>GMO's are risk-free and saf-
GMO's are risk-free and saf-
Please present citation. In order for the precautionary principle to apply, you must still present evidence that it COULD be a threat to public safety and health. Which has not been done.
>this is an automated message from Monsanto payroll. 0.05 cents has been deposited into your account.
>Customers are forced to buy GMO foods and don't have the choice of purchasing organi-
> literally every point is completely devoid of any evidence that GMOs are harmful
Salt rock shill pls go
Fuck off.
>ebin unsourced infographic
bringing us to a total of .25 cents deposited
>valid criticisms are shilling
John Mackey pls go
>Muh Monsanto boogeryman
Even if the President did hate women, blacks, mexicans, muslims, asians, the poor, and the gays... why is that bad?
being skeptical is not necessarily being scientific. science is fact-based but tentative
isn't this like fallacious arguing or something
le race realism eggsdee
>Golden rice isn't necessary to solve vitamin A deficiency
>poor people just need to take supplements or grow more crops
This is silly, there's no way that poor people who aren't getting enough food are going to be able to make their own supplements, meaning they'll have to stay reliant on others. They obviously can't grow more crops or they would be doing that already. But at least if their rice gave them vitamin A they could keep growing it on their own and eliminate one of their current health problems.
Nice deflection tactic faggot
> fiction: a bunch of fairly basic normal statements
>fact: a bunch of hand-wringing zero-content conclusory conjectures made at autistic shrieking noise levels by scientific illiterates
Yeah, I know which side I believe.
hyphenposters go pls
Poor people actually refuse to eat golden rice, or brown rice for that matter because it is seen as low status. They will literally trade it for white rice if you give it too them and refuse to cultivate it.
How much did Whole Foods pay you to post this? Bezos, is that you?
>i don't have an argument so I'll call them shills
>implying that freedom exist
People should be protected from themself
Study for X$$$X
Counter-study against X$$$X
A century of bullshit push by shit media
case closed