Are there any more annoying people than tea drinkers?
People who get annoyed by other people's choice in hot beverages.
I can't undestand why people like their drinks scalding hot, i get having a nice just above warm drink but hot is stupid. You actively must wait for your item to be comsumable am thats just bonkers.
Hardly time efficient and annoying that I ave to wait for it to be ready to drink.
The only thing more annoying than tea drinkers are fucking horse people and people who like mint chocolate
You just sip on tea, you dont drink it like you drink your choccy milk faggot
Yes, coffee drinkers.
This, and energy drink "sippers"
I find that if i dont drink a drink then and there i forget about it and find it later.
I much rather the efficientcy of a double shot espresso over the time consuming nature of tea
Well it completely depends on the situation.
Of course if you just woke and needed to go to work soon you shouldnt drink tea.
But if youre gonna sit by your computer and spend a couple of hours there, you might aswell enjoy a cup of tea.
Fuckers that go to starbucks
>choccy milk
Ameriboo babytalk is so cute.
People who come on here just to whine about things they don't like
Coffee drinkers and Energy drink fags
"Coffee achievers."
>fucking horse people
They prefer to be called "zoophiles".
tea taste delicious
is actually good for you
delivers a caffeine buzz that doesn't burn you out
there are literally no cons except if you drink it cold with lots of sugar
hate tea drinkers especially the darkies pretending to be cultured by drinking tea 24/7 and bragging about it constantly
drinking tea wont change your skin color
tea is baste as hell
My favorite tea is the Turkish Tea.
your average ``tea drinker''
ugly nigger
kiss you sis
die racist
me right before i open fire on every teanorm in the vicinity
tea n a smoke... nothin better
baste rptron
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tea haha
Do you LOVE the memes in this thread? Come visit where they're made at himasugi dot org!!
basted neetblog
virus do NOT click
nice iplogger
any tards
Doesn't look like a logger to me!
groan funs over
I'd just like to tell you something I learned in my health class today. All you tea drinkers out there, who think they are getting great health benefits are idiots. You are drinking leaves, how is that healthy? Your just drinking chlorophyll!
90% of the people who drink tea on this site are just fucking WEEABOOS. You drink tea just because the JAPS do it. Well, the JAPS have you conned. The other 10% are just britfags, and you are excused, because you are naturally fucking morons. Tea is just a LEAF! Japs aren't smart. You see how shitty their Yen is? You think that someone, who can't even keep a good economy, has the intelligence to know how good tea is? Bullshit.
Enjoy your diluted organic particles and chlorophyll, you've all been conned by the crafty, yet idiot NIPS.
that wasnt me
I've never seen a tea person even talk about tea. I drink tea and I don't talk about it.
Most coffee drinkers will talk about that shit.
die teanorm
Fuckin laughed at the filename mate.
hb finished my fried rice drinking some peppermint tea rn
iced tea > coffee > tap water > hot tea
Op here, to clearify; the annoying people are those who make their tea-drinking into a big deal like; "Lol I drink so much tea jesus christ I just Love tea"
I am le classy gentlesir with my earl grey teabags ;)
Where else should I go for some light roast when I happen to be in a Euro-catholic place during the twelve days of xmas when my usual smaller cafes are closed?
this is what the average tea drinker looks like
Americans I presume.
Other tea drinkers of the world don't make threads about their usual daily drinks.
i thought there's gotta be something special and appealing about tea 'cause billions drink it, and it's so prominent in culture.
but it just fucking sucks so much.
is it the caffeine? it's gotta be the caffeine.
>I can't undestand why people like their drinks scalding hot
Don't ask me, I drink mine iced.
I drink tea because I like flavored water.
why are you doing this, ulillilliafag?
Big talk for someone whose culture is probably tendies and cuckold porn.
Microwave popcorn burners
Yogurt cup scrapers
Indoor sunflower seed spitters
would play D&D with
Tea is fucking dope.
I like how Earl Grey can taste sweet without actually any sugar.
I mean coffee is fine coffee is not relaxing and it never really good. It's always going to be bitter.
You're not meant to knock it back, you nonce.
>thing is good because it's sweet
>thing is bad because it's bitter
Are you 12?
is tea the best value sip?
Adding sugar isn't devil-worship or anything
Yes, people who complain about other people's beverages.
I've just switched from black to green. I enjoy the benefits of my green tea.
I'm asian and I don't even wear glasses, fuck you. Drinking green tea in the warm is the best feeling ever. And another 2 cups of ginger & lemon in the evening makes my day, also my skin looks much healthier. Can't say the same for you coffee drinkers though.
Yes all of us fools who drink chinese tea and talk about how normies drink it for the taste are weeaboos
>Drinking green tea in the warm is the best feeling ever
I meant morning.
Having some shitty loose leaf green tea after breakfast from the tea jew Teavana. It's all I have atm. Can anyone recommend some real loose leaf green?
>t. Boss Hogg
People who use the word "beverage".
So, what you're saying is, is that you're goddamn retarded.
Are you legitimately like actually retarded?
yes, /sip/pers
People that populate image boards trying to force an opinion-based us/them mentality to make up for their empty, prosthetic lives .
welcome to britain mother fucker
Yep, coffee drinkers.
Coffee is shit tier
t. My retarded housemate
coffee cucks are the worst
I have a cup of tea with my cereal as I watch the news in the morning.
How can you even remotely find that annoying?
Unless you were generalizing and it is the people who think omg they are so fahncy drinking the stuff. Then correct, they are annoying cunts
>butt-blasted tea fags
Way to prove OP right.