What do you think about ben and cherrys just a meme?
>is x a meme
Try actually constructing a sentence next time, retard.
there are better less expensive brands that don't support literal communist subversion.
What brands?
this X1000 All ben and jerry eaters should be shipped to Canada post haste
>getting triggered by ice cream
man, this has been a wild couple of years
I'm a big Chunky Monkey man.
No Tillamook in Northwest Wisconsin. All the local creameries pushed out everything national except B&Js and Haagen.
>Only buy Ice Cream for milkshakes
>Ben and Jerry's is full of pea sized hoarfrost that never get blended
Just awful
normally I would agree with you here but ben and jerry is particularly shameless
>3 digit pin
anyone can crack that within 5 minutes
>implying they are wrong
>giving a shit.
I still eat at Chick-fil-A. The only people who whine about this shit are liberals and now triggered conservatives I guess
Deciding to not financially support an anti-American company is hardly being triggered. It's the exact opposite.
Never getting a penny from me again
>being concerned about the rape and destruction of America by drooling idiots is now unpatriotic
wew lad
Don't engage him, that's what he wants.
>not supporting an anti-american company is hardly being triggered
That's why I don't financially support Chikfucka. It's anti-american to deny citizens equal rights because of your worship and interpretation of some 2000 year old jewish sticks and bones.
or you could just cut the bottom out of the container.
marriage isn't a right, it never has been, and that's why the premise of your entire argument is flawed
>they are such cucks even their icecream has a chastity cage
I was thinking the same thing. I'd do it just to fuck with the person who bought the damn thing.
Tried Ben & Jerry's for the first time yesterday. Half baked.
Never had ice with cookie dough in it either so I don't know shit about how it is supposed to be.
I liked it a lot but I prefer Häagen-Dasz Macadamia Nut brittle.
I bet you are baby
Reddit plz go
>muh communists
>the you realise b&j supports a domestic terror organisation
An ice cream company supports domestic terrorists. What time line is this?
Yeah but didn't some of they're funding go to gay conversion camps and end up in the hands of people trying to pass laws in Africa against being openly gay
gays are a perversion that needs to be ended. I personally struggled with this vice for many years before going to gay conversion camp. months of painful electroshock therapy finally taught me to associate pain with sexual gratification and now I can only ejaculate when I'm starting at christ's nude, blood-soaked body nailed to a cross
Hallelujah, brother! Welcome to the fold of god fearing pedophiles, masochism, sadism and supressed homosexuality! We go to bed at night saying our "Lay me down to sleep" chant and our sins our forgiven! We can start up tomorrow morning free and clear!
fake news ice cream is turning the frogs gay
I don't think it's that good desu but I'm addicted to 1 of their "core" flavors because I'm disgusting and fat and theres really no good substitute for it.
>It's anti-american to deny citizens equal rights because of your worship and interpretation of some 2000 year old jewish sticks and bones.
This doesn't explain why asian countries deny the "right" the marriage but ok
>but what about that country
>see? you're a hypocrite until you change that other country too!
why do right wing retards think this is an argument?
been and jerries ain't great unless you like levels of sugar through the roof. It's not good it's just sweet and flavorful, you can taste the mediocre quality of the actual ice cream
>5.49 USD a pint
try again
You first, Jamal, that is if your Jew master doesn't do it first because you outlived your usefulness.
That's the funny thing about reds. They hate capitalism, but they benefit from it. Why you think all of these so called "proletariat" are rich fuckers who think they'll be supervisors and shit when 1917 commences again?
I really like Chunk Monkey, but I rarely eat ice cream. On the rare occasion that I want some, I'll go with a brand that's not over-priced and not run by SJW faggots. Fuck B&J.
I think they're pretty good, honestly. Not the best ever, but certainly delicious. My favorite is Cherry Garcia and I miss the one that had the chocolate and white chocolate cows in it. That shit was the bomb.
>tfw developed eating disorder in high school and have only eaten normal, non-low-calorie ice cream like three times in the past 10 years
Vermont is one of the whitest states in the nation. Just sayin'.
I like turkey hill all natural
Is there anything bad about the local brands or is it just a matter of price? Wisconsin has some outstanding dairy.
wtf i hate the environment now
whats wrong with communism
this is cute
Do people really not buy a company's product because of their political stance? I'm gay as fuck and still eat at Chic Fil A. Y'all faggots need to grow up.
>b-b-but it's the ess-jay-dubyoos that are always getting triggered!!!
It's called "voting with you wallet" you stupid faggot. Ever heard of boycotts? Not the kind that you have sex in I mean. They've been around for thousands of years. It's YOU who needs to grow up.
B&J are a loathsome company on par with pederasts. You being gay and having no moral standards doesn't mean the rest of us are deviant cunts.
>butthurt that people don't buy a product you like for reasons you don't like
>earnestly and sincerely try to pass that off as other people being butthurt
I like B&J, but even as a person who supports a lot of their political stances I can see how their presentation would be really fucking annoying. "We've been trying to pay higher taxes for years" was the stupidest thing any American said in the last election cycle. I don't boycott them, but I live in Commiefornia where there are lots of local options for fancypants ice cream.
>Mfw i can only get one scoop
What an unbelievably obnoxious company
>you're triggered if you choose not to give your money to a company that turns around and donates it to a group responsible for killing multiple police officers
ok sweetie
>climate change and how fucked the EPA is
these are stupid and shameless
But you literally sound like a triggered sjw
Waaah climate change! My feefees!!!!!
Climate change is YOUR religion, m8. And it don't get more feels than religion.
You didn't refute my point. Whining that a company has certain viewpoints and refusing to buy from them makes you just as triggered as
>muh liberals
Actually kind of funny
>science is religion
Just because you can't understand the volumes of research on the subject doesn't make it religion, flat earther. You can bet your life the industries denying it have plans in place to remain viable as the climate reaches catastrophic levels.
the climate thing I can live with, as a reasonably wealthy man I deal with stupid liberals alot
But I think that is too far
Hagn dasz is better anyway ( even if I cant spell it)
What country are you from?
Some of OXFAMs funding went to african war lords aswell
turns out throwing money into the most corrupt places on earth sometimes goes wrong
I dont think he (or anyone else) said that
He said your argument about sticks and stones or whatever it was being the reason for anti-gay-marriage feeling was wrong
Is this a right wing meme or reality
If this is real im admitting I was wrong about the slippery slope and joining the alt right
>Id rather not give my money to this organisation
they're pretty good but overpriced. For my money, it's Breyer's. They're just as good but they don't have as creative of flavors
>if you dont give your money to someone you are as bad as people who: Berate and attack other people, attempt to have people fired and/or arrested for their beliefs, attempt to censor the media and deny a voice to those who disagree with them and support open violence against a democratically elected official because THEY didnt vote for them
it all checks out
It's real.
Such a shame that in Canada the only choice I have is haagendaz or ben and jerrys if I want good flavours.
How often do the Chik-fil-A owners use their restaurant to push their political agenda?
Do they wrap their sandwiches with political messages?
How many times have we heard that the polar bears will die in the next 10 years?
Or how about the Maldives being underwater?
Or the "irreversible" damage about to hit?
Climate "scientists" are just like the crazy Christians that constantly say Jesus is coming back in 2 years. They're never right, but never give up selling the exact same claim
>Berate and attack other people, attempt to have people fired and/or arrested for their beliefs, attempt to censor the media and deny a voice to those who disagree with them and support open violence against a democratically elected official because THEY didnt vote for them
Yeah I think I'll pass on your interpretation of the legitimacy of cops shooting down shoplifters who happened to be black. Bottomline, BLM does not advocate terrorism. You're panty ruffled because they engage in *omfg* peaceful protest. Just like a couple muslim or mexicans. Get an awareness Cletus. We'll all benefit, including you as you decend into the minority.
>They've been around for thousands of years.
yeah but do they work?
Daily reminder every single paper written referring to "climate change" or "global warming" has been off by at least 350% of the actual changes between 1800 and 2000.
Source (no Breitbart or Alex Jones types, please)? Protip: There is none. Brilliant.
They are dying. Their habitat is shrinking rapidly. 10 years is literally nothing.
Also there has been a serious spike in strange/severe weather phenomenon happening around the globe. People were skiing on the 4th of july in California after they just went through a historic drought
Only redditors, nigger lovers, and faggots like this brand of slop. Oh yeah, assmad liberals who voted for Hillary too :^)
ask Caesar Chavéz
They've been on the verge of extinction for decades. If they were so close to dying out, wouldn't they, you know, have died out by now?
>you can only cite sources I approve of
Wow, who would think that sources approved by the "scientific consensus" committees agree with the "scientific consensus"!
Probably if we didn't attempt to protect them.
>lol if this was a bomb, why hasn't it blown up yet?
This is your argument.
>hours pass
>more hours pass
so does that thing count down to the expiration date?
thats pretty neat
A bomb is a bomb is a bomb.
Whether it's going off in a minute, or twenty years, you better fucking prepare for it if you're not going to try and defuse it
Good point. Bombs make great studio apartment furniture, and polar bears are immortal and number in the billions.
Thanks you for posting your .jpg of truth.
They are ok.
>>butthurt that people don't buy a product you like for reasons you don't like
>>you're triggered if you choose not to give your money to a company that turns around and donates it to a group responsible for killing multiple police officers
>>Id rather not give my money to this organisation
And if liberals were doing so you would throw a shit fit
Reminder that climate scientists in the 70's were sure the world was on the verge of a catastrophic ice age, and drastic changes were needed to avoid temperatures dropping too far.
Reminder that 40 years is barely a middle aged man in america.
Why is preparing for the inevitable so shunned by retards? Climate change is a historical fact, regardless of human interaction
>he's STILL moving the goalposts
I'm not, since a decade, or 4, isn't even a blink of the eye.
>I'm not
The entire point I'm making is that the stated time for things to happen is ALWAYS wrong.
If anything ever happens, it's always far later than the original claim.
Yes they're scientists not fortune tellers. They interpret the data and form a hypothesis.
>science is based around predicting what will happen
>group of people claim to be scientists yet never successfully predict anything
>"uhh this is science not fortune telling"
>"but if you claim that we're full of shit because we can't predict anything you're denying the scientific consensus and in the pocket of big oil"
Ah I get it, you don't actually know what science is. Stop voting.
that's the thing though, scientists sort of are fortune tellers. The very core of science is being able to predict something will happen and they can't do it
their supportive data is based on the inaccurate models they themselves are creating, not on anything the earth is actually doing
and its kind of unfortunate you are turning a blind eye to what is really going on with this climate scare nonsense.
1, scientists will say what ever you want them to say if it means they get more grant money. Money isn't given to scientists skeptical, only studies setting out to prove it get funded
2, I want to mention the climate accords for a moment because the only purpose for that was to hurt the USAs trade power by siphoning money from us and making us pay out millions to our competitors. Reminder: if those stayed in place we would be sending money to russia and china because they are considered developing countries
>program supposedly meant to help the climate
>gives money to the biggest polluters around