*Blocks your food*
*Blocks your food*
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*drives peroxide-marinated toothpick into your wounds*
I swear acidy foods cause these shits.
Haven't had one of those in a while, thanks for jinxing me
I'm dealing with two of those right now, fuck everything.
"Acid-y" (aka "acidic") foods definitely don't cause herpes
Daily sublingual high dose B12 completely got rid of them for me. Used to get horrible outbreaks a few times a month and now I haven't had any in years.
Raw red onion feels like it cuts my mouth up. Is this normal?
canker sores aren't herps
those are cold sores, which are herpes.
nope. canker sores aren't herpes. those are canker sores
I don't think I've ever had one of those, what causes it?
Were you sucking on lemons or something?
I can never stop tonguing these.
That's not herpes, you dope, those are canker sores, usually caused by eating too much acidic food. Herpes is on the outside of the mouth, also called "cold sores".
An inflamed taste bud is worse
Acidic saliva or biting your lip
or maybe when I bite my lip there was already one there?
that's one of the weirdest
Huh. I wonder why I've never gotten them before? I feel like I'd remember painful white sores inside my mouth.
I think it's still a canker sore, its just on your tongue. They are awful, mainly because I have a bonded retainer that I can't help but rub it up against. Feels bad man.
i don't enojoy when it happens. but it's so strange that i don't totally hate it either
i stare at the mirror with my tongue out for days
>have shit teeth
>bite lip
>all bacteria from shit teeth go in wound
The amount of internet research I've done on cankersores is insane.
I get these shits maybe 4x or 5x a year, and when they happen they get fucking huge, like half the size of a dime or something.
They are so damn painful and they last for weeks.
I even get them on my tongue, there's permanent scars all over my tongue from past cankersores.
Fuck cankersores.
I get one probably every other week. Shit sucks so hard.
There's indications that there might be genetic component to their cause, so you might be a lucky one
I use a salt and lemon toothpick.
I never had one of those. In fact I have no fucking idea what that even is.
Auuuuuuuugh........those suck so bad, since you can't even talk without irritating it.
Mouth ulcer, eat a few bags of salt and vinegar chips and you might get a mouth ulcer.
>He doesn't cook his onions
Alum kills canker sores pretty quickly.
I used to get canker sores all the time when I was a kid and I also constantly chewed up the inside of my mouth.
>user uses Magnesium, it's super effective