
I gained shit loads when I turned full alcy mode
try to use your legs a bit during your adult life. its good for you AND burns calories
are there drunk alcoholic chicks posting in these threads or is the pic is just a bit of a change from all the rest of the google images? i wouldn't be surprised if there were drunk fat girls posting complaining about mindless crap all the time.
No drunk woman has ever been lonely or upset
They can't understand our pain
Once this shit gets a grip does it matter? It isn't glamorous in the slightest. It is good to talk to people who are in / have been in similar situations. No one here gives a shit what is between your legs.
never drinking again
>says increasingly nervous alkie for the 100th time this year
>more people die of old age. therefore, old age is more harmful than lung cancer
they should rename the graph Most Harmful Drugs (by numbers on the scale of the average person in an entire population) then
>old age
Can we please stop shitting up this thread before this gets out of hand? They're too valuable for this level of idiocy.
I weighed 10 stone when I was in uni, living on cream crackers and lager. Now I'm 14.5 on whisky and pizza.
I used to be in shape, but what's the point when I'm single and going to stay that way forever
2 more hours of hard labour and I can get home, sleep, wake up.and go buy a bottle of poison which I'll regret the next day.
How tall are you? 14.5 might not be awful if you are 6'2+
5' 11'
Its all fat
people like us HAVE to get drunk at least sometimes. anything is better than psychosis.
besides, if I was 6'2+ then being 10 stone would have been terrible
How many people have "old age" written on their death certificate? I'm willing to bet none in at least the last half a century. There is no such thing as death by aging.
I think you're pretty much right. I lost two relatives in the past year. Both were well into their 90's. One was listed as a stroke, the other was "complications due to esophageal cancer"
Get help people. I'm 8 months sober now. It took restricting access to alcohol for me. I hope at least some of you can find your way to quitting.
And do what instead? This is how I make the time pass quicker
I see absolutely no arguments
When you're an alcohol, it literally seems like a ridiculous notion that you could enjoy anything sober. That's the alcohol/brain fog/lack of self-respect from drinking talking.
You adapt. And once the fog wears off you just generally feel better.
self improvement. If not that you can still shitpost.
>tfw love the taste of a good slug of lukewarm vodka from the bottle
I always post in these threads. I'm 5'8 and 131 lbs and one of my biggest fears apart from being a total lonely failure is becoming fat, especially from alcoholism.
I lead a double life where everyone thinks I'm just a social binge drinker but I put whiskey in my coffee in the morning and I'm always full of anxiety unless I've got some alcohol in my system.
Good, because this is not the place for them.
Liberally made me fucking nearly sick at work thanks. Can't think of vodka it makes me physically ill.
People here seem to be genuinely unwell. Good luck and best wishes from /out/
>he's a Brown Liquor Nigger
>he thinks drinking whiskey or another polluted liquor makes him cultured
Vodka master race. Have fun with your fusel oils and methanol
A lot are, and a lot are recovering due to this place. I always browse this thread and give advice and stuff as I nearly died due to alcohol and lost everything. Doing so much better now and like to give a bit back.
Stick around man... there are some genuinely interesting people who post here, some die, some get's a really special place on the chan.
It's more to do with abusing it for years and my body rejecting it rather than taste. I can't really do any spirits any more
oh, so you're a beer queer? or a wine swine?
>the chan
Look, I like coming on these threads just as much as you or anyone else, and they do genuinely help me, but please don't ever call it that again
Chill. What an incredibly trivial point with which to take issue.
Not that user btw, but dude, have another shot. Or one fewer.
>oh god, arguments afoot
I think you're the one who needs to chill, I was in no way upset...there are other boards where calling it "the chan" is a reference to a picture that got posted a lot. It's just a joke, nobody is having an argument except you. Chill.