What is the superior hard candy?
What is the superior hard candy?
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Step aside, butterscotch.
Butterscotch and cinnamon discs are probably my two favorites, but Top Fucking Tier award goes to Butter Rum Lifesavers when I can find them.
stop raiding grandma's purse anons
berry fruit drops.
Did you steal these from my mom's purse? Put them back, she'll be pissed.
What were those candies that where like or and white swirls and tasted like cream orange? They used to be in every Walgreens but now I can't find them T_T
This guy gets it
Thank you based Grandma.
Le BAEDSEDS hang yourself faggot dindu niggerlover
Barley Sugar.
>Being this mad because your grandma was literal garbage
Stay mad faggot!
>YFW faggots in england literally call hard candy "boiled sweeties"
I haven't had these in years but they're great
Escuzzi, 'scuzzi, best candy coming through
>trash pile on holloween
Are those the same ones as from Graveyard of the Fireflies?
I'm more of a Haribo Gold fan myself. Hard candy is usually meh for me.
Yeah those. Fuck haven't seen them in years
None, sweets are for children. Grow up.
Actually the elderly have the highest consumption of candy, so go suck a dick since you seem to like the savory taste so much.
This guy gets it.
If we're also bringing Japanese candies into the mix, then things get a little more complicated for me. But Werther's wins over all American hard candies hands-down.
These or pic related. I fucking love these, but they're fucking expensive to import.
The main ingredient is cocaine.
because werther's was already posted
Fucking this, my mouth bleeds from how many I eat when i get them.
werthers originals or something like that
I fucking love these
Hoshit, I need these
I know it's not the best hard candy. But for me, it is.
I like the Mexican stuff with lead acetate.
Totally forgot they existed.
Cool numbers. Those candies were delicious. Haven't had one in a while, though.
mcchicken posting should be bannable
Step aside.
Imagine being this wrong.
No one fucking likes lemon flavored candy you total autist. You must be really medicated to think that lemon candies are better than strawberry. Are you stupid or were you born without a tongue?
>eating candy
Children are not allowed on this board.
Yeah okay sure, except those things don't taste like strawberry, they taste like red.
Besides, ginger and caramel are superior to both of them.
Came here to post this, but the first post (best post) had me covered
kek those were only good when there was nothing else
I refuse to believe these are anything other than candy.
I will never understand why artificial banana is such a commonly hated flavor. It's the best
are after dinner mints considered hard candy?
It is the best. I fucking love fake flavor banana ice cream
Fun fact: It's flavored from an extinct breed of bananas.
rootbeer barrels are the correct answer. everything else can suck a hard one
A name that makes you sound like a child when you say it, packaging that looks cringey as fuck, but damn good candy. It can really help with nausea and motion sickness too on account of it being made with a fuckload of real ginger.
>that first Nip of the day
between these two the thread is already over.
And these
Not candy, go fuck yourself sperg
Cough Drops have no business tasting this good.
>not posting GOAT cough drop
You had better stop it. Go make a cough drop thread instead of posting here.
apparently artificial banana flavor is based of a strain of bananas that doesn't exist anymore and thats why they dont taste like the bananas you can buy today.
That's a myth for facebook moms. Artificial banana is basically just one chemical.
I hate anything artificially banana flavored. Hell I don't even like regular bananas unless they got some green in them.
They had limited edition banana minion tic tacs at one point. Literal best thing ever.
These things are incredible.
I used to buy these things all the time because it's socially acceptable for an adult to eat cough drops, but not candy. My coworkers thought I was always sick.
I love lemon candies.