So, why aren't you a vegan?
So, why aren't you a vegan?
Is this a new Tim Burton movie?
The fuck did I just watch
Is that Macaulay Culkin's younger clone?
I have nothing to prove
in the fuck
>newfags don't know about Misha
I don't hate myself enough to engage in virtue signalling bullshit that hurts my quality of life for brownie points with assholes
>for kids
Because Im not a faggot
>So, why aren't you against slave ownership?
>I don't hate myself enough to engage in virtue signalling bullshit that hurts my quality of life for brownie points with assholes
Fuck ya. That video was tight as fuck. Those fucking facial expressions he made when the martini glass arrives on the table is priceless.
meat eating is not comparable to human slavery
animals are not comparable to humans
bet none of you faggots can say that 5 times fast.
Don't forget his dance moves at 0:50
I'm not, but it's illegal.
There is literally nothing wrong with slavery
I'm not a degenerate
am i a degenerate
How much money can you make by whoring out your child like this on Youtube?
That's obviously what's happening here, but I don't know how much dosh you get from 5 mill. views.
Well, since you bring it up there's actually still a shitload of slavery in the world. What are you doing about it?
I don't know about wanting meat-eaters to die but if you're a vegan I think you're kind of obliged to go about it in a way where you try to convert other people. You're arguing that animals are worth saving, I don't understand how you can just passively hold that belief.
that 2.5 minutes seemed like a lifetime
Because I'm not mentally ill.
You do realize that this actually was the stance of the vast majority of population in slave owning societies right?
Being vegan sucks and tends to alienate a lot of people, and besides it's mostly a political stance rather than a diet or lifestyle choice
Eating a whole plant based diet is much more sound, convenient and beneficial
i'll never buy any animal products for myself but i value the societal worth of a person cooking a meal for me more and i'll gladly eat it even if it's a non-vegan option
i know there is zero reason why we're put on this piece of shit planet but i simply don't want to poison this place up or cause discomfort to animals cause i loves le nature
would be a different story if we actually needed animal products to survive, but we don't and they're pure luxury because they're fucking delicous. you can make good shit without it, so yeah
i also believe the hardcore convincing shit doesn't work, i never did for me. changed my eating habits purely by self research, which is how anyone in life should make decisions
I'm expressing my deepest concern about it on an Iranian iron pan imageboard.
Very funny. I honestly like the humor on this board.
I'm not vegan, but by what metric are people;s lives objectively more important? Are the retarded worth less than the average person? Would the intelligent be morally justified in slaughtering the average for their convenience, so long as they treated them well in the interim? They're only worth less if you adopt the mindset of "I only care for the success of my own", but in that case, you should really be saying "my family is worth more than the rest of humanity" or "I am more valuable than anybody and occasionally chose to help others because I feel like it", because at least embracing a supremacist mindset in those ways would actually help you, rather than being a moral convenience to help you sleep at night.
The metric of selfishness. Human persistence is rooted in preservation of the self, or preservation of the things most like us. Individuals who fight to preserve things that are not like themselves get thrown under the bus by the same things they're trying to preserve, because they sacrifice their self preservation for the persistence of something else. Everyone dresses this up differently, whether implicitly or explicitly, but it's the core of survival. There's a reason why apparently "selfless" tendencies are practised more by people in positions of financial or social security. They've got less need to watch out for themselves and can afford to focus their attention on others.
Try waking up with it stuck in your head
That guy is actually insane. I hate him
I'm gay so Idk if eating dick is vegan
John is pure KINO
I dont even mind giving him views, I hope he continues doing this shit
Because meat is tasty
I don't feel that good without having some animal product in my meals, I don't feel satiated. Since I'm able to digest lactose I assume that there's something beneficial in it for me.
I respect vegans who do it because they dislike the poor conditions on a lot of farms and all of the death, my problem lies with the ones like in OP's pic who turn people who eat meat into an enemy to be defeated. That doesn't help the animals and usually only serves to fulfill an anger addiction or virtue signalling in some vegans. You'll never turn everyone into a vegan and trying to do so is pointless. I think a better way to help animals is lab-grown meat. I've even seen a bunch of vegans say they would start eating meat or other animal products again if it was from a lab-grown source.
Though I'm a little wary about lab-grown meat and other similar products right now because they're making it without the lactose or heme iron which could be beneficial in some ways, but I'm hoping once the technique to make it is more refined they'll be able to create perfect replicas of "real" meat with all the same nutrients.
Animals are a nutritious food source and there's quite a few animals out there; overpopulation is an issue of course but it's illegal and often unhealthy to eat poor people.
Is that a boy or a girl?
I enjoy the fact that something had to die so that I could eat. Also vegans are scum and so is their food.
It's a vegan
Easy: The same I'm doing about animal agriculture: not participating in it.
No shit, why else do you think I'd make such a post? It's my entire point you halfwit.
It's hot either way...
What kind of retard logic is that? I'm able to digest coca cola, that doesn't mean it's beneficial for me.
I'm vegan and working in NYC this summer. Been to a few of these vegan meetups since I don't know any myself at home (and also I know no one in NY).
Every single time guys are outnumbered 1:3 or more, but 3/4ths of the girls are just "Oh I'm not really vegan, I just love pizza too much so I cheat once in a while teehee~~~" or "Yeah I'm vegan, but I eat fish when it's at a restaurant" or "I've been trying to become vegan for 4's so hard!!!!". I'd understand if you didn't ask the waiter if there's milk in the bread or if you weren't too picky about honey, but this is ridiculous.
And either the guys are socially autistic like me or hipsters, but they're all actually all vegan. I have never met a guy who said "I'm trying to become vegan."
it's pretty silly imo when the majority of a vegan meetup isn't even vegan, just pretending
because i love to eat pussy
It's not like Coke was a naturally occurring product that some people evolved to be able to digest, it's a man-made product. Lactose is found in breast milk, so it's good for most people, at least when they're growing children. Lactose has also been shown to be beneficial for your digestive system by creating healthier bacteria.
Something like 1 dollar every thousand views I think. And after that there are taxes, you would get like two thousands dollars
This one is actually pretty good
>I'm vegan
thats why i call people faggots
This is both hard to watch and catchy at the same time.
Because I'm not some smug asshole who follows popular trends.
There's a reason why all vegans have Skrillex hair and wear skinny jeans. They're slaves.
Because I'm not a faggot
the best anti animal eating band is die antwoodr
Sounds like you should be less socially retarded and use these meet ups to get laid
turn the tv off and go to bed, grandpa
Because I like meat, eggs and dairy too much
makes you think
Has anyone reported this kid to child protection yet? It's disturbing seeing that image every time I check here.
Because I don't want to be weak
Post food related YTP/MAD's
This has been debunked countless times...
Most of those things are actually usually vegan, and the ones that aren't, aren't even necessary or you can easily find vegan alternatives...
Say the vegan whose food is likely picked my modern day slave labor.
Because I'm not some limp-wristed nu-male cucklord.
>if we actually needed animal products to survive, but we don't and they're pure luxury
You can survive without them but that doesn't make them a luxury. It's high quality protein that your body can more easily absorb than it does from plant sources. Vegetarians/vegans have been shown to have less muscle mass than meat eaters, even when consuming similar amounts of protein and exercising the same ways. You can survive without them but you might not thrive.
this is extremely catchy
I hate myself
2 words. vegan. gains.
I think I'm a pretty empathetic person but I don't give a FUCK about animals. As long as we don't fuck up the ecosystem I could care less about what they do at a meat factory.
I unironically support enslaving the entire prison population and stripping them of all human rights
There are innocent people in prison.
if you can't prove your innocent your not innocent
>used your instead of you're twice
>you have no argument
>cant greentext properly
Because I lack the discipline and enjoy meat. I try to limit my intake though and buy from local and responsible farms
A number of wrongly convicted people sitting on death row have been exonerated due to DNA testing. Some after their appeals were exhausted.
Why should I bother arguing against that? There's a reason the phrase isn't "guilty until proven innocent". Your way of doing things just punishes innocent people.
so theyve still been proved innocent?
that phrase is true in other countries, yours isnt the only one
>yours isnt the only one
didn't say it was
yet you say guilty till proven innocent isnt the phrase. it is here and other countries
oh, i misunderstood. well, that's still a bad way to think about it because like i said, you just end up punishing innocent people. that's bad for society in the long run, it'll make people unhappy and turn against it.
is he crazy or something
Because it is impossible to actually be a vegan in the curent modern industrial society.
And I don't want to be a huge hypocrite by pretending all the things I use every day don't contain animal bits.
I also enjoy meat because it is delicious.
>tfw unironically think blacks are a slave race and wouldnt mind if they were slaves again
Daily reminder Euoropeans have been eating meat for nearly 500,000 years evidence of ~400,000 year old hunting spears found in Germany. If you're a shitskin having a diet of 80% vegetables is fine but for Whites meat is a big portion of our diet of which we have been acustomed to