>Depressed, anxious, etc
>Not celiac
>Abstain from eating gluten for 30+ days
>Depression goes away
>Start losing weight
What gives Veeky Forums? I thought wheat wasn't harmful
>Depressed, anxious, etc
>Not celiac
>Abstain from eating gluten for 30+ days
>Depression goes away
>Start losing weight
What gives Veeky Forums? I thought wheat wasn't harmful
You have developed acute liberalism.
You can be sensitive to almost anything, doesn't have to be an actual allergy.
Through natural selection or genetic manipulation, much of the wheat that is being produced now has higher gluten content. Concentrations of other proteins inside the plant that have a function of fighting off pests (such as menthol, nicotine and capsaicin in their respective plants) could conceivably also have increased over the decades.
You could be allergic or sensitive to these proteins.
just googled this:
alternative explanations:
-you are sensitive to some kind of additive that is used in the bread factory of the wheat products you source. E.g. I know through a journalistic story, pizza makers in italian pizzerias use 'reinforced flour' to make their pizza. None of them knew exactly what that was, just that the competition was using it and thus they needed to use it. It turned out it was reinforced with extra starch (I immagine corn or potato) to make the dough more elastic.
-you are sensitive to some man-made pesticide used on the wheat crops (unlikely)
-you are sensitive to the waste products of a bacterium that has infected the wheat crop (unlikely)
-a type of microbe has taken residence in your gut that processes gluten into waste products that your body has a sensitive reaction to (plausible)
the best thing to do is to have a friend help you conduct an experiment where you don't know if you're consuming a gluten-water mixture every day or a non-gluten-water mixture. It could be a passing sensitivity to gluten or even a nocebo effect.
>menthol, nicotine and capsaicin
>In wheat
Jesus Christ
Dont need to be celiac to feel better when you lay off the gluten jew.
There's cyanide and uranium in quite many vegetables. Not a problem to 99.9% of people.
>start to notice and take care about what you eat
>lose weight because of this
>stop being depressed because of this
it's not rocket surgery
>stop shooting heroin
>start sucking dicks again
Guy can't get a break
Conspiracy when?
This. You just inadvertently cut a lot of carbs/extra calories out of your diet OP. Losing weight tends to make people feel better. Exercise is also great for depression.
>be shit-eating fat fuck
>start caring about diet and health
>get healthier
>wtf i'm not depressed any more
>having hallucinations and persecution fantasies
>stopped smoking meth and playing video games
>suddenly no more hallucinations, start felling much better
Fucking video games, seriously
Holy shit, this is bad
>in their respective plants
Do you not know how sentences work?
Yeah I bet that's an objective article right there. Did you know that there are trace amounts of heavy metals in basically all fish? And that almonds are comparatively high in cyanide? Better stay away from those increadible toxic things!
>I'm mad because there's a theory that puts into question something I enjoy everyday
Your depression went away presumably because you cut out a bunch of carbs and lost weight. Your problems weren't from gluten, they were from being a fat fuck. Stop being so stupid.
>le carbs are bad xD
All those blueberries I eat are so unhealthy !!!
>inhaling corn shakes from Dunkin Donuts all day is the same as eating fresh fruit sometimes as part of a balanced diet
this is what fat fucks tell themselves as they rip into another pint of haagen dazs chunky monkey
Nobody said that. You said le carbs xD like some anti-vaxxer ketonigger
>everyone on Veeky Forums is le same person
when people talk about reducing carb intake they don't mean "only consume canola oil and whey protein", you drooling autist
you're probably that retard who patrols booze threads to scream about whisky vs whiskey
>respond to my post with no indication youre any different
Why are you even here? Go screech on /b/ you dumb fat earther ketonigger
>mommy mommy make the mean normies go away!
rush to the fridge now and whip up some comfort food, fatty. you'll feel better in no time!
Says the obese ketonigger who thinks fruit will make him fat LMAO
I'm easily the fittest person lurking Veeky Forums at the moment and I eat not only fruit but also bread and rice on a regular basis
it's called cardio, you fat fuck
>im easily the fattest dumb fuck on Veeky Forums
Id snap in you half you scrawny little bitch
The placebo effect is very effective against fake diseases like depression and anxiety.
You felt better when you stopped eating gluten because you believed if was the cause of your misery, not because of any actual physiological connection between gluten and depression.
you'd have to catch me first, enjoy your heart attack triggered fattie
>c-c-carbs like fruit are bad!!!
Obese fuck take a shower i can literally smell you from her
>c-c-carbs like fruit are bad!!!
only one person said that, and that was you, because you're triggered by the idea of food with "weird" stuff like skin, seeds, and so on
I took a shower an hour ago, what you're smelling is creed GIT and it was literally one spray, which means you're standing way too close to me. move back before you accidentally asphyxiate another innocent victim
>one person said that
And that was you fatso. Didnt even read the other wall of text of your sperging
your actual words: looks like all that beetus is giving you brain damage, see a doctor, or preferably don't. one less fattie
I think it's time for you to fuck off.
I have a theory here. Bear with me.
Back in the day when we were hardwired to hunt and gather food basically 24/7, our brains were occupied for that and satisfied.
In a relatively short time we have become domesticated. Our brains dont know what to do.
Lol fatty getting triggered so now he's samefagging
How fucking pathetic.
not really, multiple people think you're an idiot
my favorite part of this is that you can see only ONE SINGE BEAN fully over the lip of the pitcher, which means it is already too late to avoid dumping beans on herself. This perfectly captures the moment where it went from a silly pose to actually-dumping-beans-down-her-dress.
>have skin problems
>give up dairy and gluten
>no change
>stop eating fruit
>skin gets better
Everyone is different. I'm kind of hoping in the future there will be really cheap and quick testing to find out what kind of diet works best depending on your genetics, and what foods you're allergic to.
>30 minutes to edit the script
you are a weak minded nu-male cuck who is easily psychologically manipulated
That's really weird though, sure it was that change? Maybe you just changed your towel, bed sheets or some shit.
At least I'd hope it wasn't fruits because they're awesome. Kiwis are so fucking tasty, plus everybody is advised to eat some fruits every day for health reasons.
Yeah I'm positive it's fruit, including peppers and tomatoes. It sucks sometimes, I loved eating cold mangoes during hot summers, but I'd rather be able to have milk and bread. I can tolerate apples and berries a bit better in smaller amounts. I ate a single piece of macaroni that had tomato sauce on it recently and the next day my skin had a bunch of pimples and was really itchy and sensitive. I just eat plenty of vegetables instead, so I don't think I'm really missing anything from not having fruit.
>I'm so important that people tamper with html to make me look stupid
that's the beetus brain damage talking
Lol nice damage control fatso
Pathetic fuck