Can I drink distilled water for a week or what?

can I drink distilled water for a week or what?

I'm trying to find answers and both camps of whether it's good or not all sound like raving bro science retards.

I'm cutting weight, I need to eliminate as much sodium and excess water from my body as I can. Should I drink distilled water or what?

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If there is a local spring go there and collect your own water.

If you really want the results you crave go vegan or eat strictly organic and do 30 minutes of moderate cardio like running twice per week.

Your body fat is going to stick around if you are consuming animal products, especially without cardio.

Yes, yes you can drink distilled.


let me be more clear here.
I weigh 209 lbs as of today, as of the 21st I must weigh 186. I don't have much more fat to give up so I will be going through the process of flushing and dehydrating myself until weigh ins, then spending the rest of the night eating noodles, pedialyte, and sitting with an IV in my arm so I am as close to my normal weight as possible 24 hours later.

so I am considering using distilled water as what I flush with, since it starts with drinking 4 gallons over the next 2 days to trigger the hormonal response I need

your kidneys will shutdown after a few days

>24 hour weigh ins
Lifting or wrassling? Either way, 24 hour weigh ins are fucking retarded and only inspire people to do stupid shit like this.

Are you worried about your precious bodily fluids?

You should do it for being such a retard

no you can't, it will make you really sick and leads to a kidney failure and maybe death.

You can drink distilled for the rest of your life if you really wanted, most additives in tap water are there as an alternative to distillation (chlorine to sanitize the water, as an example) or are for different things (flouride for dental health).

The only thing "bad" about distilled water is that it is expensive to produce and does not taste good (trace minerals in the water is what gives water its taste and mouthfeel).

>and does not taste good (trace minerals in the water is what gives water its taste and mouthfeel).
I've never understood people who say this
Distilled water tastes fantastic
I like mineral water just fine, and my tap water is good enough where I don't even need to buy bottled water, but the pure flavor of distilled water is delicious

Distilled water literally tastes like nothing and feels like cool. It's very off putting the first few times.

>It's very off putting the first few times
I struggle to understand how anyone can feel this way. It's literally just water. Like, maybe if you grew up eating the exact same meal every day and you only ever tasted the tap water from your area, no other tap water, and certainly not any kind of bottled water, maybe it would seem like a shock. But you'd have to have a nearly lab-quality level of isolation from variety from birth up to say, late childhood or early adulthood. Does that describe you?

It is probably best if you try this one yourself, OP. Try it out for a week or, better, a month and examine the effects, good or bad, that it has on you. I have only heard about good effects resulting from consumption of distilled (pure, and thus absorbant) water; more energy, clearing of brain fog, less social anxiety, etc.

>wants to avoid bro science retards
>comes to Veeky Forums

wrassle nigga!

submission only, normally when I lose its because I get teched on points. but in this case since its sub only I want to give myself an advantage

Distilled water heals all!

Please eat a bullet.

Yes, you can drink distilled water.

As long as you're eating regularly, you'll be fine.

First off I would restrict to a 1500 calorie diet until weigh in. Next I would avoid excessively salty food. Salt is going to make you retain water. Drinking a bunch of water isn't going to do much for you besides keep you hydrated. If you still need to cut down, sweat it out the day before. Just sit in the sun and sweat it out.

You're 23 pounds over? You need to lose some actual bulk at this point. You can lose _maybe_ 8% mass by dumping water and glycogen before the weigh-ins, so you've got maybe five pounds of lean mass to lose unless you're willing to risk not making weight. OR risk not being able to bring your performance back up after the weigh-in.

Drink whatever sort of water you like. Distilled is fine if you're somehow concerned about trace minerals messing with your metabolism, but there's probably no way in hell you're planning your diet out over the next week in sufficient detail for this to matter.