R8 my food lads

R8 my food lads

Looks like you got some blood in your cum. I would go to a doctor.

It's Australian BBQ sauce

Pizza with Doritos, oregano and ketchup? And berry preserves on the side?

Why so much oregano???

I like oregano
It's lingonberry jam

Lingonberry jam goes with literally everything

>It's lingonberry jam
Points for being ethnically diverse then, you've got Tex-Mex, Italian, American, and Scandinavian food all on one plate.

Points off for that handful of oregano and ketchup on pizza though, it looks vile.


It's not ketchup it's Australian BBQ sauce


That's a little better actually, though most BBQ sauce is just ketchup with smoke flavoring.


Idk what this shit is but it tastes good

Tortilla chips with smoked reindeer spread as dip
Bretty gud

Boi, I like oregano myself, but that's a crazy amount of oregano on one square slice

>Idk what this shit is
It literally says what it is right on the front of the bottle my man

That's a rectangle

Fight me irl

Mine is better

I'm 10 feet tall and super ripped, you'll lose

>10 feet tall
Manlet confirmed

do you want some food with your spice?