ITT: things that are illegal in your kitchen

ITT: things that are illegal in your kitchen

>cutting chicken on a wooden cutting board instead of plastic

Dumbos like you.

An absence of garlic.

Gross conversation or behaviour.


Smoking or drugs. People that smoke while cooking need to die.

unredeemable table manners

Vegans. Requirements are a plenty of onions and garlic

The same things that are illegal everywhere else in my country, stupid.

I use the same wooden board for everything.
I'd say cutting chicken like that pic should be illegal, though.

Other people

Must suck to live in a country where raw chicken has salmonella.

Everything, everywhere has salmonella. It's one of the most common bacteria on earth.

For some reason people associate it with chicken but that's pretty silly because it really is everywhere. It's all over you right now.

Still living with my parents for uni, culinary arts student. But yeah, she herself said she doesn't like spice-y food, so we only have salt and tumeric. I wonder if this is to be blamed for my shitty palette.

Similar cutting board things in my kitchen. There's the workhorse board that always smells like garlic and onions, the smaller board that garlic and onion never touches and a board just for meat/fish. They're all wood though, but I don't cook with animal products very often, so having a dedicated board reminds me to be aware of cross contamination, which is usually not a concern.

Leaving unwashed dishes in sink.

Wooden boards are more sterile then plastic i believe. Something to do with the capillary properties of wood

They are fine for anything but raw proteins. You don't want salmonella/ecoli seeping into your wood.

They both have pros/cons.

Wood has natural antibacterial properties, but it's also more porous and isn't dishwasher safe.

Plastic is dishwasher safe yet lacks wood's natural antibacterial properties.

But honestly this is sperging out over insignificant details. Use whatever cutting board you want to (except glass), and wash it as needed to avoid cross contamination. Problem solved. There's no reason to sperg out over sterilization, just wash it well in between raw and cooked foods.

an absence of wine

>(except glass)
Why? It seems like thick tempered glass(with rubber pads to protect it from impacts) would be the perfect cutting board surface.

>doesn't scratch/get damaged over time
>absolutely non-porous
>very easy to clean

>except glass
I want to know too.
Is it because it blunts your knife?

Glass fucks up your knife. It's pants-on-head retarded to make a cutting board from a material that's harder than your knife.

A glass cutting board is also useless for heavy chopping--you don't want to risk it breaking.



Thanks user. I thought that might be the case. I rented a short-term furnished apartment and they had a glass chopping board and dangerously blunt knives.

Thats where youre wrong. It is extremly porous.


Apparently some customers complained.


Any thing realted to curry is banned.