Who /drank/ here? For me it's Delsym 12 and Sprite.
Who /drank/ here? For me it's Delsym 12 and Sprite
Are you 12
No =[
I would hijack this shitty thread for /sip/, but we still have a hundred replies or so to go till autosage
Fuck your delsym
codeine or nothing
Does equal parts Carlo Rossi + Ice count?
Not the same as dxm my dude.
Just take robogels then, codeine is for drank
But then it'd be irrelevant to this board. I feel like I'm already pushing it.
Well if youre going to drugpost anyway why dont you have more fun with it? Actually attempt that "nyquil chicken" meme with your delsym or something bizzare and entertaining instead of loosely making drinks with cough medicine.
No one actually eats that. And I already triggered /sip/ poster and codeine guy with this shitpost. Anyone have a good recipe for edibles?
Hmm this makes me wanna /drank/ again....
Nah, I've got weed and beer I don't need it. I don't need it.
Delsym 12 is time-released DXM. It doesn't even get you high, retard.
It's a lighter high over a longer period.
Soooo, not to give away how ancient I am, but is this the same as what we used to call "robofrying" back in the early nineties? I'm guessing yes.
Ahh, thought so. I have some very interesting memories of that.
Oh fuck, no one wants to hear all that. I don't know that I want to think too hard about it, either.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity......."
For me, it's NyQuil (during the day) and DayQuil (at night)
What, no Dramamine?
It sounds like a really awful and dirty high.
Like when alcohol starts to wear off and you feel the hangover coming.
Chug a bottle of robotussin cough and immediately follow with a long drink of Mello Yello. Perfect combo. Just make sure your robo has only dxm in it and isn't cough and cold.
For me it's slamming a bottle or two of Robotussin dry cough forte and chugging some ice tea
This is the stuff you want, dry cough forte
I was in high school when dxm was news worthy. Do kids really still do cough syrup these days? Protip: robotripping fucked up my liver more than a decade plus of heavy drinking.
Well how often did you robotrip? You're not supposed to do it all the time you know, and yeah, I still robotrip every once in a while, don't hear of many kids doing it apart from the ratty ones.
is this a /sip/ thread?
>how often did you robotrip
Probably around once a week on average, for probably 5-6 months. More than a couple times I drank a second bottle an hour before I knew I was going to come down from the first, and basically stayed up all night listening to music and chain smoking.
>you're not supposed to do it all the time
Why exactly? I haven't read anything about it since Erowid. It's not like molly where you need to wait for your neurotransmitters to grow back over the course of a month.
> Slamming a whole bottle
> Not sipping on a small glass of it like a true connoisseur
DXM is barely hepatoxic. You were probably an idiot and drank shit with acetaminophen
You're not supposed to do it all the time because it damages your fucking liver you dense, stupid fuck, you did it and you fucked your own shit up, how the fuck have you not figured that out already
>reading comprehension
Nothing worse than people who try to introduce etiquette and pretentious attempts at "class" to drug use.
Nigga what, did the DXM fry your brain or something, you said in the first post robotripping has damaged your liver more than alchohol, in your second post you said you did it once a week for about 6 or so months, what have I fucking missed
You're on the food and cooking board, dum dum. This entire place is devoted to classing up foodstuff, most of which could easily be considered a drug.
>implying a dxm cocktail thread isn't better than 12 y/o energy drink (((sip))) threads
You're using something I said as an argument against me instead of providing an actual source for the claim I stipulated.. I clearly said that I haven't read anything about dxm in years, so when I said that it fucked up my liver more than my alcoholism it should have been obvious that I wasn't being 100% serious.
>what have i fucking missed
Once again: reading comprehension.
I'd say he's missing your context more than comprehension, since it's hard to read the context of posts sometimes on a Ukrainian dashboard cam website.
I'm pretty fucked up, so you're probably right. But I'd still argue that getting the context is an element of comprehension...
Well, you're not wrong, context is part of comprehension. I was just narrowing it down. But yeah, you got it.
Ok then, it should be pretty obvious that DXM can cause liver damage but here
"Long-term Effects of Dextromethorphan
The long-term effects of Dextromethorphan are not known; however, it is believed that sustained, habitual use can result in:
Mood changes such as depression and mania.
Problems with attention and memory consolidation.
Liver damage."
Dextromethorphan oxidation capacity was impaired in cirrhotic patients and, to lesser extent, in non cirrhotic patients, as compared with 103 control subjects.
There's also the possibility of damage to the liver, especially if the enzymes inhibited by DXM (cytochromes P450-2D6, 3A4, and 3A5) are also involved in metabolizing something else, and that something else ends up being metabolized by another enzyme into something dangerous. This is the sort of thing one has to worry about when inhibiting liver enzymes, and it does occasionally cause problems; as an example, DXM will compete for the enzyme which degrades the prescription antihistamine terfenadine (SeldaneTM). It may happen that the new metabolite of something is a cell toxin and will wreck your liver; this is a proposed mechanism for acetaminophen toxicity. If you are worried, there are blood tests which can assess liver function.
There's more out there but I really don't want to or need to spoonfeed you
Woops, second link is about liver disease, didn't notice that, running on no hours sleep atm
>drinking codeine
>not snorting oxycontin(tm)
jesus fuck im sharing a board with underaged spitphux
>snorting oxycontin
>not shooting black tar heroin
Jesus Christ I'm sharing a board with boujee shitphux
>snorting pills
retard alert
purple drank is codeine-promethezine syrup
it's red if it has acetominiphin in it
orange if you get the good shit (hydrocodone-promethezine)
If only I still knew my connect who was in the medical waste disposal business... he would have literal gallons of the shit. If you're doing DXM, just order the powder and put it in gelcaps.
your and idiot