I don't have a fryer
I was thinking of getting an Air Fryer because its supposed to be healthier and I dont have to fuck around with changing oil
How are they, actually good, or just a meme?
I don't have a fryer
I was thinking of getting an Air Fryer because its supposed to be healthier and I dont have to fuck around with changing oil
How are they, actually good, or just a meme?
>Air Fryer
Just use an oven ya dingus
>new trendy device that does the same shit but wants to be different and rape you of money
I swear to fucking god if I have to deal with more of this libtard shit on a daily basis I'm going fucking smash a window with my fist. Stop ruining what was once a virgin society you filthy fucking mentally ill freaks
For $80 you can buy a cast iron skillet and a 5 year supply of vegetable oil
While I agree with literally everything you said, posting frog pictures makes you look like an idiot
>cooking appliance is inherently liberal or conservative
Don't listen to these poor people, if you can afford it it's great, some of the best chicken wings and fried fish I've made have come out of the Phillips Airfyer
Air friers are just shitty convection ovens
They still use oil, only like 25% as much as a normal fryer though. You still need to buy and change oil in them.
Does it taste the same as deep fried?
Because if it doesn't it's shit.
>You still need to buy and change oil in them.
No you don't, maybe spray some oil on the food before putting it in
Everything has a political bias to it user, just because you choose to be ignorant about it doesn't negate this. Yes, your actions HAVE CONSEQUENCES shithead.
Buy a ronco rotisserie and make amazing food anytime for a faction of the price. Set it and forget it friend
kys faggot
No. It has the same texture though.
Kiss young shotas?
of course, what else?
Kentucky salad
OP, as others said air fryers are shittier and more expensive convection ovens. You can't really use them like a traditional fryer and "fry" things covered in raw batter.
Why do I get this feeling that your polsci professor gave you an F for trying to submit your bullshit thesis on "Airfryers for the nu-right wing".
You can "air fry" raw battered foods. You do have to spray some oil on it I think. There's tons of YouTube vids with people doing exactly that. I'm agreeing with you otherwise, they're just shitty convection ovens. The word "air fryer" was produced for the ignorant. My wife was actually wanting one, but I convinced her otherwise.
>thinks fad products are a new thing
Veeky Forums is for people age 18 and up, young one.
Switching gears back on subject; let's say an user used a deep fryer routinely but was sick of the mess that comes with using it. Given that an air fryer is about the same size and the same power use as a conventional electric deep fryer, would it be a decent alternative?
Depends, are you right-wing or cuck-wing?
I identify as an attack helicopter and am only affiliated with my 30mm longbow. Helicopters have no need for politics.
Air fryers put less oil on stuff, but they still make everything carcinogenic. That's what browning is.
I think OP's trying to get an apples to apples comparison between a conventional deep fryer and an air fryer. I'd like to know what Veeky Forums thinks about that too. I have family that love them, but never tried them out myself.
>believing this board, or any board for that matter, is capable of dispensing actual information
Bruh get to digging in your ass and flinging shit already.
And on that note, you probably would like an air fryer, you little nancyboi.
I have one that I use for small bite size deep fryable snacks. It's basically a really small oven you can get up to max temp in 5 minutes, and makes it nice/crispy in another 5 minutes.
Don't need to add any oil, it's easy and fast.
But it's useless for fresh breadcumbed shit or obviously stuff you need to freshly batter.
tldr; it's good if you use it for 0 added oil quick baking snacks correctly.
microwave is conservative
gay shit like panini presses are liberal
>queue 30 miniute testimonial from shitty floridian house wife that only makes dry chicken
>gay shit like panini presses are liberal
Back to your cuckboard, faggot.
I want to say this but I haven't tried an air fryer yet and like the idea of dumping them in a basket instead of neatly placing on a tray.
Like most things you should ask yourself: "how much disposable income and room do I have?"
Fuck off back to [you know where].
Sorry, meant to tell this guy to fuck off;
We have one and it's pretty easy to use. However without the oil, the chips themselves lose that bit of edge. Idk how to describe it but the oil makes the chips and the air dried ones just don't taste that good desu.
conservative are tried and true methods of cooking
like cast iron pans, grills, normal pots and pans, we've been using them for centuries and no one had any problems with them
liberal appliances are progressive, even though the old way was fine they gotta find new ways to change something that works for every special snowflakes
they include slap chop, air fryers, soda stream
You're technically correct, but your bias is showing. What if there are good and delicious new ways of cooking out there that have yet to be discovered? Sure some of these things are pretty dumb and useless, but why stifle that creativity by shooting down every new thing that people come up with just because it's new and the old stuff works? That's the path that leads to stagnation.
It's called capitalism and consumism
some people actually have good salaries and want to spend their money on useless trinkets
live and let die
>be me
>be NEET
>be having allowances and access to a car
>be living free under parents in basement
>be never wanting to go upstairs to see parents so buy an air fryer
>go out to walmart everyday and buy chicken strips for $4 a bag
>cook it in air fryer
>best chicken stripes ever had
Since no-one else is bothering to do anything other than squeeze out massive polshits everywhere:
Deep Frying
>makes everything delicious and crispy
>can do all kinds of random tasty shit with a huge pan of boiling fat
>doesn't care about age of potatoes
>makes everywhere smell
>storing liquid in the pan is shit (solids are okay tho)
>spilled oil is a fucking nightmare to clean out of cupboards
>have to wait for everything to cool before tidying
>have to regularly replace oil/fat to avoid strange tastes/smells
>sometimes the oil/fat you prefer is not available in the quantities you need to fill the pan
>tedious to clean
Air Frying
>no smells
>uses basically fuck all oil
>can be left while you fuck off and do something else
>doesn't use a hob ring so you have more space for other cookery fun
>cleaning is no harder than washing a dish out
>can use any kind of oil you like (and also solid fats, but you need to preheat those or run it for 5 mins to melt it)
>not any quicker than actual frying
>doesn't really crisp things all that well
>you have to go through an elaborate pantomime of towel drying things you put in b/c moisture will stop it cooking evenly
>you can't just throw any old spuds in there - old ones won't cook properly
>completely incapable of cooking sweet potatoes and similar 'hard roots'
>can't do things like doughnuts and wigan poached eggs
Fors and againsts for both.
They make very good fries and nuggets.
You don't need to use any oil and the product is fine. If you do use oil it's not wildly better so if you are concerned about the amount of oil just skip it. Although it's not a lot of oil so I wouldn't worry.
I own a different older model design that includes rotating paddle that moves the food about a non stick cooking vessel but it's the same idea.
Much much better than an oven for making fries.
It is not a convection oven. A convection oven has a fan to mix the air inside around to better exchange the heat with the dish or food. These blast the food with high heat high speed air in a much more rapid process.
t. gay 40 year old
the only two relevant responses so far, thx anons
had one for about 2 years best pizza re heater,
fine to cook crumbed thing s chicken strips etc.
>gay shit like panini presses are liberal
never change Veeky Forums
Can someone point out exactly when /pol/tards started considering literally everything they don't like synonymous with liberals
you can shake up fries in the air fryer. flipping fries on a tray is a pita.
since /pol/ was created
Copying the SJWs seemed like a good idea to them: everything shall be political!
So now we're stuck with two groups of lunatics and there's at least one of them wherever you go. And they refuse to fight each other too, the pussies. They both prefer going after people that don't want to get involved, because they don't really fight back much.
>Sous vide is liberal
>muh horseshoe
k enjoy believing in nothing
Hey a while back the was a cast iron skillet thread and I got amazing advise on seasoning after having issues for months
there's a difference between believing in nothing and wanting to keep politics out of hobbies.
both ends of that horse shoe are why we can't have fun playing video games.
>muh vidya gums
lol go out and get a date nerd faggot
get a toaster oven