How many meals do you eat a day Veeky Forums? Do you snack in between? How sizeable are those meals?
Eating Frequency
Jonathan Sanchez
Eli White
What are you my doctor?
Andrew Garcia
what's it to you kid, that's a lot of effort on my part
Dylan Wright
Eating is a hassle to me anymore. 12 hour days are wearing.
Jacob Baker
Doctor? No, I'm just your mortician...........................and I'll be sending you to an early GRAVE!!
Joshua Campbell
Once a day. Usually a normal sized meal.
David Cruz
That's unhealthy you autistic fuck
Tyler Robinson
12 hour work days are not worth living for
you should find new work or commit suicide
Bentley Gonzalez
i also eat once a day
i never feel hungry and 1 meal fills me
Julian Thompson
Very radical second option you proposed there.